"Oh, I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside ...."
By nariz
We seem to have a pocket of lovely weather at the moment so, not wanting to waste it, we decided to walk in the coastal region that first started off our love affair with this fantastic place – a little pueblo called Andrin. First of all I had to tell my new best friend that he had to stay behind as we had no room for him in the car:
He looked a little sad, but I’m sure it was for the best!
We drove through the spectacular 13 km gorge and luckily came out on the coast side in the bright sunshine we’d had in the village. So often we have lovely weather in the village and head out for the beach only to find cloud and rain.
The walk was not hard – just a stroll along a muddy track to reach the cliff tops.
A lovely coffee-stop spot from which to watch the sea crashing against the vicious-looking rocks and several cormorants drying their feathers in the sun – a little difficult to see but I couldn’t get any closer!
Walking around the cliff top was fine as we kept to the track, but just off the track in many places were scary rocky holes where the sea had eroded the rock over centuries – not places to linger in!
We turned off the cliff-top track and wandered down through a ferny forest, heading for the place where the Rio Puron flowing down from the mountains meets the sea. The area had heavy growths of gorse so it was quite a prickly walk to get to the muddy cliff edge of the river.
We decided to have our sandwiches on the beach, so walked back across the cliffs, then down a steep path, stopping at the look-out point half-way down to admire the view.
There it all was – just as we remembered it – “picnic rock” in the centre of the flat sandy beach, pink granite boulders making a wobbly decent onto the sand, and “bird island” with its noisy community of nesting gulls.
The sea was still quite a way out, so we went to explore the rock pools – not expecting that the next wave was out to get me!
Nice to know I can depend on my OH with the camera to help me out in sticky situations!!! He reached the beach in safety leaving me to wobble on a rock hoping not to be swept away while he laughed like a drain!
Drama over, we settled down with lunch and watched the sea rolling in ever closer until we decided to retreat further back onto the boulders – I already had wet trouser-legs from my first foray – I didn’t fancy getting any wetter!
We walked back up the steep path to the car, passing the first Primroses in bloom I’d seen this year, a sunny patch of Coltsfoot and an unidentified out-of-reach plant nestling in the grass among some rocks.
What a lovely day – hope you enjoyed it? :o)
5 Feb, 2011
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Next post: Another Day By The Seaside
Nariz - what BEAUTIFUL photos. Really good of you to take the trouble to share your gorgeous walk with us! You made a good decision . . . seemed to have the place to yourselves? Love rock pools too, and there's something special about being at the coast in winter, with the sea crashing against the rocks: thank you! :))
5 Feb, 2011
what a lovely blog ~ put it on my favourites; i almost believed it was summer ~ thank you so much for taking us on your wonderful walk; in the wind we are currently getting i would be too scared to walk on the cliff top.
lovely to see the sea and those very pretty flowers.
5 Feb, 2011
Nariz, its lovely to sit and admire your views on our very grey,windy day,your new friend does have a very soulful look on his face, bless him but probably best that you didn`t invite him along, some of the cliff walks sound a wee bit close to the edges.
Lovely photo`s, especially your balancing act, lol.....
5 Feb, 2011
oh yes i forgot that beautiful donkey after seeing the sea ~ he is delightful ~ what a lovely face he has.
5 Feb, 2011
i enjoyed your blog nariz, thank you for the beautiful walk..lol at you in the water & love the sad face on the donkey maybe he really did want you to take him home with you ..:o))
5 Feb, 2011
I forgot the sweet donkey too - and they are my favourite animal. Wanted to keep one when we lived in the country, but then we moved to suburbia . . .
5 Feb, 2011
i dont like the noise they make but i love their dear old faces.
5 Feb, 2011
Loved this blog I just love the sea Nariz and you got some great photos and the donkey is gorgeous, thank's for sharing your walk. :o))
5 Feb, 2011
Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. I've dried out now!
5 Feb, 2011
It was good of you to share some photos of your walk "on the wildside!" There is nothing around here except the river. Walks alongside it can be quite relaxing - if you aren't in a hurry to get somewhere! I spent 5 years walking alongside the river whenever I could on my way to work at the plastics factory. So I was often in a hurry! Even now on the odd occasion I go for a walk near the river. A couple of weeks I did a walk & found 5 or 6 swans & about 4 signets as well as lots of ducks.
I've never seen a rock pool & I haven't been to the seaside for more years than I can possibly remember! LOL!
5 Feb, 2011
Balcony, the rock pools on some of the beaches here are amazing! All sorts of fish and sea creatures can be seen in clear detail as there not being any seaweed in the pools there are no places to hide! If you should fancy a 'rock-pool-holiday' I would reccomend Ogmore, just south-west of Cardiff. It'a a fascinating place with cliff-top walks, a broad flat sandy beach (when the tide's out) and enough rock pools to keep you busy for a few days! Give it a try. :o)
6 Feb, 2011
Thanks for the suggestion, Nariz! :-))
6 Feb, 2011
Hi Nariz, I am a new member,so it takes me a little while to get around the club.Whot a lovely place to live .The photos were good,Couldn't you put a trailer on the car for Adrian :)
13 Feb, 2011
A couple of twisted wires here, Sue: I'm asuming you're referring to the donkey? I have no idea of his name, but I doubt that it's Adrian - probably Pablo or Burro; Andrin is the name of the pueblo - village - that we visited. I like the idea of taking some animals for a day out on a trailer though. If I thought they'd be well-behaved I'd attempt it. but I'd probably finish up trying to round up all manner of animals from several different places and come back with the wrong ones! :o)
14 Feb, 2011
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That was lovely :o) I love the sea and cliffs etc. Love looking in rock pools. I haven't seen coltsfoot for many years. I think it's died out around here.
Sorry you got a soaking ( I probably would have laughed aswell sorry lol) My father used to take us down by the sea in rough weather, to see it splashing over the road. I always got soaked and enjoyed it - and always got a row for it lol. ... and took no notice, as is my way :o)
5 Feb, 2011