Sunshine flowers
By neellan
What lovely weather we have had the plants have put on such a show this year I’ll share some with you
Love the colours in this Poppy I planted the seeds this year they are mostly all plain red field poppies but this one stands out
This old fashined Floribunda has a lovely perfume and black spot you may notice, now treated!
Geranium Octavia Hill in my hanging basket a lovely bright colour, the Verbena were labelled red as you can see they were mixed colours!
Japanese Anemone a pale pink version but so many flowers
I planted seeds quite late at the bottom of the garden they were labelled “flowers for butterflies and bees” they seem to be doing their job as there are lots of both about
A Cabbage White resting while all the others fly away
Peacock Butterflies at the top of a a very tall Buddleija Sun Gold at the top of the garden
Ground cover roses with filly petals just keep on flowering
Dorothy Perkins rambling rose has flowered at it’s best this year
Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend in your garden or on a break by the sea wherever you are, the weather forecast is good – we can but hope they are right!
22 Aug, 2013
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The poppy is a stunner!
I love to see that pink frilly rose as it is very pretty. Many of our roses have black spot at the moment and spraying them is on a long list of 'Jobs to do!'
I think we shall spend the Bank Holiday weekend in the garden as it is SO busy down here at the moment!
23 Aug, 2013
wonderful flowers, great to see you have lots of butterflies. I'm looking forward to spending some time in the garden this weekend:)
23 Aug, 2013
You have some wonderful colour in your garden Neellan..
I do like the wild flower mix,and glad it's doing it's have just reminded me that I bought a packet too..still in a box! :o(..I love both those pink roses..I can tell it is your colour :o)
23 Aug, 2013
A great collection there,. I do like that pink ground cover rose especially.
23 Aug, 2013
Thank you Pam the seeds popped up in no time, I have Californian poppies along the drive too but these were in the pack, lots of Cabbage whites, Peacocks in numbers now the Buddleijas are flowering just two Red Admirals so far, I love the Poppy it is taller and sturdier than the others too, the roses are all still flowering well :o)
Thank you Wildrose, Blackspot is a pain spoiling the look of my otherwise healthy rose! just had to add the groundcover rose again as it is a mass of pink frillies!
The same here busy roads over bank holiday so I shall be happy in my garden too!
Thank you Louisa I have never seen so many Cabbage whites and now the colourful ones are fluttering in too just love them, enjoy the weekend in your garden too :o)
Thank you Bloomer my flower seeds had been here a while before I remembered to plant them, easy done!
The roses have been a treat this year Pink is definitely in here :o)
Thank you Steragram it has been a good year, I wish I new the name of the ground cover rose though I love it's frilly petals :o)
Thank you for liking Snoopdog, TT x and Klahanie :o)
23 Aug, 2013
Lovely rose despite the black spot which I seem to have more of this year than last, and I just love that Octavia Hill Geranium.
23 Aug, 2013
It's looking wonderfully colourful Neena! I love tha bright orange Octavia Hill Geranium :o)))
23 Aug, 2013
Great blog Neellan....I'll be working this weekend so no rest for me.....:>)
23 Aug, 2013
Thank you Stroller the rose has loads of thorns but a lovely perfume - shame about the black spot, I'm pleased with the geraniums they are flowering well :o)
Thank you Tracey the Geraniums are bright and certainly catch the eye :o)
Thank you Moti aw sorry to hear you're working this weekend - enjoy the evenings anyhow :o)
23 Aug, 2013
All bright and cheerful Neena, the garden is the best place to be on Bank Holidays, nothing worse than sitting in miles of traffic, actually we aren't having a very good start here as its been drizzling on/off all day, I keep popping out between showers to plant some pansies...
24 Aug, 2013
Thank you Lincslass, yes sadly rainy here first thing too, like you I popped out between the showers to weed and prune but everything was so wet I decided to opt for the crossword and a coffee instead!! :o)
Thank you for liking Drc, Vincentdunn and Driad :o)
24 Aug, 2013
Lovely flowers Neellan, love the poppy...
25 Aug, 2013
Thank you Holly the poppy is a beauty love it :o)
25 Aug, 2013
They are beautiful :o)
26 Aug, 2013
Thank you Hywel I'm pleased you like them :o)
26 Aug, 2013
Your garden flowers look Beautiful.
14 Sep, 2013
Thank you Lynda it has been a good year, some are still going strong despite the recent rain :o)
14 Sep, 2013
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Gorgeous Neelan, I love the butterflies and bee flowers.....
Have you seen any red admirals this year?
Peacocks and the little brown ones.....and cabbage white have done well, but only one tatty pale admiral
The poppy is lovely.....and the roses are a delight
Lovely blog xxx
23 Aug, 2013