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Spent the morning making Pasties for the deep Freeze,

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What's in them, Yorkshire? Meat and potato? Recipe please - my mouth is watering uncontrollably, they look fantastic! How well do they freeze?

17 Feb, 2012


I agree with Gattina...yummm

17 Feb, 2012


made 14 altogether Gattina, three quarters of a pound each of mince beef and mince lamb, finally chopped potatoes carrots onions, S/P mix all together then sprinke two or three beef oxo cubes over the mixture and give a good stir, cover with cling film and leave it until the next day, give it a good stir before you use it, they freeze brilliantly

17 Feb, 2012


thanks Michaella

17 Feb, 2012


Wow - they look good enough to eat!! lol

17 Feb, 2012


do you want one Sheilar

17 Feb, 2012


Oooh, yes pleeeease! :-))

17 Feb, 2012



17 Feb, 2012


now now Yorkshire im so so hungry now they look so nice :))

17 Feb, 2012


they taste nice to Mark

17 Feb, 2012


I am sitting here with a cold feeling sorry for of your pasties Yorkshire, or should it be one of your Yorkshire pasties, would be just perfect.

17 Feb, 2012


your to far away for me to bring you one Linda. keep warm, hope you soon feel better, x

17 Feb, 2012


ooooooooooh yummy yorkshire!!!

they look much too good to put in a freezer.

17 Feb, 2012


they freeze brilliantly Sticki

17 Feb, 2012


i dont doubt that they just look so good i would eat them all before they got that far.

17 Feb, 2012


Oh they look amazing!

17 Feb, 2012


yummy :))))

17 Feb, 2012


They look yummy, much pastry do you need for all those ? I might make some ,but maybe only half the quantity...they look very professional .:o)

17 Feb, 2012


almost 2lb plain flour bloomer, thanks Paul, bloomer I made 14

17 Feb, 2012


i agree with Sticki there Yorkshire they look so good they would never reach the freezer :-))

17 Feb, 2012


no one could eat 14 in a day S/L

17 Feb, 2012


i'd give it a good try though :-)

17 Feb, 2012


you daft thing, you would get sick

17 Feb, 2012


half for you SL and half for me???

17 Feb, 2012


does GoY have a cookery/recipe sister site? we could do with somewhere to read plain, ordinary, non-fancy, totally lovely recipes.

They do look gorgeous, Yorkshire: I've made a note of your ingredients in case I ever get far enough along in my own kitchen - what kind of pastry did you make?

*s* one of the reasons I wanted a freezer was so I could make and store my own meals, but it's so full of stuff to cook with there's no room to put the results of said cooking.

17 Feb, 2012


can you make some more please yorkshire?

17 Feb, 2012


lol if you're doing mail oder ...

17 Feb, 2012


Right, I shall be over with a big shopping bag on the next flight......

17 Feb, 2012


and a cool box??

17 Feb, 2012


lol Yorkshire, can you plan an "open day" for garden views and pasties?

17 Feb, 2012


The cool box is a given, Sticki. You think I'm joking, don't you? You'd be astonished at the sort of things that travel back in my luggage.

17 Feb, 2012


not at all surprised gattina!!

i used to work at a playgroup ~ nothing to do with travelling admittedly but i have been known to walk through the village i lived in carrying my kenwood mixer!

17 Feb, 2012


They look absolutely yummy! I don't do pastry... Do you take orders? lol :o)))

17 Feb, 2012


Total yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 Feb, 2012


Superb and the recipe too - bonus - enjoy :o)

17 Feb, 2012


These look great! I'm at work just waiting to go on my break... My cheese and tomato sandwich just doesn't seem appetising now!!

17 Feb, 2012


I can just imagine the scent wafting from these pasties as they were taken out of the oven and left to cool ... if someone could bottle that they'd make a fortune

17 Feb, 2012


And what kind of pastry is it that you make? It looks far too nice to be plain, boring old shortcrust, Yorkshire. I'm not a terribly good pastry-maker myself.

