humbug oops i mean happy xmas
By noseypotter
im just going to say this once to everyone as it goes against the grain hence bar humbug . happy xmas from me and my pack over the holiday period . dont eat to much or get to drunk and try to have a laugh . lets hope for great sucsesses in and out the garden in the new year ie spring and summer . take care and heres a big BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HUMBUG FROM ME AND MY PACK INCLUDING MY 5 LITTLE PUPS ONE OF WHICH IM KEEPING AND CALLING HUMBUG ON THIS SPECIAL AND JOYES OCASION. TAKE CARE AND ENJOY AS THATS WHAT LIFES FOR . IVE MADE SOME VERY GOOD FRIENDS and aquaintances and thow i have a lot of interests thi9s is bye far the best site i know and not realy because of just gardening . take care bye for now . all assume youve had a nice big kiss man,woman and pets lots of love your friendly nieghberhood pain in the preverbial lol leigh aka noseypotter . sorry if i upset anyone and i forgive anyone who may of upset me . know one is perfect . keep up the good work bye bye xx .
ps and thank you so much for the people who created this site its just perfect in just about every area and trust me thats a big complement . i know this isnt strictly gardening and i put it under pets but i guess you will have to make your own mind up . i hope you enjoy a little snippet of what has been an interesting roller coaster ride of a life . if i can make just one of you smile then i have acomplished my aim .
the last are friends pets and friends who cant be with us in body but always in my mind .
this could be the longest blog on here ever . i wonder if i get a prize lol . i hope you enjoy happy gardening everyone and bring on the sunshine x x .
16 Dec, 2011
Previous post: chipolaters
Next post: my lovley puppies.
Lovely blog, NP! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. :o)
16 Dec, 2011
thank you nariz and the same to you glad you enjoyed it x .
16 Dec, 2011
Brilliant, Leigh, Just brilliant. I enjoyed this so much and I feel I know you really well now.
Do I understand from this that you are a big Rocky Horror Show fan? You make a much dishier lady than Tim Curry!
Lots of love and hugs to you and Sausage and Humbug, and all your dogs, etc....Have a Wonderful, peaceful and happy 2012.
xxxxxxx Gattina
16 Dec, 2011
Loved seeing all the 'before and after' pics,Leigh..what an interesting insight ..and you have some nice memories of all those lovely dogs you have cared for over the your white dress..a classy little number ! Does it still fit ? .LOl...Hope you have a lovely bah humbug day,with your gorgeous little friends,and a very happy,peaceful New Year to you ..
take care,Sandra( Bloomer) xx
16 Dec, 2011
NoseyPotters Potted History in Pictures...lovely blog, certainly made me smile :)
All the very best to you and your pack for 2012 x
16 Dec, 2011
Ha...Fantastic! that must of taken HOURS..All those beautiful dogs you have loved......My Mum and Dad kept me to a strict limit of no more than two at anytime. I kept bringing "strays" home..There wasn't a dog safe from me in the neighbourhood, if it had no collar it was mine..LOL.
I love the Basset..How dapper do you look AKA George Melly ?
Not got one bauble up here either Leigh. I will be walking my dog Bruce and trying to avoid the fuss and nonsense. But..I like to see all of those that enjoy Christmas having a good time.. So Happy Humbug back at you!
16 Dec, 2011
brill pics history show,loved the dogs,wish i had the room for them all in my home,have a great xmas and new year nosy,I see you put life into all you do,keep it up,merry crimbo
16 Dec, 2011
Great blog Nosey! And Bah Humbug to you too! ;)))))x
16 Dec, 2011
Made me laugh, great blog, into faves to look at on a blustery day.
Lurve those pics, all the dogs, bless 'em, and you from the 80's till now.
RIGHT Lulu, back to work, 10 guests for supping tonight, cook, clean, try not to drink too much coffee!! Walk dogs so they don't bounce the guests tonight....hubby BBQ'ing venison loin (so we don't smoke out the kitchen griddling it on the hob) could be an interesting event!
