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Are you sitting comfortably?

Are you sitting comfortably?

There I was, concentrating on taking a close up photo in the garden and look what landed on my back ~ and sat there for about 5 minutes!!!

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Well - the grass was wet!

18 May, 2012



18 May, 2012


are you just taking pics now of the backs of peoples heads?
nice jumper btw

18 May, 2012


yes, new theme!!

thank you!!!!

18 May, 2012


Lol Sticki :-))

18 May, 2012



18 May, 2012


Awww hahahaha cute!

18 May, 2012


Haha....that is a very small pusscat Sticki!

18 May, 2012


They know how to get comfy!!

18 May, 2012


Reminded me of my cat I once had. I was taking a correspondence course in garden design, had to do bit of drawings - as soon as I was sitting behind the desk my cat was sitting on my back, lol

18 May, 2012


she is funny isnt she!! she is quite little janey, she was a very tiny kitten!!

bit of a challenge kasy!!

certainly do scottish!

she makes me smile pixi

18 May, 2012


Lol Sticki. Remember the last time you put up a photo like this, your hair looked auburn?! Lovely cat. :))

19 May, 2012


DOnt they all ST :)

19 May, 2012


yes sheila ~ back to natural now!!!

yes pixi they are masters of it!!!

19 May, 2012


The cats coat ..your hair and jumper...all colour co-ordinated!!!???

19 May, 2012


well i have never been co-ordinated before! thanks devika

19 May, 2012


Suki used to sit on my head two wake me up in the mornings..and pad away with her paws pulling my hair lol..thank goodness she got out of that!

19 May, 2012


minty will pat my face if she wants something when i am still asleep, makes me laugh ~ sometimes i pretend to be asleep just to see what she will do ~ sssssshhhhhhhhh dont tell her!!!

19 May, 2012


how did you manage to take this photo, its very clever

19 May, 2012


with great difficulty ~ had several attempts yorkshire!!!

19 May, 2012


you must be a contausionist, thats spelt wrong.

19 May, 2012


you should see the other pictures!!!

19 May, 2012


LOL, I can't believe she did that , I wish somebody had taken a photo of you taking this photo Sticki !!!

19 May, 2012


Actually, that is a good question. How is that even possible?? Aren't cats great and don't we/you bend over backwards - well in your case, forward - to accommodate them?

19 May, 2012


sorry amy, no one else was here!!! i took a load with the camera sticking out in my right arm, had no idea what was in the picture ~ mostly my collar, the tree etc!!!

i do spoil her tuesday but she is lovely

19 May, 2012


heh yeah i do that to SUki too!

19 May, 2012



19 May, 2012


Am awa tae ma bed noo ken..night night :)

19 May, 2012


Looks like a warm place to sit.

19 May, 2012


noo pixi, im not ken!!!

i think it was warmer than the stone paving linda!!!

19 May, 2012


yer certainly no a Barbie onywise! lol

20 May, 2012


No, nor barbie!!

20 May, 2012


haha i ken!

20 May, 2012


Lol Sticki.....I really thought she was sitting behind you on a slope..:))

20 May, 2012


what a pretty cat she is so sweet.

20 May, 2012


its a bit confusing janey but since she was tiny she has jumped up on my back and still does it if i am leaning over! I suppose she thinks i am part of the furniture!!!!

thank you olive, she is sweet [except when she catches birds]

20 May, 2012


She looks just like my cat Haggie. Must look out a photo!

22 May, 2012


oh yes, please do mags, [are you mag, mags or may for short???] we did or i think i did a blog once on all the cats this colour [roughly] and all their names ended in y or ie ~ yours fits in perfectly!!

22 May, 2012


lol talk about nerve haha

23 May, 2012


I don't think that occurs to minty Sanbaz!

23 May, 2012


Beautiful kitty! Our India (jet black) is very aloof, but she never fails to accompany my husband to the living room carpet each morning where he does his stretches. She insinuates herself into his every body nitch--lap, elbow, shoulder, abdomen, and starts purring, and sometimes drooling. He has to stop and love her up.

If you gardeners are in the mood for a wonderful cat video on You Tube, look up Henri Paw de Deux. He is so French, so filled with ennui, so hilarious. The best episode I've seen is where he is growing his winter coat, which he considers "a tsar's robe". Henri is a real cat, with a very clever owner.

2 Jun, 2012

i like it segolily ~ thats really well done, made me laugh!!

2 Jun, 2012

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