18 Feb, 2012


Proper food Yorkshire!

18 Feb, 2012


Hi Yorks, delicious looking pastry, oh how I miss homemade Pasties, not very good pastry makers OH and I, would appreciate the recipe...xx

18 Feb, 2012


Thanks everyone, my OH and me have just sat here reading all your comments and both of us rolled over with laughter, brilliant bunch you are, plain pastry by the way, Fran Tet Sticki and me were once going to ask if we could do a recipe page. there are recipes on here though,, Crissue Recipe 2nd from the top, H/B you are so funny, thank you all for giving us such a laugh this morning, xx

18 Feb, 2012


When does the online bakery open up? I could add focaccias!

18 Feb, 2012


focacccias too?? wow
all local food specialities catered for!!

i could be looking in at this bakery quite a lot!!!

18 Feb, 2012


I think we'd all better sign up for Weightwatchers before this gets out of hand.

18 Feb, 2012


lol out of hand and into mouth! but given the gardening season's about to start, once the snow allows it, I think will be enough exercise to go round - or to stop us growing round!

18 Feb, 2012


I've seen on the forecast site that we are due for another 24-48 hours of heavy snow starting tomorrow. Bum! Think I shall have to stop blogging and get out into the sunshine and race round and round like a thing possessed to make up for future inactivity.

18 Feb, 2012


aw, heck! Funny how the forecasters are often wrong when they predict sunshine, but rarely wrong when they predict rain or snow!

Is there anything OH recently uncovered that can be moved, or at least have a bit of shelter put round it before it gets buried again?

18 Feb, 2012


Unfortunately, all the sheltered spots are already full! If I put up a picture of my flowerpot with snow-cap, it would make you laugh, but it would also depress the H*** out of everyone, and I think I've done quite enough of that for this winter.........

18 Feb, 2012


you know the old saying about troubles shared ... *s* warm yourself by GoY's friendly fires.

There's only one way to find out how people would respond to any such photo ...

18 Feb, 2012


Oh all right, then.

18 Feb, 2012


Focaccia, I remember when I baked enough of it for the local pub, 150 people, took me 12 hours, all different types,

18 Feb, 2012


a marathon focaccia ~ will you be doing this for london 2012 too?

18 Feb, 2012


you are joking Sticki, it was really hard work, did I tell you before, I delivered all of them to the pub, came home and got the kitchen cleaned up, and OH phoned from work to see how I had got on, I said I have just delivered them, he said what one did you make me, I could'nt believe it, out came the flour and I started all over again

18 Feb, 2012


oh yorkshire!!! that sounds a bit familiar!! ~ not that i have ever made that many of anything

i can well imagine it was exhausting.

18 Feb, 2012


it was believe me, I did them all on my own, landlord supplied all the ingredients though. I only did it because the landlord was a great friend of ours

18 Feb, 2012


Got the filling recipe, not the Pastry Yorks, unless my eyes are deceiving me lol...

18 Feb, 2012


4oz plain flour, 1 oz marge. 1 oz Lard, I double all the quanties and made three loads of pastry, and I egg wash them before they go in the oven and half way through cooking, fan oven 180 and I cook them for at least 50 mins,

18 Feb, 2012



18 Feb, 2012


if your making a bulk of pastry its easier doing it in a food processor, although I made all mine the hard way.

18 Feb, 2012


can the pastry be frozen for future use? ie, make a lot, use it in smaller batches? I have a hand-mixer, otherwise it's hand work - lol and hard work

18 Feb, 2012


Fran I have never tried freezing pastry so I honestly don't know, you might have to google that one

18 Feb, 2012


smiles, will do. of course, it'll be just as easy to make it fresh as to thaw a frozen lump - or forget to get it out before-hand and have to abandon the session, or to try thawing it in the microwave!

