mevagissey harbour cornwall
By Sanbaz

1 Nov, 2011
just finished my latest painting today of mevagissey cornwall, taken from photo during our break there.
Comments on this photo
Pretty pic Sanda...
I'm trying to spot Doc Martin..
or maybe he's further along the coast ;o) Lol.
1 Nov, 2011
lovely Sandra - so talented :)))))))))))))))))))))
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely - looks like that kids programme Balamory;o)
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely painting
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely painting, reminds me of my holls there, and the little narrow streets :o)))
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely painting Sandra, really captures the character of the little resorts dotted along the Cornish coast;0))
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely....I though Balamory before I read the caption :)
1 Nov, 2011
Love this San, I used to go with my mum & dad years ago :o)
1 Nov, 2011
thankyou Granmage, my ideal place to live to, in my dreams like you :o))
lol Terra, yes further along the coast haha, we saw the little village where they film and its so narrow but pretty :o))
cheers Paul your very kind ;o)))
sheila not heard of that program will google it :o))
thanx carol :o))
glad it brings back memories for you Plantoholic ;o))
cheers carole lots of lovely harbours there isnt there, i enjoyed them all :o))
thanx scottish you to, i must check it out lol :o)
thankyou anne, glad you like it to :o))
cheers homebird ;o))
1 Nov, 2011
very welcome Sandra :))))))))))))))))
1 Nov, 2011
1 Nov, 2011
I loved that place San all those pretty coloured cottages ... a very nice painting ,well done :o))
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely San...How talented you are!!
1 Nov, 2011
thankyou Amy, i love the coloured cottages so added my own colours to these as the stretch of houses i took in photo werent quite colourfull enough lol, but thats art, doing your own impression :o))
thankyou moti for saying so, i just enjoy even if im not picasso haha :o))
2 Nov, 2011
Clever you, Sanbaz, you are very talented. Reminded me of a couple of long ago holidays spent in that area :)
2 Nov, 2011
thankyou Gee glad it brought back memories :o))
2 Nov, 2011
Hi Sanbaz, lovely painting.I like the fisherman.hope he caught somthing nice. must be a winter thing, i got my paints out acouple of days ago.trying to paint some tigar cubs,but the little blitters wont sit still long enough hehe. will show you when i have finished.will take all winter i expect 16x20" :)
5 Nov, 2011
well done another lovely painting... :))
6 Nov, 2011
Wow well done.You are very good at painting:))))
6 Nov, 2011
hi sue and thanx, glad you like it, good luck with the cubs, made me laugh, im sure you will do a fine job, look forward to seeing that one :o))
cheers holly glad you like it to :o))
cheers mark thanx for complement,im now a member of the paint slappers union haha :o))
6 Nov, 2011
That's lovely San, really lovely...makes me smile looking at it. I wonder what you would make of Tobermory on the Isle of would love it! One day you might be able to get up there and take some photos ...or even take your easel with you. I've never actually been myself!! lol....I'll meet you there! :))))
8 Nov, 2011
hi karen, thankyou for your lovely comments, i do love bright colours as you can see haha
iv never been there but sounds very nice, when shall we go lol, ohh i would love to sit out and paint with my easel, so relaxing and looks profesional dont you think haha :o))
hope your settled in at home after your lovely hols karen x
8 Nov, 2011
Yes, nice an cosy, glad to be home as always!
8 Nov, 2011
im like that karen, love my hols but love home to :o)
8 Nov, 2011
That's a charming painting San.
15 Nov, 2011
thankyou LuLu, i love the bright colours in acrylics :o))
15 Nov, 2011
San I don't know what it is about your paintings......but I just love them, have just shown this pic to OH and he loved it also, they have a style all of their own, don't ever change it, your unique!!
15 Nov, 2011
awww thankyou so much Dotty im delighted you both like it so much :o)) i just love bright colour and simplicity really rather than trying to make it look like a photo.
baz says i just need to start selling as im running out of space haha
15 Nov, 2011
Yes you should, might make yourself a fortune!!
18 Nov, 2011
I forgot to say, we spent a lovely day in Mevvagissey on our honeymoon!!
18 Nov, 2011
not alot of places here in blackpool Dotty, may have a stall at flea market or something next spring onwards :o)
thats lovely LuLu, it is a pretty place :o))
18 Nov, 2011
We had a wonderful time in a pub eating lunch in front of the fire. In fact I bought a print there. May post a pic of it, it's called bird tree. A big tree with dozens of different birds in it!
18 Nov, 2011
that sounds lovely lulu and sounds a cosy place to eat to :o))
19 Nov, 2011
Another one I've missed,San..while we were away..I love Megavissey too..and a long time since we were there...your painting is are doing so well :o)
19 Nov, 2011
hi sandra glad you like it and glad you like mevagissy to,
you will have to cut down on holidays sandra lol
19 Nov, 2011
LOl , chance ! but we have no plans yet for next year yet..I quite fancy staying in the UK ,as still some lovely places we want to see..but who knows? ..if a good deal comes along..!! :o)
20 Nov, 2011
hahah dont blame you sandra, we have enjoyed seeing places in uk this year and shall continue to do so, next year is baz`s 60th so im going to be planning something special for that, thinking italy! :o))
20 Nov, 2011
You really would love Italy,San..and will it be a surprise ? .I suppose you would have to tell him though.I could happily go back to all the places we have stayed or visited..a wonderful country..our favourite .:o)
20 Nov, 2011
he knows im going to book a trip but doesnt know where sandra, will try to keep that a secret i think :o)
20 Nov, 2011
That would be great,if you could keep the destination a secret,San..just don't keep singing'just one Cornetto '! Lol
20 Nov, 2011
haahha i will try not to sandra lol :o))
20 Nov, 2011
I'm playing catch-up again, San ... this painting is lovely ... just makes me feel relaxed looking at it ... well done ... :o)))
26 Nov, 2011
hi shirley nice to see you and dont worry about catching up think we all have times like that, we do have families and commitments dont we, glad you like the painting though :o))) x
27 Nov, 2011
: o )))
27 Nov, 2011
I just keep on looking at it...DD is right you have a unique style, I love it...Love all the bright colours, and the people fishing off the wall...the fishing boats bobbing on he water, terrific....well done...
27 Nov, 2011
cheers crissue, glad you like it to, was first time for doing water but enjoyed painting this one :o))
27 Nov, 2011
Good job, well done...:)))
27 Nov, 2011
a very beautiful painting, and one of the champion
7 Jan, 2012
thankyou junna for your kind words, i enjoy painting its relaxing for me :o)
7 Jan, 2012
good for you Sanbaz, me too i have a pieces of crossticth collection, and its hard to do it, but thanks im very patient of doing it , im going to picture my finished crossticth and will post it here and hoping you will like it too
8 Jan, 2012
you are patient and glad you have crosstich for another pass time, i will look forward to seeing your work and im sure alot will as some of the member do this to :o))
8 Jan, 2012
This is one of my hobby since i was 18 years old,and just have to limit my time doing crossticth to attend to some personal matters with regards to my family.But in due time i will try to get myself back doing crossticth again.Hope to see some of your finish products posted.
9 Jan, 2012
hope you get your personal matters sorted out soon junna, will post another painting soon :o))
9 Jan, 2012
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Brilliant painting San. In my dreams I would love to live in a place like that!
1 Nov, 2011