Pet Hates!
By meanie
Having recently discovered that Spritzhenry has an aversion to overly spotty Toad Lilies, I thought that it may be fun to do a blog where we can have a rant about the things we hate in the garden. As an opinionated so and so I have plenty!
Please feel free to join in, and please, please, don’t be offended if someone’s pet hate is something that you love. It’s just a bit of fun!!
So here goes with a few of mine;
Pink perennial Lobelias!! Why? They’ve taken one of my favourites and messed with it for the hell of it, And the results are vile!
Packets of seed with the word “mixed”.
Flea beetles. I can deal with red spider mite. But flea beetles – they took out my Canary Creeper in two days where blackfly and caterpillars had failed!
Pink in Fuchsias! Yeah, I know, I just don’t like pink!
Pansies. Apart from my black one! And primroses. Sorry, but I just hate them!
And finally (for now), double flowers, although I must admit that my resolve is weakening a little on this one. I may just have tried the wrong doubles!
So that’s it for now. As I say, feel free to get it off your chest, and above all, please don’t be offended!
31 Aug, 2010
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i hate really straight borders filled with just bedding plants!
the weather at times too especially strong winds...
31 Aug, 2010
Weather forecast ( sometimes depressing )
Deciding when, or if, to heat the greenhouse ( normally deciding at last moment, to save on fuel bills )
Hot days & Cold days ( no two seem to come together during spring )
Paranoia ( As above )
Cardboard seeding pots ( never again, £1 shop purchase, looked good at the time )
Late frost ( hallway, bedroom, kitchen, bring um indoors," you all know what i'm talking about" )
Loads more, BUT WE ALL ENJOY IT ! DON'T WE X ;o)))))
31 Aug, 2010
Emptying and washing tubs and pots out,after summer bedding over..but satisfying when its done.
Seeds that don't germinate..windy weather..plants broken by windy weather!
Winter,use of chemical gardening products, and man who cuts next door neighbours grass,with Flymo,and sprays all my path with soil and grass cuttings...and leaves it there..!!!
31 Aug, 2010
Too many garden next door neighbour has "troll" type of things all over his me it looks like a childs fairytale playground.
1 Sep, 2010
Coleus; Dahlias; finding cat poo in my garden; Cats!!!!!; messed-about 'giant' anything; chafer grubs; and the habit of the neighbour's dog who buries food amongst my veggies and returns to dig it up after a flies have laid thousands of eggs on it which have hatched into maggots!
1 Sep, 2010
Garden solar lights
1 Sep, 2010
Ivy, brambles,buttercups,twitchy bells, straight lines of flowers,and neighbours who make a lovely garden and then just leave it.
1 Sep, 2010
Bedding plants.
Entire beds and borders of bedding plants.
Lily beetles.
Solar lights.
Garden ornaments.
Dogs coming into my garden, trampling and pooing.
Neighbours who let their garden get weed-infested and then the seeds blow into mine.
Pom pom dahlias.
Red and orange flowers.
Blue roses.
Wind damage.
Hard landscaping.
Edging the lawns after mowing.
1 Sep, 2010
Bindweed and Brambles coming through from next door garden !
Grape Hyacinth, little thugs.
Spotted Laurel, looks like it's been splattered !
Lily Beetles.
Orange flowers, especially Kniphofia.
Snow, Winter in general.
Wet and windy weather.
1 Sep, 2010
Green flowers,
Red Hot Pokers (with a passion)
Cobwebs on my garden furniture
and its spider time and daddy long legs time nearly, hate them!
1 Sep, 2010
The neighbours big hairy dog who jumped into my small pond yesterday.
Herons eating my fish.
straight lines.
Windy weather.
Clematis wilt! Arggh!
Puppies that trash my border, my fault for breeding them!
Very hot days when I have a big gardening job on and get heat stroke, not good.
Needing to mow when the mower is broken, my grass is about 4 inches long!
Flies settling into the house anytime from Autumn.
And to top it off a certain person who has had nothing pleasant to say about anything or one in our beautiful setup we got going here, when finally I asked him to stop moaning he threw away my young plants from the shared greenhouse.
I think that's definitely enough! Though glad to have the latter off my chest!
Oh and people who flap around bees and wasps, only makes them worse!!!
