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Monkey Puzzle tree with cobwebs


By Amy

Monkey Puzzle tree with cobwebs   (A.araucana)

( Araucaria )

Comments on this photo


now that looks so pretty

8 Oct, 2012


It looks much nicer when the sun shines on it first thing in the morning Val they look like little diamond drops glistening with rainbow colours ...

8 Oct, 2012


I love this Amy..stunning effect:o)

8 Oct, 2012


Brilliant photo! :)

8 Oct, 2012


Thanks Sandra / Karen this is how I like to see it in the morning .......

8 Oct, 2012


Doesnt that look magical, a great picture Amy;0)

8 Oct, 2012


Lovely pic Amy :o), how old is your tree?

8 Oct, 2012


A real work of art.

8 Oct, 2012


Unbelievable shot. I hope these spiders will catch all the flies and mosquitoes. Good engineering job.

8 Oct, 2012


great shot Amy :-)

8 Oct, 2012


Thanks all I'm glad you like it , it's about 20 years old Ph.. it's approx 25ft tall , every now and again one of it's lower branches turns brown and then we feel that we must take it off to keep it looking nice , this year it had several seed pod things growing at the top , I can't see them properly to have a good look at them and I've no intentions of climbing the tree :o)

8 Oct, 2012


Great photo Amy! Haven't they all been busy during the night!

8 Oct, 2012


LoL Amy, not even a monkey!!
I saw some pods at the top of a tree near us...I'm not climbing it either!

10 Oct, 2012


Very Janey :o) I think we will leave that to the spiders Lulu LoL .........

10 Oct, 2012


Beautiful shot, we had a monkey puzzle tree in the midlands, and left it behind when we moved south always regretted it, it would have been over 15 years old now.....

12 Oct, 2012


Some things you just cant move can you ,it's a shame it would have been as big as this one by now probably to big for your garden and nothing grows under it except bluebells I tried Lily of the valley , there are other shrubs round it with an entrance at the front the children use it like a hideout they even put tables and chairs in it so the plants were soon trampled on !!

13 Oct, 2012


It is not as if you can get too near it, being that spiky....

14 Oct, 2012

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This photo is of species A.araucana.

This photo is of "Monkey Puzzle" in Amy's garden

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