18 Feb, 2012


yes it does not take that long to make pastry Fran, better than messing about,

18 Feb, 2012


I have frozen uncooked pastry many problem..and sometimes make double what I need,to save me making it the next just have to remember to take it out the night before,and put in the fridge.It doesn't taste any different.. ..after all,some frozen products you buy,have uncooked pastry on it freezes well..anything for an easy life.:o).

18 Feb, 2012


some recipes say that putting pastry at the "breadcrumb" stage in the fridge for half an hour improves it; i've tried, but I should make two batches, one "fridged" and one not, so that I can compare them - provided that I mark them so I can tell which was which!

18 Feb, 2012


I've not tried the " breadcrumb" stage,Fran..but when its ready for rolling out,I wrap it in clingfilm and put it in the fridge 'to rest' for about 30 mins..the bring it back to room temperature,while I'm doing something else,like preparing the filling..a bit of a faff,but seems to roll out better..:o)

18 Feb, 2012


Question answered for you Fran. thanks Bloomer

18 Feb, 2012


perfect , im feelin hungry everytime i look at it!

18 Feb, 2012


thanks Junna

18 Feb, 2012


No probs,Val...I know what you mean tummy is telling me the same.:o)

18 Feb, 2012


They look absolutely delicious Val My OH can't resist a good Cornich pasty I will make these for him I don't like a lot of pastry so they will be good to freeze then we can take one out as he and when he likes ....

18 Feb, 2012


Thanks for that Yorks...will give it a try...:))

19 Feb, 2012


thanks Bloomer and Yorkshire! In accoradance with Terratoonie's Hugs Week, big bugs to you both

19 Feb, 2012


Oh, is there a Hugs week in force? I must have missed it - hugs and cuddles to everyone!

19 Feb, 2012


lol check TT's new blog, Gattina!

hug for you as well xx

19 Feb, 2012


Hug a pastie day. Well done Yorks, can smell 'em, yum!

19 Feb, 2012


thanks everyone, they really do freeze well, I make them gor my husband and he takes one out the night before, if he wants it warm he puts the oven on, microwave spoils the pastry

19 Feb, 2012


I would never put pastry in the microwave Val it goes horrible dosn't it ,yuk !

19 Feb, 2012


I've warmd up bought pies, or half of them, having baked it in the oven originally; never a happy ending

19 Feb, 2012


Do you use the traditional saucer to cut round for the size Val ?

19 Feb, 2012


I keep a small plate just for the pasties Amy, it measures 6" across, just hope it never gets broken as its the only small one I have, the reason I don't make the tops fancy by crimping is that OH likes plenty of filling, like you and Fran I can't stand pastry in the microwave, but then saying that I can't use it anyway,

19 Feb, 2012


I generally use a saucepan lid to cut larger rounds of pastry; press hard enough and I don't need a knife. of course, the trick is to have a lid exactly the size needed! as I cook for one, most of my pans are small, so they do me.

I bought my microwave for jacket spuds and Christmas puds; irritated me that even the tiny puds need to be stamed for an hour. jacket spuds aren't as good in the microwave; no crisp skin, but at least it's quick and the results are edible. it's a very basic two-dial machine; one for cook/thaw and one for time - with my mother's old one, she had to read the manual just to work out how to open the flipping door!

19 Feb, 2012


Fran..if you prefer crispy skin on your Jacket spud..cook it for just slightly under your normal time in your microwave ...and then rub a bit of oil over it,bung it in the oven on a mid/high temperature till you see it browning..turning it over to brown evenly..I can't give you any timings as depends on your micro wattage,and size of spud ! Its better than having the oven on for the long cooking time they usually need..and much tastier ...or if you already have your oven on for something else,on a lower temp,it works just the same ,but put it in a bit earlier...:o)

19 Feb, 2012


When I do jacekt spuds in the oven , I cut cooking time by puting a metal skewer thought its length - that conducts heat into the middle. Obviuosly this can't be done in a microwave, even if the ten minutes or so that it takes there wasn't fast enough!

sometimes I don't mind how long it takes, I just put it on low and get on with something while it's cooking. Snag there is that I sometimes forget when I put it on,or I get stuckinto something else so deeply that I suddenly think, Did'nt I put a spud on? and when I check, it's a tad overcooked, by several hours!

