By noseypotter
hello everyone just thaught id share with you some good news for me at least and i know how you all like animals etc . my sharpei called sausage has just had on the 19th 5 little chipolaters lol . 3 boys and 2 girls . im going to keep a little boy andcall him humbug because i hate xmas and winter isnt my faverite time of year lol . it all went well and there all healthy and all went well.i cant go out much and i have to keep the other dogs away for now as mums still understandibly very protective . take care bye for now .
20 Nov, 2011
Next post: humbug oops i mean happy xmas
Aw they are gorgeous!!!!!!!! well done Mum! :))))))
20 Nov, 2011
ooowww Leigh the're gorgeous....
I understand your feelings about christmas, I find it hard when think of who used to be here and are now just memories
thanks for the photo's x
20 Nov, 2011
Brilliant photos, Leigh, Soooo gorgeous! Well done, Sausage.
20 Nov, 2011
Arrrr there lovely.... :)))))
20 Nov, 2011
thanx everyone shes being a great mum . i totaly agree pamg not like it used to be xx .
20 Nov, 2011
Good for her! Good for you!
And having a puppy around at Christmas should make it fun this year. Humbug - perfect name.
20 Nov, 2011
I have been looking forward to these pics,Leigh..all of them little belters..glad it went well for Sausage too..I love Humbug for a name..:o)
20 Nov, 2011
What sweetie pies Nosey. Adorable.
20 Nov, 2011
How fantastic, well done Sausage. Love Humbugs name!! We are getting the heck out for xmas, going with our 3 dogs to stay in Exmoor and my folks are coming too. They are looking forward to no cooking or washing up! I am preying that Sluggypup behaves and doesn't trash our room and that the dogs won't mind having to sit on the floor instead of the chairs/sofa/beds!! Will have to tire them out with hugely long walks before it gets dark at about 3pm!!
Many congratulation to you, Sausage and 5 pups!
20 Nov, 2011
Congratulations Sausage beautiful babies. they will keep you busy Leigh. :o))
20 Nov, 2011
Aah, didn't she do well. They're gorgeous.
20 Nov, 2011
Well done Sausage, they are lovely Np, I love those little scrunched up faces and hope all continues to go well with mum and her babies.
20 Nov, 2011
Christmas will be mad at yours this year Leigh. Brilliant pictures
20 Nov, 2011
sounds a lovely idea for christmas Lulu-- maybe you just need lots of throws for the sofa's
20 Nov, 2011
Aah they are adorable , Congratulations Sausage well done , I love the name Humbug Leigh , i'm so glad for you that it has all gone well I know how much you worry about them ,they are perfect , you can relax now and get some sleep Love from us xx
20 Nov, 2011
What happens to the ones you're not keeping Leigh, do you find them homes - you'll have no problem there I wouldn't think.
20 Nov, 2011
congrats leigh, so cute, hard to part with any i bet :o)
20 Nov, 2011
great idea lulu i wish i could do that thow i have to make it up to the other dogs locked in the hall as sausage is a bit protective thow shes getting better .
xmas will be perfect pimpernel id otherwise have nothing to do . id not do the prezzy thing if it wasnt for family polotics . i dont do turkey , decorations and i live on my own and if i want beans on toast so be it hence calling my pup humbug .
i have homes for all but one i think so definatly know problem getting good homes for them sheiler thank you .
glad you like the name . i thaught it was spot on . infactwhen i told someone they wish theyed called there pup that lol .
thanx to you amy see you soon and tony ofcourse . give a big sloppy kiss from me i know he likes that a lol lol .everything is still going fine and ill keep you up to date as they grow .
as for xmas HUMBUG lol xx .
21 Nov, 2011
We have been downgrading Christmas for years now, Nosey. We limit present buying to immediate family, and there's a €30 per person limit for spends. It sharpens the imagination! We shall have a turkey for lunch(already picked out - she's a pretty little thing) and pudding(made and ageing nicely in the cupboard under the stairs), and maybe invite a friend or two for mince pies while we decorate the tree, and carols from King's College on Christmas eve while I prepare the veg. for the next day with a glass of something warming, and OH will maybe put his Santa hat on while bringing the logs in for the stove. Italians don't send cards, and it's a very low-key affair round here. No-one MENTIONS it until about the second week in December. It's like being back in the 50's! We exchange little home-made goodies with the neighbours. That's it. We could go to Midnight mass with the rest of the village, but being heathens, we think it would be hypocritical, and everyone understands.
We all feel that all we want to do is get it over, get through winter and get on with the year properly. We find it quite distasteful and tiresome to see all the "Festive season" advertisements already showing on UK television.
Maybe I am just getting old and grouchy!