I agree with you about GoY, it's a great site, good friends, who cared more about me than my facebook friends and family, great artists, gardeners, recipe givers, jokers and all in all, support in things we do, believe in and hold dear in this funny ole life we humans lead.
All the best NP.
16 Dec, 2011
Can I just say "ditto" to what you've written, please, Lulu? The venison loin sounds fabulous, by the way - can I invite myself, please?
16 Dec, 2011
Leigh I loved the hair from 1980.....
I'm off out but will look closer at your lovely dogs later-- you may look scary to some folk but we know
a Happy Christmas and peaceful 2012 to you and your lovely pack of pals
16 Dec, 2011
Fab blog Nosey, long but loved it!! it must have taken you hours. You did make me smile, even saying humbug makes me smile! I too love your white dress, cheeky you but you obviously were living the high life. Love your garden and all your beautiful work.
I too agree with what Lou has said, have made some truly wonderful friends on here be they only virtual ones! but loyal and loving with their words and deeds. I too have made friends on here who care more, write often and make me laugh, to me thats what life is all about. Blessings to everyone. x (and Humbug)
16 Dec, 2011
Made me smile, too. You are a cure, NP!
Keep the pictures and paintings coming next year. They are brilliant.
Let me just wish you and your loved ones Happy Humbug Holidays!
16 Dec, 2011
Amazing photos NP! Have a good Christmas x
16 Dec, 2011
Great blog NP,lovely pics too..have a good xmas & all the best for 2012...
16 Dec, 2011
Brilliant blog NP, have a very Merry Christmas and happy 2012,
16 Dec, 2011
i dont know how to thank you all as you to are a cure and know the dress didnt fit after about 8 pints lol when i used to drink . table for about 20 i believe and a huge doggy bag . thank you so much and a huge humbug to you all xxxx .
16 Dec, 2011
some great pics, thanks for sharing : )
16 Dec, 2011
Goodness Leigh, what a great collection. You were certainly a handsome young man and have matured well like fine wine. I'm skipping over the ones in a dress. Love all the doggy pictures especially the pups.
Well BAH HUMBUG to you and all the best for the new year.
16 Dec, 2011
and how is little Humbug and all his chipolata family thriving I hope--and keeping you
16 Dec, 2011
Aw Leigh, an absolutely brilliant blog - read it twice! All the very best to you and yours for Christmas and the New Year. X
16 Dec, 2011
so enjoyed this blog leigh and looking at some of your life through photos, maerry christmas to you and all your clan :o) them pups are wonderfull x
16 Dec, 2011
Well thank you so much again . the pups are fine x x .thanx for the complements doctorbob i hope your well mate .
16 Dec, 2011
Brilliant blog Leigh with so many hilarious photos, you certainly made me laugh.....a lot! Love the white dresss one and the specs on the back of your head made me laugh for ages. :o)))) Lovely pics of all your dogs too, past and present. I'm going back for another look and giggle now.
Wishing you a wonderful Bah humbug Christmas too!
16 Dec, 2011
Enjoyed your blog NP....smashing pics, beautiful dogs, you look good in christmas tree, baubles or deccies up in my house either. If it wasn't for the fact I was having my bro and kids for Xmas dinner (which incidenty is a take away Chinese) would just be a normal day for us as my mother absolutely detests Xmas!
Bah Humbug to you and your pack too :))
16 Dec, 2011
Fabulous blog and very interesting photo's Leigh.
You are so right about Goy I have made some wonderful friends. It is good to come together with like minded people and best of all to have a laugh.
Keep up the good work, lots of hugs to you and your pack.
Happy Humbug ! x
16 Dec, 2011
Bah Humbug to you Leigh .. I loved seeing all your photos and doggies again , you did look a handsome fellow in the 80's Tony said what went wrong LOL...
