For Seaburngirl, Oliveoil and Balcony - A Fritillary Walk
By nariz
We went on our Snakeshead Fritillary-hunting walk yesterday into the region of Castille y Leon at a height of 1,331 m above sea level.
The high meadows were awash with daffodills but we could see that another week would have brought them out further. At this altitude flowers are at least a month behind.
We continued along the track towards the shady-edged path where we’d seen the Snakeshead Fritillary a few years ago and ….. after a detour to a small patch of violets – there was a small Fritillary!
We couldn’t see any more in the immediate area and a meadow sloping down to a small river had caught our attention. We soon found patches of Marsh Marigold and (I think …) the Asturian Jonquil. A GOYer recently asked a question about a “trumpet-less” daffodill – well, here’s the opposite – an almost “petal-less” daffodill!
The walk turned up a few more beauties and I’m hoping someone can identify them for me?
By now lunch was calling – so we moved on towards a high sunny spot, past the Vulture Feeding Station where local farmers can leave the bodies of cattle that have died of old-age but NOT of any disease, and settled down with the tasty remains of the previous evening’s Basque Chicken.
After a short siesta in the sun – rudely interrupted by a nip from a large ant – we continued the walk, coming across a patch of Sun Spurge, Cowslips and Lithodora, and Sorrel.
After coming across this little guy enjoying his first Spring with his family:
we found ….. more Fritillaries:
More little goodies were discovered on the walk back to the car: a tiny 3" high daffodil
and an ancient oak:
A puddle heaving with tadpoles:
A wonderful view from the mirador – our village is in there somewhere:
and on the side of the road at a lower altitude as we were driving back, Asphodel in bloom – we’d only seen clumps of leaves during the walk. Another few weeks and they’ll be in bloom too.
Then on our return as we pulled into the driveway we glanced over the wall into the sheep enclosure and saw this little chap enjoying the sunshine. We couldn’t get any closer – his mum was stamping at us!
We finished the day with a meal at the Asador in our local town. It was a lovely celebratory day of our 22nd anniversary – we never married so we celebrate the anniversary of the day we met.
I hope you all enjoyed the photos of our walk. :o)
16 Apr, 2011
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thanks so much. the frillaries are stunning, in fact all the mounatin flowers you have shown us are. I am so envious of the view.
a wonderful set of photos.
16 Apr, 2011
Yes indeed - wonderful photos - thanks Nariz, and congratulations! What a beautiful walk with such lovely views . . . every time I read one of your blogs, I think "MUST go to the Picos"!!
16 Apr, 2011
what a beautiful trip ~ blue skies that i love, lovely flowers and that tree-mendous old tree and then the lovely little lamb!
thank you
its gone on my favourites
no picture of lunch tho??
16 Apr, 2011
Thank you for your comments and congratulations guys. Lunch looked a little messy as it's mainly rice, onions, peppers and olives, with a drumstick resting on top so - no photos!
16 Apr, 2011
16 Apr, 2011
What a lovely trip for your celibration. Glad that you had such an enjoyable day.
16 Apr, 2011
I'm glad you had a great day, and who wouldn't, with that scenery? I love those mountains.
17 Apr, 2011
I love to see wild flowers and beautiful scenery. I remember growing those fritilaries in the garden several years.
17 Apr, 2011
Absolutely beautiful, what fantastic pictures, lovely weather, scenery to die for, flowers that do their own thing and baby animals what more could a person ask for thank you for the amazing blog and photographs, I could smell the fresh air from my computer.
17 Apr, 2011
i love mountains too! dont know why or what it is about them ~ awe-inspiring!
17 Apr, 2011
I love the scenery pics Nariz :o)
17 Apr, 2011
I agree, Sticki, maybe it's something to do with that wonderful clean air (and great views too)!
17 Apr, 2011
yes thats true sheila, blue sky as a backdrop makes them even more special but under thick cloud they look just as majestic but perhaps not so appealing??
17 Apr, 2011
oh wow..what a lovely area for walking..great blog thanks for sharing
20 Apr, 2011
Interesting to see so many old favourites in their native setting - I dont think I'll manage the mountain backdrop any time soon but the scale mismatch is rather good. Thanks for sharing.
22 Apr, 2011
What a lovely walk Nariz, we haven't managed to get on the hills around this year yet, and today we can't see them for the mist and rain!
23 Apr, 2011
Yes Troddles - sickening, isn't it! There are our Brititish compadres basking in the hot sun having barbecues while we in the so-called sunny-Spain and France are suffering cold, cloud, rain, mist and storms! Bleurgh! :o(
23 Apr, 2011
Hola, Nariz. Sorry I hadn't seen your blog until today! :-(( I love all the flowers you took photos of. I find it fascinating to see what wild flowers grow in different places. On my recent trip to Cuenca I was interested in seeing the local weeds - sorry, wild flowers! LOL!
The Daffodil (double "f" but only one "l"!) with practically no petals is the Hoop-Petticoat Daffodil or Narcissus bulbocodium. I recognised it immediately. The Violet flower is the Dog's tooth Violet or Erythronium dens-canis.
I can't identify any of the others.
I love all those wonderful views! I'll be writing a blog sometime this week with photos of Cuenca & there is a hill very close to where our son lives where you can see down what looks like an almost vertical drop, it really is breathtaking!
Thanks ever so much for thinking of several of us with the photos of the Fritillaries. :-))
10 May, 2011
You're welcome Balcony! Looking forward to your blog of your latest trip to Cuenca. :o)
11 May, 2011
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thats lovely Nariz you live in a beautiful area and the flowers are lovely, thanks for sharing oh and congrats on the Anniversary!!
16 Apr, 2011