21 Nov, 2011
Comes to us all I think.. I used to love I cant be bothered with it means nothing.
We are doing a secret santa ..all going to my bro's house for dinner..too many..not ten pounds only pressie.
Of course I get special people something special lol :)
21 Nov, 2011
Think we all feel the same about the ads,etc..just wonder the kids want everything they see..trouble is,they usually get it ! I couldn't believe that,last week, 'M......n's' staff were wearing fleeces,with 'Merry Christmas' emblazoned on the back,..sad,or what ? Quiet affair for us,thank goodness..just us,and daughter,partner and Grandson,on 'the day' ,that will be it..:o)
21 Nov, 2011
it just depresses me even more than normal . glad you can have an xmas from the past gattina but its not the same here . they will be going on about bloody january sales next then holidays abroad which i cant go on because i cant fly . im chuffed to be on my own so none of that xmas stuff at all . i get prezzies to suite the persen realy . the closer to me the more i think about them . ive had half mine and given most of everyone elses to them . know wrapping paper . realy if i want to have give prezzies i can do it anytime and like gattina im a heathen and david attenbouragh is my personal choice of what people like to call god lol . anyway Baaaaaaaa Humbug everyone lol xxx .
21 Nov, 2011
I wrap any prezzies in The Racing Post! Saves a fortune!
21 Nov, 2011
lol i love it lulu very good . made me laugh and you got to laugh . anyway you wrap up all nice and tidy with pretty this and that just for it all to be ripped of ( typical xmas lol ) and forgotten about xx .
21 Nov, 2011
i agree with everyone about xmas, no meaning to it anymore, kids grown up, one going to jersey to visit his dads family till newyear then he goes back to uni, maybe my eldest will be here xmas day but only cause he wants feeding haha.
so all our kids, mine and baz`s are having cash and not much either, im going to spend our hard earned money on us haha, HO HO HO
21 Nov, 2011
Have visions of Father Xmas standing in the dole queue! And his reindeer being on pet rescue!
21 Nov, 2011
I wrap presents in white woodchip wallpaper and dress it up with recycled ribbons and sprigs of evergreen and berries. Looks amazing!
I never would have believed that I would would one day think of Christmas coming without some sort of joy. Now I almost dread it. It's become a terrible, cynical money-grubbing farce now, and while I try to re-create a nice, old-fashioned atmosphere, I fail to recapture the fun and happiness there used once to be.
The nicest, happiest Christmas day we have had in recent years was about three years ago, when, at 8.00p.m. on Christmas eve, we heard that our friends had had a catastrophe, and had no heat or working oven or television for Christmas day, so we just told them to get themselves across to our house and we'd manage to feed them and they should spend the day with us. We had no presents to give, and the roast was stretched to the limit, but we emptied the freezer, OH was sent up the garden with a Union Jack, a spade and a colander to dig more broccoli out from under a foot of snow, and we managed. We played the sort of games families USED to play before there was ever X Box 360 or death and destruction computer games, and laughed until we couldn't breathe. We went for a long snowy walk, and had a snowball fight, and came in to a big log fire and tea and mince pies. It was almost like being 6 years old again. We've tried to recreate it since, and it hasn't worked. Maybe the key ingredient was spontaneity.
21 Nov, 2011
no disrespect gattina but that situation and fun time could of been had on any snowy day but im glad you had a nice time 3 years ago xx .
lol lulu look on the bright side as father christmas isnt from the uk hed probably get much better wages if he came to the uk especialy if he baught all his little helpers and claimed for them and he could put his face up and roast the raindeer . rudolf would have more than a red nose lol . raindeer are karabou but rain deer sounds better thow snow deer would be a better description lol . take care everyone its nice to see peoples great sence of humer . nothing better than a good healthy laugh . i think the last great xmas i had was about 5 years ago . me and my ex got drunk as a sack and cooked a rib of beef and all the extras and bye mostly luck it came out perfect or should i perhaps say it seamed to come out perfect lol . i dont drink anymore as the hang overs just last for ever lol .
21 Nov, 2011
Awwe leigh it is good..puppies are always good and they always smell so puppie good too! awwe can feel their little softiness... hugs...happy to see you on with some good news..have not been on in a while..will have to have a read to see what has been going on...hugs.. ~Cat
21 Nov, 2011
Love those little puppy faces, Leigh ... such innocence! ... Like many others who have commented I am heartily fed up with the whole Christmas thing ... I found out that people have 'Wish Lists' on their computers and you can buy them a gift through the internet! ... Well, where's the surprise in that? ... We have booked to have lunch on 'the day' in a Chinese restaurant! . . . . .