Can I borrow your dress on my next evening out ?? you could give me some tips on my hair do as well ! you take care and don't forget we are here xx
16 Dec, 2011
Leigh you have made me smile and for that I thank you, I
love all the pet pics, past and present and especially the pup ones.
Great hairstyle in the 80`s pic, my hubby`s was like that, he also had a beard in those days, lol.
Its a great blog I really enjoyed it, you sure did work hard putting that lot together..
Wishing you and all your pals A Great Bah Humbug Christmas..Sue xx..
16 Dec, 2011
thanx again lol i will see you soon amy . ofcourse you can borrow my dress lol . i think tony needs 2 kisses for that comment lol xx .
17 Dec, 2011
Great blog, Leigh, it must have taken you ages! It was lovely to see you and your pack through the decades, and although many great dogs have come and gone, your love for every one of them shines out of every shot! Have you picked which little chipolata you're going to keep yet? Or is it to early to know which one yet? Anyhoo, have a very Happy Humbug, and a brilliant new year!x
17 Dec, 2011
Hi Leigh a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your 'pack'
17 Dec, 2011
Great pics... Happy Christmas :)))))
17 Dec, 2011
Might blog the loin of venison events Gattina......BBQ didn't get hot enough! Bah!
17 Dec, 2011
did you get the sleet, that probably cooled the BBQ.....
17 Dec, 2011
it was a bit of a damp squid!!
17 Dec, 2011
Well, what a blog this is, a potted history of you in pictures ... I had a denim waistcoat just like yours in the 80's! ... Love all the dog and puppy photos ... I have to ask though ... how painful have all those tattoos been? ... I wince at the thought of just one! ... Bah humbug to you, Leigh ... :o)
17 Dec, 2011
It is a great blog...See that Picture of Little Leigh...Little Pimpernel looked the same, even the two big teeth and dodgy home haircut....
17 Dec, 2011
Must have been the 'Clone' OH looked just the same ! Lol.
17 Dec, 2011
lol im glad i cheersed yu all up lol its cheered me up . i have picked one of two chipolaters to be humbug but early days yet . oneis going to scotland with her half sister and an irish wolf hound thanx again xxx.
17 Dec, 2011
Love those wrinkly little pups,
Hope you have a really happy Christmas NP and an even better new year!
17 Dec, 2011
ditto sticky x x . did anyone notice my 2 foot fish eating spagetti ?
18 Dec, 2011
i loved the fish ~ have to look again for the spaghetti!
btw ~ i totally agree with you about GoY being so very good for making friends and for advice and support ~ its second to none!!
18 Dec, 2011
Excellent blog. Love your animals and drawings
Bah Humbug to you too
18 Dec, 2011
A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you, too! xxx
18 Dec, 2011
ditto xx
18 Dec, 2011
Wonderful blog NP love your dogs and your tattoos don't think I would be brave enough to have one. Bah Humbug to you to:) x
19 Dec, 2011
woman have a far better pain threshold than men as ive tattood myself . ive got quit a high pain threshhold but most men are far worse . if youve had children its a peace of cake . a very selfish act so chose wisely or dont have one . you only live once xx ps thanx
19 Dec, 2011
My pleasure NP had three children not too bad pain wise kept thinking I was going to have something wonderful at the end of the pain and I did:) x
19 Dec, 2011
i bet you did . chose wisely and you could have something stunning with a tattoo . i bet youd handle it easy xx .
20 Dec, 2011
Where would you have it done Nana d....?
20 Dec, 2011
great blog..Merry Christmas
20 Dec, 2011
She'd probably have it done in Bournemouth, Pimpernel....Where else?
20 Dec, 2011
20 Dec, 2011
thank you so much skips .
im assuming nana would have the tattoo on her skin at a guess lol . just a stab in the dark excuse the pun lol xx .
20 Dec, 2011
What a brilliant blog, Leigh! Merry Christmas to you and yours too! :)
21 Dec, 2011
thank you back at ya uma xx .
