Rocky junior.
By Bonkersbon

15 Aug, 2009
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Comments on this photo
Oh....lucky lucky you BB!!!!! He's a real little beauty and just imagine from now on when you're in the garden he'll be right there!!
15 Aug, 2009
oh wow BB :-) fantastic photo
15 Aug, 2009
Oh you lucky devil Bonkers......What a beautiful've got a buddy for life there now........Brilliant
15 Aug, 2009
Thank you .. obviously he needs to forage for himself esp when both at work so will ensure dont over do it but so tempting hardly notice the weight on your finger cant be much more than an ounce .
15 Aug, 2009
bless ~he's gorgeous! got some meal worms so may try it!l
15 Aug, 2009
Oh BB , thats fantastic , I can only imagine what it must feel like to have the trust of this beautiful little bird .... :o)
15 Aug, 2009
thats lovely.
15 Aug, 2009
Thanks all..words cannot really explain the feeling,but its something money couldnt buy !
15 Aug, 2009
Oh my....that's amazing wonderful. I wonder, as he grows up, if he'll remember you and stay this 'tame' ? Wouldn't that be something.... :o)
15 Aug, 2009
Yes Pg..think he will stay around and our garden will be his territory.Dad Rocky not too pleased though and has started chasing him! Ah well thats life !
15 Aug, 2009
what a great experience..thanks for sharing
15 Aug, 2009
Thanks Mageth........
15 Aug, 2009
OMG...., How cool is that. ! Way to go, you're starting to put Snow White to shame, Jane. You're amazing, and it must feel amazing too !
16 Aug, 2009
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush such as sight to see you have gained it s trust tis a feeling which will live with you forever.
16 Aug, 2009
Amazing way you have with the birds, Bb, getting them to eat from the palm of your hand. :-)
16 Aug, 2009
You definitely have the magic touch, and the patience to draw birds to you. That's a real gift! :-)))
Let alone the great photos to prove it! lol.
16 Aug, 2009
Thanks Flower but this my hand so must make me Prince Charming ...
well when Janes got up from floor laughing one of the dwarves then but definitely not Grumpy ...well not today anyway !
Thanks Morgana and David .
Thanks Spritz lets hope the wood pigeons dont try it ...
16 Aug, 2009
LMAO Bonkersbon, so funny
16 Aug, 2009
Great shot, a steady hand!
16 Aug, 2009
aw what a lovely photo BB..they will be knocking on your door
16 Aug, 2009 awe right now!!
16 Aug, 2009
Maybe I could try to get our fledgling 'Jumbo Jet' to land on my hand??
Or would that break my wrist? :-((
16 Aug, 2009
Thanks all.Deida..he was waiting for his rations by the back door this morning ! LOL Spritz if he is anything like the size of our two fledglings think definitely curtains for your wrist !
16 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the advice, Bb - I shall not indulge in Jumbo Jet training. :-((
16 Aug, 2009
Good ! Lol You need both hands for all this typing and gardening !
16 Aug, 2009
True! ;-)
16 Aug, 2009
Great pic Bonkers.
17 Aug, 2009
Fantastic photo......its such a great feeling when a Robin eats out of your hand isnt it..........
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks Toto...Hollyeves...join the club !
17 Aug, 2009
Wow!! :-D
I managed to hand feed a little sparrow at a garden the other day....but then his mates spotted me and it was like Traffalga Square but in miniature..... got mugged I did!
18 Aug, 2009
He's certainly come along nicely now. He'll be with you when you winter dig waiting for the insects to come to the top.
19 Aug, 2009
How lovely to have him trust you like that...little sweetheart.
19 Aug, 2009
Well done Sid....we have same problem now with this fella.The blackbirds have latched on and try to mug us at every opportunity !
Thanks Lindak and Fluff..........
19 Aug, 2009
He's beautiful! And to show such trust is amazing!!
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Mp....pity they learn to mistrust at all...........
20 Aug, 2009
Great pic, as usual, Bb! There are lot's of baby sparrows around my feeders at the moment, but very little else. I think there is so much food available in the fields at the moment, even the hungry Starlings are staying away from my garden. I have mealworms in 2 or 3 places at the moment but the're not being eaten.
They'll all be back, no doubt, in a few weeks!
20 Aug, 2009
Our starlings are starting to drift back now after couple of weeks absence,and the blackbirds never left ! Great that you have lots of baby sparrows though.Think they have bred well this year.
20 Aug, 2009
Awwww what a sweetie!
20 Aug, 2009
~we have lots of Bluetits Coaltits and Great tits who are enjoying the suet/insect pellets and from somewhere we now have 5 or 6 Greenfinches!
All of them seem to be enjoying the sunflower chips~although I still have only 4 Goldfinches :(0.~Lots of Chaffinches and a beautiful bullfinch too~ you should see them squabble to get on the feeders.
~ my son was walking back to the house after being out with the dogs when he saw a Green Woodpecker getting something from the grass just behind the garden gate~not seen a green one for years!