21 Nov, 2011
aww thank you catfinch take a big hug and a kiss back from me to you . got to be the best prezzy you had in a long time lol xx
thats a realy good idea shirley and you should have the place to yourself as all the sheep will be eating there boring overcooked oversized dry boring turkey . ill be busy with my little sweet babies and probably up to my eyes in dog poo but it suits me fine .
BAAAAAAA HUMBUG take care everyone x .
22 Nov, 2011
When we first had pups NP, Jazzy had 8 and as my Dad put it '32 puppy paws paddling poo around the boot room!'
Did you see my latest blog NoseyP, 'once upon a puppy time!'
22 Nov, 2011
hello lulu lol i like ive also got 12 big feet in the hall doing ere nose powdering and 24 in here the living room lol x x ps i shall have a look .
22 Nov, 2011
Great minds think alike Shirley. that's exactly what we have done., saves a lot of hassle all round. Bring it on LOL.:0)
22 Nov, 2011
here here xx
22 Nov, 2011
Ahhh, they look so squidgy and cuddly - I really wouldn't want to part with any of them
22 Nov, 2011
Lovely little pups, Sausage! There is nothing sweeter than the milky smell of wee puppy breath when they play with you! I like your choice of name - Humbug _ for your boy, Leigh. I feel the same about Christmas way over here on this side of the pond. All it is anymore is a big retail push to grab your money. We only buy small gifts (under $40) for the three grandchildren now, and the adults still get together for a potluck turkey dinner, although if it were possible without hurting everyone's feelings, I'd as soon spend the day at home with my dog & cats! All it is to me is my regular day off after a mad, mad, month of crabby customers, most of whom are sick of having the event rammed down their throats with ads and carols starting Novemder first. I especially love the adverts for cars for your spouse, and computers & big screen TVs for the kids - if I had that sort of cash to spend, I'd take us all on a vacation to someplace warm & sunny, without the mention of the 'Ch*****as' word, lol!
22 Nov, 2011
..and so say most of us,Grammazoo...all for one day.. madness..!
22 Nov, 2011
i completly agree a big build up tothing . know wonder the hiest suicide rate is in the months just after that nasty word xmas lol .
23 Nov, 2011
..and then it will be Easter eggs,in January !
23 Nov, 2011
shush bloomer if w all keep quiet perhaps everyonewill forget . id rather have a big bar of cadburies myself and i can havethat any time . its the same as pancakes . if i realy liked them i wouldnt wate for oncea year x .
23 Nov, 2011
OK,Leigh..mum's the word ! I tried a bar of chocolate with Almonds in from Aldi,yesterday..I must have liked it,as for some reason ,there is only half of it left ! :o))
23 Nov, 2011
I'm a galaxy girl myself.....altho Aldi's dark chocolate with a mousse filling good too.....
I've already said how I feel about it and now we just try to keep it simple, get it sorted, then enjoy having friends here...
23 Nov, 2011
lol i like it bloomer x
i dont realy mind either one pamg i just plucked a name out the sky lol but it was only a whisper lol .
did ya know when you eat chocolate you always eat an amount of insect matter just to hel you with your waste lines lol .
23 Nov, 2011
Just what I always wanted to know,Leigh..! that's why I haven't put on weight ? :o) Might go for some more tomorrow..better for me than chips ! Lol.
23 Nov, 2011
if thats what makes your consiants feal better bloomer lol xx .
24 Nov, 2011
A portion of chips is an inch on the hips,Leigh! ..My conscience is not thinking about the waistline...out of sight,out of mind..Lol...I can resort to elasticated clothing ! :o)) x
24 Nov, 2011
lol i love it bloomer xx .
24 Nov, 2011
:o))) ..glad it made you smile,Leigh! x
24 Nov, 2011
you got to smile thanx bloomer or youd cry sometimes xx .
24 Nov, 2011
I keep telling you chocolate is one of my 5-a-day....honest.....
24 Nov, 2011
Agree there Leigh....a square a day,
is what I say,..even a C......y's milk tray..
but come the weekend,it's just a must,
to have the kind with lots of nuts ! :o))
Glad you are on my wavelength,Pam..bring it on !
24 Nov, 2011
Missed your blog the other day NP....was so looking forward to seeing the pups, promise to keep us updated with lots of pics please x
You would get on well with my mother - she absolutely detests Xmas. The bad moods start beginning of December all the way into 1st week in January.
She's a bloody nightmare!!!!
24 Nov, 2011
Nice to know she gets into the spirit of things,Scottish ! Lol.
24 Nov, 2011
ofcourse i will keep you up to date i thaught you knew me bye now lol xx .
24 Nov, 2011
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Ah!....congrats Nosy :-))......a pair of little characters by the looks of them.......
20 Nov, 2011