Erddig Hall
By neellan
Today it was Erddig Hall’s Spring Fayre, it is my nearest National Trust property here in North Wales, There were tulips at the front of the hall
Queen of the Night underplanted with maroon pansies with rich orange ones in other beds
In the walled garden pretty pink ones
The trees in the orchard were underplanted with Pheasant Eye Narcissus
A lovely Maple tree (maybe an Acer) framed the lake
To round off a very pleasant visit the Green Man was outside his charming wooden cabin playing the Balalika
As no visit is complete without the purchase of a plant or two I bought 6 Money Maker Tomato plants and a beautiful red Geranium called Octavia Hill named after one of the founders of the National Trust who died 100 years ago this year
And it didn’t rain!!!
5 May, 2012
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Thank you Sticki, it is a very interesting place to visit and only a few miles from my home :o)
5 May, 2012
Lucky you! Isn't that acer fabulous.
5 May, 2012
Really enjoyed this visit! Beautiful!
6 May, 2012
Hi Neena ...
Clever you to pick a day without rain ! You've taken some lovely photos. Those tulips are stunning.
Did the Green Man just play music or did he sing for you too ?
Octavia Hill is a great name choice for the 100 year centenary .. and good luck with the tomatoes .. I hope they make you lots of money ;o)
6 May, 2012
What a lovely place, and nice to know it kept dry for you.
6 May, 2012
Love that first picture, the colours look great. You had a lovely day out didnt you, the acer is fabulous colouring too.
6 May, 2012
what a beautiful place to visit, lovely blog,
6 May, 2012
Thank you Sticki I love the Acer too, thanks for confirming it as an Acer :o)
Thank you LilC I'm glad you liked Erddig :o)
Thank you TT luckily the rain didn't arrive until later! the pics turned out well, loved the tulips, super colours, the Green Man didn't sing but we had a chat v. nice! The plants all look healthy so fingers crossed for a good tomato crop :o)
Thank you Hywel, it all looked so fresh after all the rain we have had lately :o)
Thank you Cinderella the colours were lovely the orange tulips were teamed with purple pansies I really enjoyed my visit :o)
Thank you Yorkshire, since joining N/T I go there quite often as it is close to home, there is always something new to see :o)
6 May, 2012
Love the beautifully trimmed 'domes' in the first photos, so neat. When it stops raining and warms up I will need to trim my little box ball. Glad you had a good day out, Neellan, and a dry too - what a bonus :)
8 May, 2012
Thank you Gee yes a lovely dry day out and everything in the gardens all well cared for, lets hope for some sunshine soon then we can all get on with more gardening :o)
Thank you for liking Drc :o)
8 May, 2012
I have been here a couple of times. The history of the house is just amazing and especially the paintings and pictures of every servant through the years. I always think it's lovely to visit the NT properties during different seasons. OH and I will hopefully be visiting when we are visiting Denbigshire next week :o)))
16 Jul, 2012
It really is an interesting house Petaltracey I love it,
I hope you enjoy your visit, hopefully the weather will have improved by then! :o)
16 Jul, 2012
Recent posts by neellan
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what a lovely place and beautiful photos, i have never been here but i would like to now, thank you neellan
5 May, 2012