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14 waxwings in a pear tree?

14 waxwings in a pear tree?

In total there were 23 waxwings in this tree, its not a pear tree ~ I think its a poplar? They have arrived at the GC and been there for a week, sorry its all so grey ~ there is no colour in the sky today!

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I think that waxwings are very beautiful birds.I like specially the small ones (bohemian) We do not have them on the Island but had a flock coming to my garden in previous house. They loved my crabapples after the first frost. I miss them. Thanks for posting Sticky.

6 Dec, 2012


They had congress :))

6 Dec, 2012


superb sticki i saw them when i was in school 45 yrs ago & have been hopeing to see them once again before i pop my clogs lol, i look for them every year ,but to no avail ,i know at present there are good numbers of them on the east coast whitby area

6 Dec, 2012


What a wonderful sight, I have just got my husband in here to see it too. He is a keen bird watcher and loved your pic.

6 Dec, 2012


How exciting, I would love to have seen them. Great pic again Sticki:-)

6 Dec, 2012


Many thanks everyone, it was such a treat to see them! Last week they arrived but I had no camera, as it happens it worked out better ~ there were so many twitchers there before and no one was near the birds, this week no one else was there and I was able to walk around the base of that tree, they didnt seem at all bothered!

Bampy has kindly fixed the picture for me [as i hoped he would] so i will put the brighter picture on as that gives a few more details.

the five waxwings in a row almost look like penguins i think!!!

pete ~ they must have flown past you to get to worcestershire! perhaps they will visit on the way back?

i hope they visit all of you at some point!

not far for you BA, they might stay around a bit longer?

6 Dec, 2012


Amazing ! how lucky for you to see so many together Sticki . !

6 Dec, 2012


very lucky amy ~ but look at this ~

NOT taken by me but from the same place ~ these are superb photos

6 Dec, 2012


I've just been there after reading your blog Sticki ,the photos are stunning aren't they ? :o))

6 Dec, 2012


absolutely stunning ~ at least you can see how they really look now!
im hoping there will be a little bit of sun tomorrow, perhaps i can get a better shot ~ but i really need a zoom lens!

6 Dec, 2012


wow! amazing shot, Sticki ,Very wonderful!!

6 Dec, 2012


How amazing to get this picture of a flock, these are birds I would love to see in my garden ;0)

6 Dec, 2012


Wow, fab shot. Don't think I've ever seen a wax wing..

6 Dec, 2012


thanks junna, very lucky really!
I would like to see them in mine too PP, this was 5 miles down the road
nor me before this week lulu!

6 Dec, 2012


Fantastic sight Sticky. Well caught on camera. There are redwings and fieldfare that fly around in flocks at this time of year Snoopdog. Fieldfares wings are white underneath, speckled chests and gingery wings on top with dark tail and edge of wings, and grey head. Redwings are similar but tail is lighter brown and they have a splash of red under wings and brown heads.

7 Dec, 2012


thanks snoopdog and linda, been back to see them today!

i always think the field fares and red wings are a bit like a pale thrush??

7 Dec, 2012


They're beautiful birds, you're very lucky to have been able to take this picture. I've only ever seen them once, about 10years ago and I've never forgotten it.

8 Dec, 2012


You are so lucky to see them :0)

8 Dec, 2012


I agree Waddy and Sue, certainly very lucky ~ and even better to have been able to go back twice and still find them!

8 Dec, 2012


waxwing? ive never heard of one of them! and i thought i was a great bird watcher!

10 Dec, 2012


I think they spend the summer in scandinavia summerbreeze and come over here in very cold winters looking for more food, but its unusual for them to come this far south, i never expected to see one but i think they probably visit scotland more regularly ~ was it last year karensusan saw them in her garden?

10 Dec, 2012


wingtastic : )

12 Dec, 2012


brill arent they ~ waxtastic too!

12 Dec, 2012


ive just realised ive heard of the Lapwing but never a Waxwing!

17 Dec, 2012


lapwings are beautiful too summerbreeze, i saw lots of them in a field in the outer hebrides but these waxwings i have never seen before, i hope i see them again!

17 Dec, 2012


how brilliant !!! Never seen one before but lovely birds

27 Dec, 2012


thanks paul, they are lovely birds, quite special i think, and seem very friendly!

27 Dec, 2012



27 Dec, 2012



27 Dec, 2012

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