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Erysimum linifolium variegatum.

Erysimum linifolium variegatum. (Erysimum linifolium Variegatum.)

Come through the winter and cold spring well...

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very beautiful, I love the variegated leaves and the mix of flower colour.

27 Apr, 2013


Super colours :o)

27 Apr, 2013


Lovely....A nice change to autumnal colours. Mine survived the winter! , just a mixture of dark red and yellow i think they'll be. Bought them at our local market, who grow their own... think they cost me £1.25, there were loads in the bunch, scattered in pots and half barrel and just about to flower.Was it you Dd, that took a cutting and it recently flowered. I get mixed up with "who did what"(old age and senilty the cause!) lol!!

27 Apr, 2013


Gralew, a bargain at that price, we bought this as a shrub many years ago, but it got very leggy, so OH took cuttings, (they do take quite easily) the cutting became a lovely plant but died (wrong part of the garden) this is the original which was hard pruned and is now back to it's former it was not me who took the cutting BTW..
Thanks TT......Louisa so do I, this is one of my favourites, Meadowland it was in the right place this time......would be upset to lose it now.

27 Apr, 2013


Oh.... I'll try Cinders threads !

28 Apr, 2013


What a pretty wallflower......pretty leaves too...

28 Apr, 2013


Thanks Janey was surprised it made it this year...

28 Apr, 2013


This has come through remarkably unscathed...

30 Apr, 2013


It is lovely - do these plants have a similar appearance and scent to wall flowers?

3 May, 2013


Well if yours is in bloom now, then mine is dead - not a sign of a leaf. Never mind, room for something else.

3 May, 2013


Lovely Dottie.

4 May, 2013

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