When we were kids, on Bonfire night mum would put the oven on very low and put spuds in; we'd have our bonifre, and fireworks and watch other fireworks and be outside for hours, and when we finally came in they'd be ready - maybe that's why I think of oven-cpoked jacket sspuds as taking hours!

20 Feb, 2012


Val it's all systems go all the ingredients are mixed and in the fridge until tomorrow .. I wasn't sure how much carrot and potato to put in I put in 6 medium carrots 6 pots. 3 onions , is that about right please ?

Fran we use to wrap the spuds in tinfoil then put them in the bonfire ...

20 Feb, 2012


sounds fine to me, did you remember to sprinke in the beef oxo cubes, going to make a lot of pasties by the sounds of it, I hope you enjoy them, let me know tomorrow, keep stiring the mixture, every two to three hours and it will become nice and moist, as Kids we use to wait for the bon fire to go to hot ash then stick our potatoes in to cook, would not be allowed today, health and safety,

20 Feb, 2012


we did that at Cub camp, Amy, while we had Camp Fire; sadly, by the time we got them out, they were shrivelled, blackened lumps that even the kids didn't want to try! (we ended up sending a couple of leaders to the local chippie)

That sort of put me off "trying this at home"

20 Feb, 2012


Yes I remembered the oxo cubes Val , If my calculations are correct I have to make 8 x the quantity of pastry ingredients you have given am I right ? I'll let you know the results tomorrow !
LOL... That would put you off Fran , we use to put them on the outside near the edge where it wouldn't incinerate them ..

20 Feb, 2012


do let us know how they turn out, Amy, please!!!

yeah, I think either our spud-placer or fire-feeder was a bit too keen

20 Feb, 2012


Amy make what you want quantity wise, but just make sure you can seal them properly, good luck. and I'm watching this space,

21 Feb, 2012


Fran , Val I've taken one lot out of the oven OH and I cut one in half to try , WOW ! they are delicious .. I have made 20 plus I had to make some more pastry because I had enough mixture left over to make into a single large pie we will have that one for a meal today ... My Oh is talking about taking them up to the local layby to sell because there are so many LOL.. Thanks for the recipe Val it's going to be another favourite , I'm not sure that I dare put a photo on here I know some people complain if it isn't about gardening !!! what do you think ?

21 Feb, 2012


heck, a lot of photos aren't garden related! so long as it's a now-and-the, I do'nt think anyone'd mind - lol especially when it comes to seeing how your Yorkie-alike pasties have turned out!

21 Feb, 2012


well done Amy I am so proud of you, and thank your OH for liking them so much, now being as it was my recipe is OH going to share the profits with me from the Lay by, Lol. yes stick a photo on what the heck, we have childrens photos, etc etc, they are not gardening, going to the village I am going to check this out when I get back, Fran well said,

21 Feb, 2012


O.k I'll put the photo on now ,, OH said he will share the profits provided you come and help him sell them Val LOL...

