Meconopsis betonicifolia (Himalayan Blue Poppy) at Gardening Scotland Show2008
By David

3 Jun, 2008
The emblem of Gardening Scotland
Comments on this photo
wow beautiful
3 Jun, 2008
I do like this colour
4 Jun, 2008
And I forgot to buy any! I really liked the display by the Scottish Begonia Society, Mark. A stunning combination of all types. Will post a couple of pics soon.
4 Jun, 2008
such a shame u forget... this is so lurveely!
4 Jun, 2008
What a Fantastic Pic David :)
4 Jun, 2008
I cannot find these in my area...alas. I would probably need to lift them every year anyway...sour grapes. I will love yours instead.
1 Jul, 2008
This blue poppy has been filed on my blue-flower photo favourites.
Thanks for this one, David.
7 Sep, 2008
I was a bit surprised to see you felt you would need to lift mecanopsis if you had it Tabitha, surely your winters cant be colder than the Himalayas, and anyway mecanopsis thrive in cooler climates with higher rainfall which is why it grows beautifully in east of Scotland where I live, if you look at the exchange page you will see I have seed, which you are welcome to some if you want it, the original plant came from Branklin gardens in Perth which is renowned for it's Himalayan poppies and subsequent generations of seed have proved as electric blue as their great grand parent
25 Nov, 2008
Its absolutely awesome! I HAVE to have these!
5 Aug, 2009
Are Branklin Gardens open to the public, David? If so, where are they? (I know, I should know!!!) :~}
5 Aug, 2009
So do I - but I need a theme to fit them into. You have the perfect one!
Yes, the Garden is open to the public. You must be only a mile or two from there. Cross the main bridge over the River Tay in Perth. Turning to the left leads to the main routes to Blairgowrie (and to Scone Palace). You should turn right (there's a hotel here, but can't remember the name offhand). Branklyn Gardens are signposted not far down this road, on the left hand side). You can always Google the name and get a printable map?
The garden is actually on the slopes of Kinnoull Hill.
Hope this helps. :-)
5 Aug, 2009
Oh, right!!!! I know where it is! Thanks, I think I've seen it signposted, it's up behind the Isle of Skye Hotel!
5 Aug, 2009
That's the name!!!!!
5 Aug, 2009
Ah good, I'll know where to go then!
5 Aug, 2009
Aye! "Head for the Hill(s), lassie! :-)
5 Aug, 2009
LOL! I really DID laugh at that one!
5 Aug, 2009
5 Aug, 2009
great to revisit... Hi David! How has your summer of 2009 been?
5 Sep, 2009
Hi, Lori! Rather wet and either windy or humid, like a lot of places, really. Hasn't kept us back in the garden or having many fun outings and trips, though. Am now collecting seed, making cuttings, etc. for next year. :-)
5 Sep, 2009
David did you ever get your Meconopsis as our local garden centre is selling them for £2.99
26 May, 2011
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Meconopsis Betonicifolia
£4.00 at Burncoose -
Meconopsis Baileyi (Himalayan Blue Poppy ( Syn . Betonicifolia ))
£8.99 at Crocus -
Himalayan Poppy Seeds
£3.55 at Suttons Seeds
3 Jun, 2008