1 Sep, 2010
Vine weavil, slugs,
slugs and snails,
the weed ground elder,
cats /fox doing there business
wet and windy weatherthat makes a mess of the plants just when they are starting to look there best,
grape hyacinth. We inherited them 7 years ago and am still pulling them up.
1 Sep, 2010
Hate Frogs and Toads, neighbours who don't keep their gardens nice, fox droppings in the garden,clearing up all the leafs in Aurumn, and the men who cut homebirds tree down, slugs snails and all the other pest that eat my plants.yellow tomotoes, yuck.
1 Sep, 2010
Do yellow tomatoes taste different from red ones?! Funny how we all dislike the wind, no pun intended!!
1 Sep, 2010
very sweet are yellow tomatoes, I like the old fashioned red one's
1 Sep, 2010
Ahhhhh I see Yorkshire!!
1 Sep, 2010
I hate the wind in general - it gives me the creeps!!
1 Sep, 2010
Slugs and snails
Vine wevil
Wind chimes
Next door's swimming pool
Winter weather, especially snow
SPIDERS!! Ooooh the season has just started and I really, really hate them. I would LOVE all the above if it meant spiders didn't exist. :o(((((
1 Sep, 2010
petunias, neighbours 5 cats, mislabelled plants, cat poo, double primula, beds of just roses, cat damage, builders washing concrete/mortar into the borders, OH not watching where he puts his feet, squirrels digging up bulbs.
that will do for now or you will have to put me on yur list of hates :o)
1 Sep, 2010
Lily : my Mum swears that if you put a conker in each corner of a room the spiders will not appear ! Her sister does this too, she shares your dislike of them . I know it sounds daft, worth a try though. Off you go now, out to the woods to find conkers.
1 Sep, 2010
Quite agree Sbg, how could I forget that one.....husband's feet, not connected to brain especially in the garden!
My daughter tried the conkers Shirley and said it didn't work but maybe if I used lots and piled them really high.......? LOL Or would that just be somewhere else for the horrible things to hide. :o((
1 Sep, 2010
Ha ha, Lily, I haven't tried it as I would always wonder what was in the corner of the room, even though I would know it was a Conker, does that make any sense at all ? ? If I'm alone and a spider appears I just have to put an old cup over it untuil OH comes in, he's ok with them, I'm not ! Pathetic really, I'll happily let a Ladybird or similar walk on my hand, perhaps because they're slower. . . . . . lol !
1 Sep, 2010
Well, I suppose it wouldn't do if we were all the same though I must say we all do vary quite a lot. just thought of another, leaf blowers, too noisy.
By the way Lulu, I never touched your fish!! honest.
2 Sep, 2010
Well it was some kind of heron!!!
And Lily2 Housework is the worst thing of all (didn't put it down 'cos its not a gardening thing!) I find it boring and am not very good at it....only do it if I;m feeling angry!!
And another on the list is builders trashing my plants!!
Shall we do a pet like blog now!!! LOL
2 Sep, 2010
I had to include horrible housework Lulu because time spent doing it means less time spent in the garden, working or just sitting!
'Pet likes', good idea but I shall have to go and think about it - maybe do some housework at the same time eh? LOL
2 Sep, 2010
rain rain rain . blight ,its killed my toms again, just wen they were doing great boooooo ;0(((( winter ,got too much to do in garden yet . and the men who cut down homebirds tree as well . o haveing to work wen u want to b in the garden x
2 Sep, 2010
haha x o))) o.h talked me into haveing a party on sat , must b mad !!!!!!!!!! and got a french student comeing on sunday lol, shes 73 , french , she must b mad !!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Sep, 2010
omg noooooooooooo shes comeing 4 two weeks, i have students now and againe who want to improve there english lol, so we teach the gud old manc. just had an 18 year old spanish girl, and u right she loved the garden and dident want to go home. lovely girl..
2 Sep, 2010
Cats (wildlife killers), cat poo, Dogs barking incessantly, Spider mites, slugs, chafer grubs, leatherlackets, neighbours kids's ball in my garden damaging my bonsai, neighbours who think this is okay cos they're only plants (don't they realise some of these trees are older than their kids. Its my garden not an extention of their play area). Paved gardens with no plants. Cold weather, cold winds. People who think everyone in the street need to hear their music on fine days.
Boy racers who don't have a volume control in their motors when they drive into the street. Teenagers scooters without baffles going 30 mph in first gear.