21 Feb, 2012


no problem tell him Amy, I spent all my working life selling, get the oven on again for another load, will he want me to wear a mini skirt and black fish net stockings, or if the weather picks up maybe a bikini,

21 Feb, 2012


LOL.. his blood pressure is high enough already Val I'm not sure if he could stand it ..... :o))

21 Feb, 2012


if we are sharing the profits then he can share my blood pressure tables as well, Amy I don't know if he could bare to stand it either,poor bloke, he would say what a sight, Lol

21 Feb, 2012


So,you have a mini skirt and fishnets,have you,Val ? ....and why,may I ask ,didn't you wear them yesterday,for lunch ??? ..Russell doesn't take blood pressure tablets ..yet ! Lol...It was a bit nippy though,to be fair..:.Thanks to you and Ralph for a nice was the food :o)xx

21 Feb, 2012


Bit to chlly to wear my mini skirt yesterday Bloomer, Lol it was a great lunch and both of us really did enjoy spending time with you and Russel, Ralph has been over to a neighbour today and told them all about it, they did not know it was there, the food is great, will definately be going back, xx

21 Feb, 2012


lol Amy, you can advertise them as "genuine Yorkshire Cornish pasties" - that'll boggle the passing traffic!!

21 Feb, 2012


have you seen the one's Amy has made Fran

21 Feb, 2012


not yet, but will have in ten seconds!

twelve seconds later ... oh, wow! full marks to both of you, I'd hate to be a taste tester and have to decide a winner!!!

21 Feb, 2012


Val was keeping the fishnets and mini to suprise you with on your next lunch date Sandra, Russell has that pleasure to come ... :o))

21 Feb, 2012


well thank you kindly Fran, poor Russel Amy, he would die if he saw me in a mini and fishnets, we had a lovely time with them both, only 15 minutes from our house and thirty from Sandra's, it really was lovely place to meet up for lunch,

21 Feb, 2012


Yes Thank you Fran ! You are lucky to have found somewhere that both you Sandra and OH's can meet up for lunch Val so close to each other as well ,that is nice for you ..........

21 Feb, 2012


they are a lovely couple Amy,

21 Feb, 2012



21 Feb, 2012


I can imagine Ralph's face as well, Amy..if I turned up in that gear ! Lol. ...and the tearoom staff ! do you think they would ban us,Val? ...better not do it then..seeing as you two have only just found that place..:o) is nice that we live so has only taken us a year,to get organised..! ...such busy lives we lead..ha ha..

21 Feb, 2012


Yorkshire, could you please post this recipe as a blog? ingredents, method, etc?

Sure you'd very soon get lots of people emulating Amy!

22 Feb, 2012


Down at the bottom of the pile again, Very nice Yorkshire, having a cuppa here could do with one of those pasties

22 Feb, 2012


might go off in the post John, or I would send you one, x

22 Feb, 2012


O.K. Fran will do it a bit later, had one heck of a morning here,

22 Feb, 2012


sorry to hear that, Yorkshire! hope the after-effects will soon wear off. As and when, dear, no rush.

22 Feb, 2012


I made some last night, they were very nice ~ but they dont look as beautiful as yours yorkshire.

24 Feb, 2012


stop it, your making me blush,x

24 Feb, 2012


what would you prefer me to say?

24 Feb, 2012


give up, I'm getting more and more shyer now,

24 Feb, 2012


lol if you're "shy" we should start lobbing wooden balls at you to knock your "nut" off??

praise where praise is due, and your pasties look most praiseworthy, and Amy has proved that the recipe is equaly praiseworthy.

24 Feb, 2012


you are so funny Fran, I have to laugh at your comments,its nice to know some of the girls have made the pasties, Sticki made them, and have you seen the one's Cinderella made yesterday

24 Feb, 2012


no, I haven't! we need a new GoYpedia page to keep 'em all in one place.

I'll check out Sticki's and Cinders' photos immediately

24 Feb, 2012


good girl, O h sticki put her comment on this blog

24 Feb, 2012


just seen Cinders' pic, yum! come on Sticki, let's see yours, please???

24 Feb, 2012


hi val i am going to make pasties to moz julies going to get all i need for asda ill do me best may have a little helper ? i hope leah whos 3 wish us luck lol BBFB

25 Feb, 2012


good luck, looking forward to seeing them, you can do it,

26 Feb, 2012


These look fantastically mouth-watering . . . yummy. Thanks so much for the recipe, Yorks - I'll definitely give them a try soon, haven't made them for years.
When OH and I were first married, a picnic consisted of two pasties and a bottle of red wine!!