21 Dec, 2011
Most probably would have it done on my bottom just above the pantie line which I guess would be a bit of a waste as only OH and me would see it:( Friend of mine had a daisy done on her toe which looked pretty cute but cos it's boney she said it was quite painful.
22 Dec, 2011
well thats the beauty of them nana on show or not . surley youd have it for you period x x . it is a selfish unneeded act at the end of the day .
22 Dec, 2011
Yes that true NP :)
22 Dec, 2011
it doesnt matter if you dont have one therefore give what you do or dont want carefully . research the tattooists work compared to the best and pay whatever it cost . its a selfish act realy that doesnt benefit you at all and youl have it for ever . better to pay £150 say now nana d and have egsactly what you want for ever than to pay £75 for something youl learn to dislike for the same amount of time . much like most life but tattoos unlike most things are for ever . have a good one . ive done a few tattoos just on myself even . its good advice honest lol .have a drink for me have a good one (baaaaaa humbug) lol x .
22 Dec, 2011
Keep thinking maybe Red Hot Lips but still not totally sure. I've finished my daughters Red Hot Lips mosaic but can't seem to get a decent shot of it will try in daylight tomorrow. Have a wonderful xmas and a happy healthy New Year xx
23 Dec, 2011
Some years ago, I was a bit mischievous and while on holiday in Bologna, bought myself a fake tattoo transfer from a market stall. It featured, if I remember rightly, a skull, a lightning bolt and a few drops of blood, and I applied it to my shoulder before I returned to work. Bearing in mind that I was a rather dull, severe, dumpy, greying sixty-something lady, the looks on the faces of my co-workers (all of them much, much younger than me) was worth a ransome. Great fun! Not sure I'd ever be brave enough to have, or actually want, a permanent one, though.
23 Dec, 2011
go for it i say just for that reasen lol xxx .
24 Dec, 2011
with lips youl find they work best placed somewear someone giving said kiss could realisticly put it like on your shoulder etc i think x .
24 Dec, 2011
Tattoos have been around humans a long long time in one form or another. Best and most intresting blog on planet earth. Crufts can't keep up with you and your company Nosy.. Dogs ago-go, doglets galore.
9 Jan, 2012
Yes on the shoulder is a much better idea:)
9 Jan, 2012
the only new thing out is having your tongue pierced everything else has been done before bye tribes etc .thanx dorjac x . definatly nana xx .
9 Jan, 2012
I was a midwife on community 33 years. I delivered a baby girl. She turned out a wild one in a rather respectable family. She was sitting on top of the house gatepost one day and mum and dad flagged me down. Although only 14, she had been to a backstreet tattooist. Had a huge tattoo all bloated and swollen, top of arm. Temp and pulse were both way up. I landed on doc in his surgery. He paid imediate house visit and had her admitted. Septicaemia, could have died...didn't. Had a baby a few months later, prematurely....very abnormal. Spoke to local beat plod, tattooist visited and warned and cautioned. The big society?......sadly mostly gone! Possibly never to return.....apart from a friendship/family network like yours.
11 Jan, 2012
what will be will be . the tattooist should of been arrested . it just shows that you can only guide your children etc x .
11 Jan, 2012
I like tattoos but never thought to get one maybe I should now though as I have made up my mind what I would like and where I would like them placed.Since retirement from work I have built up a to do list, so maybe I might when I have got the balls, just go and see a tattooist and get the two tattoos I have yearned for all these years..
I have piercings a plenty in lots of places but let my nipple piercings heal up as they were always weeping[ they were done professionally] and if you caught them accidentally Yeoow!! Think I will go and see the man Carl Cooky Cook reputed to be one of the best portrait tattooists this Country has ever seen, long journey now though.
8 Apr, 2012
choose wisely and go for it .
8 Apr, 2012
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sorry if ive done the odd photo twice but i did my best and it took ages lol .
16 Dec, 2011