I'd better stop now cos I'm getting on a roll.
4 Sep, 2010
Hi Stjohntongue. You mention that cats are wildlife killers, we have some cats that are on the site where I have my weekend house, as far as I´m concerned they keep the mouse population down. OK they do kill wild birds as well, but cats are hunting animals and they have been on this earth for a very long time...and I still have loads of birds visiting my garden...despite the cats.
4 Sep, 2010
I wish my cat would kill the mouse that has killed my Clematis!!
4 Sep, 2010
My cat is not popular with me since she caught the young Goldfinch I had been watching for two days ! Having said that, she's a fine 'mouser' !
4 Sep, 2010
Since Smokie went walkabout last year the birds have been lucky, as my other two cat's Whiskas at age 15 can not be bothered.Ollies last attempt ended with an uptipped bird bath and a rather wet cat with no bird.
4 Sep, 2010
4 Sep, 2010
lol meanie quite a list there hahah, i dont like the spotted toad lilies either or tiger lilies to, sorry to those who do, not keen on busy lizzies after tring again this year, i cant get into them really, hate watering the garden its such a pain not that we needed to here with 2 whole months of rain ;o(( and sorry you dont like pink meanie its my fav colour hahaah
7 Sep, 2010
I love pink too Meanie :D
Lots of women do, I think :o)
15 Sep, 2010
No need for anyone to apologise here - it's a "rant" blog where we can all say what we want too!!
15 Sep, 2010
Thanks Meanie!! lol !!!
I enjoy reading everybody's postings here!!!
I'm loving it, as they say on McD's adverts!!!
16 Sep, 2010
Puppy chewing my internet cable!! arhhh!!!!
21 Sep, 2010
Oh boy! Is there enough space..ahem!
Neighbours who 1) light fires without warning sometimes twice a week! 2) who mow and strim on a nice quiet afternoon when friends come to tea 3) who play rap music (especially young builders) 4) older kids (incl. grown up ones) who shout and yell in garden 5) regular parties til 2am in garden and singing Karioke on loudspeaker.
Gardens with straight lines and flowers like soldiers, bedding plants, incessant wind and rain that flattens the flowers, lily beetle, cant touch the things so cant have lilies, rose chafers, daddylonglegs, cat poo, dogs barking non stop, boy racers of any kind, mislabelled plants, bindweed and brambles in the hedge, sparrowhawks taking a blackbird, they cry so much, and SLUGS AND SNAILS! grrr
Just found this blog Meanie...fantastic!
24 Oct, 2010
Oh, forgot, blackspot and mildew..spraying it in the dark by torchlight
24 Oct, 2010
Had to laugh Tetrarch - sounds like anything that tries to co-exist with you!!!
24 Oct, 2010
Well, we never mind the little ones next door when they scream and play, and dont mind the occasional party til whatever hour (without loudspeaker tho!) BUT the neighbour that lights the fires when others have washing out and windows open then has the nerve to complain about the bloke over the allotment for doing same thing gets my dander up!
As for the rest..well at 4am in the morning with a bad back..gave me a good excuse to rant and rave without making any noise lol!
And dont tell me you are a rap fan then???
24 Oct, 2010
I do hate double standards! I hate bawling sprogs too, but I was one too once so......
Can't say I'm a rap fan, but there is some that I think is very good - the majority of it is rather crap though!
24 Oct, 2010
Dont mind the bawling sprogs too much Meanie, its the mid-teen upwards that ACT like bawling sprogs I object to!!
24 Oct, 2010
PETUNIAS are the flower I hate, they only look good if they're mass planted, look horrible on their own and they feel DISGUSTING!
24 Oct, 2010
Just got rid of ours Tetrarch - costing us more than ever now though!!!
I know what you mean Pip!!
24 Oct, 2010
they keep costing you, one way or another, til the day you cock up your toes Meanie!!
Yeah Pip, I had them for the first time this year and every time I dead headed, they stuck to my fingers..yuk!
24 Oct, 2010
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17 Aug, 2010
mowing + mowing + mowing + mowing
cold winters
rip off garden centres
end of bedding plants
blackfly, greenfly, caterpillars, slugs and snails.
not knowing enough about what I am doing.
I'm sure theres loads more but heyho
31 Aug, 2010