9 Mar, 2012


there you go then Sheila, a good excuse for a picnic, Lol

9 Mar, 2012


Mmm . . . might just wait a little longer - prefer to picnic in warm sunshine, lol.

9 Mar, 2012


maybe in the summer then. its raining here right now

9 Mar, 2012



9 Mar, 2012



12 Mar, 2012


Well they did get made, but shamed to say, not many made it to the Freezer lol...

13 Mar, 2012


Crissue, how did they turn out and did you enjoy them, thanks Bill you should give them ago.

13 Mar, 2012


well, Criss, that's what they're for! and I'm sure they taste even better when fresh

13 Mar, 2012


Your pasties look fantastic!!! I thought I was never going to get to the end of the comments. :0) Shows that we don't only love our gardens but our stomachs too!!! I must have a go at making a few pasties from the recipe...thanks.

16 Mar, 2012


A very good morning to all from euroland...OH made the Pasties, with one alteration, instead of carrot he used diced swede, gorgeous flavour...They were delicious, and as I said earlier, not many made it to the freezer, so my advice to anyone making them would be, make twice as much as what you think you'll need ha ha.., Fran those that came from the freezer, I left under a cloth to defrost, then left them in a gentle oven to heat through completely, timing them with the other veg we were having, and they too were lovely...
Thanks Yorks....OH is going add a little Sichuan spice pepper next time by way of a change...x

16 Mar, 2012


so glad you enjoyed the pasties Crissue, well done to your OH for making them,

16 Mar, 2012


He used to cook lots years ago, then just stopped, picked it up again this last year, and is into most things now, he's been making our bread for a long time now, and his Sponges are to die for...but

16 Mar, 2012


sponge recipe please,

16 Mar, 2012


okey dokey...tomorow ok???

16 Mar, 2012


thank you so much,

16 Mar, 2012


Hi Yorks,
I've told OH, he's out all day, so I'll catch him when he's had his tea, haven't forgotten you...x

17 Mar, 2012


thanks Crissue,

17 Mar, 2012



Makes 8-10 good wedges

Oil for greasing
4 Medium Eggs
225g/8ozs Self Raising Flour
2 tsp baking powder
225g/8oz soft dark brown Sugar/ OH preference *
225g/8ozs soft butter or margarine...OH uses half and half soft...

OH does his mixing by the machine, and really whisks his mix until it's light and fluffy...

lightly grease 2 20cm/8inch sandwich tins, and line the bases with with non stick baking paper or greaseproof paper...Preheat the oven to 180c Fan 165c Gas 4.

Break the eggs into a cup, sift the flour and baking powder into the mixing bowl and add the sugar, butter/margarine, and eggs.
Mix on speed 1 for 20-30 secs. then increase the speed and continue until thoroughly mixed.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared sandwich tins, and level.
Put into the hot oven, and and bake for 25-30 mins, or until the cakes are risen, golden brown and the tops of the cakes spring back when lightly pressed...
Leave in the tins for 2-3mins, then turn out onto wire racks, and leave to cool completely...

Filling...your choice...

* If you prefer a lighter sponge use 225g/8ozs Caster Sugar...


18 Mar, 2012


Morning all...

As promised recipe above, enjoy...haven't included filling, as there are so many choices...but let me know if you want ideas...(fattening) :o)))

18 Mar, 2012


thanks Crissue, I will make this for my daughters birthday, please thank your OH from me, xx

18 Mar, 2012


Hi Yorks,

You're welcome, he has just taken his from the oven, not sure what filling he's having, probably butter cream...

18 Mar, 2012


how about a photo for me when he has finished it, x

18 Mar, 2012


Photo up, sorry I stood a bit close, could have been a better shot...

19 Mar, 2012

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