I wish I could get a shot of the Rook that insists on clinging on to one of those domed feeders for Mealworms to get the suet pellets even though it is swinging wildly all over the place!
Clever but a pain in the derriere!
20 Aug, 2009
Determined little guy eh?
20 Aug, 2009
Amazing picture, well done.
20 Aug, 2009
20 Aug, 2009
Very impressive!!
21 Aug, 2009
There's a huge conifer hedge between us and next door(it's their hedge) and the Sparrows nest in it every year along with Blackbirds and Starlings! But the Starling young don't seem to be about at the moment!
21 Aug, 2009
Thank you for all your kind comments.
Arlene sound thrilled to bits with all your birds,and rightly so ! Dont get green woodpeckers in our garden,but do get the Greater Spotted !
Paul..they will be back soon for sure !
21 Aug, 2009
I just caught back up with this one... Bet you weren't grumpy after experiencing this, you lucky devil....! BTW, I must say, you have a very pretty looking hand there Might want to add a manly scar or two to it..Hahaha. They are prettier than mine..., and you're starting to make me very jealous !
22 Aug, 2009
Oh like we all believe that ! Lol
This taken early morning as hands usually covered in all sorts throughout the for pretty well Jane called me through the other evening with a Hey you !
What says I ..have you seen Flowercrazys new avatar ?
Er no says I - lie 1
You never told me how pretty she is ..
Really ? Hadnt noticed - lie 2
Now have a few new scars
We dont have the 5 th amendment here so couldnt plead any answer I give likely to incriminate me ! ..suffice to say if we looked as good as you be happy to change avatar from a squirrel lol
Lovely garden great photos and very pretty ... so thanks for sharing Grrrr... :-)
22 Aug, 2009
Lmao....,Grrr you too !.... See, a few little scars didn't hurt you too much, did it ? I don't know about you, but I did wonders for me....Hahaha. I see that you learned the same lesson as me ! If I ever wanted to get any attention around here, I'd better learn to answer to just about
22 Aug, 2009
Will read the above when I tell you my story...given the joy one feels when a small trusting wild creature lets us help them.. I doubt that you will be able to credit the lack of humanity in someone so obsessed with cleanliness and order in their garden that they actively discourage small birds from sitting on their fence...They attached a plastic snake! I don't know if I should laugh or cry...... bless you both.. I came inside fuming and sat down to check out goy and there was your lovely picture. Thanks...I needed that!
22 Aug, 2009
Well sure I m not alone in guaranteeing that will always pay attention to those pics of yours ..keep posting them here please Flower must be nearly time for blog 2 ? ...wicked laugh ..
Thats if you forgiven me for encouraging you to submit one ? lol
Just seen it Lori ..are they really trying to deter birds? Could perhaps understand it if trying to protect them from predators .
23 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear that Bonkers. I've luckily never lacked for attention on GOY, you guys are the best. Now if you can just get my hubby to pay that kind of attention to me, I'll be in great
There was never anything to forgive you for Bonkers. I really needed your persausion, or that blog never would have materialized and you know it...;-). Blog # 2 will be on the news stand in early Winter...., I'll keep you posted on it's exact release
23 Aug, 2009
What a fab photo. My Mom has a robin who comes into the kitchen for cheese.
23 Aug, 2009
Flower...will be watching and waiting for it !!
Thankyou Gwenvokes...they really are so trusting...........
23 Aug, 2009
How charitable of you bb...It is the hottest part of the summer and the time when the songbirds usually disappear into the woods, but my garden has been pretty silent since they put that thing there...may be a deterrent for squirrels, I suppose...You see from experience I've come to know that they don't want anything living in their garden, they seem to tend to foster plastic gnomes and snakes. hmmm... "what we have here, is a failure to communicate."
24 Aug, 2009
Find it hard to comprehend why someone would go to such trouble to deter birds Lori ..when most see them as integral to any garden.
Still guess as they return in Autumn / Winter they ll treat it as part of the furniture and know they can depend on you during hard times which is when they most need it.
Ps Lori re your neglected corner - would be the main attraction if in our garden.Spent ages looking at trying to work out which bit you thought was neglected lol
24 Aug, 2009
my goodness...thanks BB and Jane... the whole d...n thing hasn't been weeded properly or looked after all summer...I've been inside painting walls and floors and putting down new carpets...and sanding, etc, etc, etc, you see it's just one old woman and a whole world of tasks!! It's embarrassing really, cause when I was a young girl, like our Flcrazy for example, I would have been finished in I had planned!
25 Aug, 2009
Well you will have a good winter hideaway for lots of creatures,and can start afresh in spring !!
25 Aug, 2009
27 Aug, 2009
Wow great photo Move over Simon King theres a new wildlive photographer about.....
29 Aug, 2009
Wow great photo BB/Jane ,move over Simon King theres a new wildlife photographer in town....
29 Aug, 2009
Oh you are too kind Janette !
5 Sep, 2009
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Aww how sweet
15 Aug, 2009