Garden frog I disturbed while tidying the rockery.
By Drc726
- 19 Aug, 2013
Comments on this photo
Saute-ed in garlic butter.
Ladies, I'm kidding. I'm vegan, honest! Lol.
19 Aug, 2013
Wot, no steak?
19 Aug, 2013
I have lots in my garden but seldom see the bigger ones.
19 Aug, 2013
You have a good climate and probably you do not cut grass with machine like me. I always have my garden as a battle field after cutting grass :-(
19 Aug, 2013
I keep my grass short but have lots of plants for frogs to hide in as they cross the garden Katarina.
19 Aug, 2013
He's sunbathing , a frog made me jump the other day it leaped up in front of me taking me by surprise ....
19 Aug, 2013
Lol Amy they make me jump too.
19 Aug, 2013
Willow (cat) has caught two frogs recently (one at a time of course!!) and kindly brought them in for me to see!! Luckily she hadn't killed them so I was able to persuade her to let go & they were able to hop away!!
19 Aug, 2013
Only of the soya or quorn varieties, Drc.
It's amazing what they can do, nowadays.
So, are you looking forward to your 1st stem cell burger? ;-)
20 Aug, 2013
Yes Bilbo I dig a pond out over 15 years ago, I do not use chemicals in it and I dont have a pump either, just use barley straw and it is a great little heaven for wild life - except when the snake stayed in it for a week during a very dry summer 4-5 years ago ugh.
Not for me Mouldy, what you put in your body over the years dictates your health status in later life.
20 Aug, 2013
Tell me about it.
Fags for 41yrs. Result...emphysema.
A daily run kept it at bay, but I couldn't run far or fast enough. Lol.
Odd, however, how I looked after my diet, but not my lungs.
Live & learn, eh?
20 Aug, 2013
Thats a struggle for you Mouldy. I have this spring been diagnosed with Asthma but thankfully I stopped smoking over 32 years ago, my mother and grandmother both died of lung cancer they were both smokers and I found that scary.
21 Aug, 2013
Don't get me wrong, I'm still addicted to nicotine, but I use a different delivery system...I guzzle tablets rather than inhale fumes , nowadays & have done so for nearly nine, or thereabouts years, which my quack is happy about.
Glad I could please someone. ;-)
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, Drc!
Inhalers & thoric exercises from now on, I take it?
21 Aug, 2013
I understand the craving Mouldy, after all these years I would still love to light up again. Yes I am on inhalers and am so much better now I can breath and able to do so much more.
21 Aug, 2013
Glad to hear that you have both given up smoking. When my father was alive and we lived at home he smoked and when he went to work early in the morning I used to hear him coughing as he walked down the road. I don't smoke, but I dislike having to breathe in the smoke of others who are smoking. It must be hard not to smoke after years of doing so, and I'm glad that your inhalers are helping you.
22 Aug, 2013
Great Froggie Picture, I have a little wildlife pond but havent seen a single frog this year;0(
22 Aug, 2013
I haven't seen any frogs toads although my neighbour across the road saw a lizard last week.
22 Aug, 2013
I went out with my torch the other evening Linda and saw a newt swimming in the pond, so I guess that more than makes up for the lack of Frogs ;0)
22 Aug, 2013
I have Newts and love watching them. A couple of years ago I tried to drown a Lizard when I thought it was a Newt! found it roll over when put in the pond.
22 Aug, 2013
They are very much alike Drc but glad it rolled over lol;0)
22 Aug, 2013
Yes they do look very similar PP.
22 Aug, 2013
My neighbour found the lizard under some bricks and it played dead for a while then suddenly rushed off.
23 Aug, 2013
funny little fellow sunbathing... nice shot Dr.
23 Aug, 2013
Thanks Aleyna
23 Aug, 2013's not a salamander.
No smoke. Lol.
25 Aug, 2013
Great Photo.
3 Oct, 2013
Glad you like it Lynda
3 Oct, 2013
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Fabulous. Frogs so often wait around long enough to take their photo! I'm always so thrilled to see them.
19 Aug, 2013