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Cat in the cupboard


By Simbad

Cat in the cupboard

Thought as its such a horrible day I'd tidy out my kitchen cupboards, of course someone thought he'd like to help,lol, had to jump in every one to check it out.

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Brill photo love it.

11 Nov, 2010


Lovely cat ... curious too!

11 Nov, 2010


looks full of mischief, lovely photo.

11 Nov, 2010


Beautiful ornament lol....:>)

11 Nov, 2010


That could be a never ending chore at that rate Kathy! Gorgeous cat though..lovely. I've been meaning to clean out my glass cupboard for weeks....tut tut!

11 Nov, 2010


Me to Karen , you can't hide it with a glass door , we had better do it before Christmas ..:o) your cupboard looks spotless Kathy , it's all the help you are getting from puss ! Can I borrow her ?

11 Nov, 2010


beautiful cat!

11 Nov, 2010


I know Amy, but how on earth does all that dust get in there? lol

11 Nov, 2010


Thanks everyone, he's always either 'helping' or wrapped round my neck like a scarf,lol, ok when the weathers cold, not so good when its hot.
My cupboards where pretty dusty too Karen and Amy, like to do my spring cleaning now, too much to do outside in spring.
How do glasses get so dusty when the doors are shut?
Yes his tail makes a great duster Amy could rent him out,lol, this is how I came up with my username he's called Symba but we call him simbad as he's usually up to no good :-)

11 Nov, 2010


ah! so that's how you became simbad! cute!!

11 Nov, 2010


Ha Ha .. i'm sure he's not really bad ... I've no idea how the dust gets in Karen / Kathy and if the sun happens to be shining that way ' well ' it shows every mark ... and leaves rings on the glass shelves ! :o(

11 Nov, 2010


Symba is so mischeivous , he is also a gorgeous cat, its nice when you have a little helper with his very own duster ;0)

11 Nov, 2010


Praps I'll just......hang on....I'll just pop the Jack Russel in there and see what happens!!!!! lol!

11 Nov, 2010


He's totally gorgeous Simbad, must save a copy of this for my sis in law, she had two of this breed, both gone now sadly, but she adored them as they were such good company.

11 Nov, 2010


How cute and mischievous of your kitty! I have the same problem....a double wall unit in the kitchen run of cupboards and the dust gets in. I think it's because of the moisture and cooking that makes it do that. I haven't got a cat to dust for me it's all down to me! lol

11 Nov, 2010


Lol that made me laugh Karen :-)
Oh he can be a little terror Amy and Carole, makes the poor dogs life hell,lol, hides behind the door and jumps out on him, or waits till he's asleep and jumps on him, its a wonder poor Fudge hasn't had a heart attack,lol.
They are a lovely breed aren't they Tetrarch, very vocal, Symba is at the moment hearding OH to the fridge as he knows I've been shopping and there's some very nice turkey in there,lol.
Think we should all have our own kitty duster Whistonlass, very handy tool:-)

11 Nov, 2010


Love this breed so attractive, our old neighbours had one, we had Burmese and Abyssinnian, they were very vocal too.

13 Nov, 2010


They are lovely aren't they DD, its the blue eyes I can't resist, one look and he gets his own way every time:-), loves to be brushed and have his nails clipped too, as soon as he sees me with the brush, he lays on the carpet purring, should have been a girl I think he loves being pampered.
We used to have a Burmese too when I was a child, another lovely breed.

13 Nov, 2010


You made me laugh as well Karen ...LOL... if your Jack Russel's tail wags as much as my sons JR . there wouldn't be very much glass left ... :o)

13 Nov, 2010


Lovely puss Kathy......just making sure Mum's cleaned all the corners....:o))

14 Nov, 2010


I have always kept Siamese cats and they are extremely inquisitive of everything and have to get involved with what you are doing, and get in the way!!!! LOL He is a beautiful pusscat.

17 Nov, 2010


Thanks Janey and Lindak:-)
My mother-in-law used to have a Siamese called Lucy, remember her telling us how she used to steal things, the lining under the bed had a tear in it and she'd hide everything inside it, if anything went missing you knew where to look, very intelligent cats :-)

17 Nov, 2010


So sweet, really made me smile :)

18 Nov, 2010


Thanks Limpet, he is a little cutey :-))

18 Nov, 2010


What a lovely kitty. I bet he keeps you busy. A healthy dose of curiosity too. :o)

22 Nov, 2010


Thanks Gilli, yes he's a real mischief into everything:-)))

22 Nov, 2010

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