My shelties
By Fleurdemai

17 Sep, 2008
Taken on one of our regular walks through the heather
Comments on this photo
GoY members won't be surprised that this has gone straight to my fav. photos page. Conker my Sheltie would thoroughly approve. :o)
17 Sep, 2008
Lovely shot. They are very obedient to all stay still for a photo.
17 Sep, 2008
what a bunch of cuties!
17 Sep, 2008
Beautiful photo and lovely dogs
17 Sep, 2008
Beautiful dogs and welcome to GOY!
17 Sep, 2008
We just say 'Stay'
Shelties are very obedient if trained from an early age
17 Sep, 2008
What lovely, lovely dogs. Henry says Hallo! I say - welcome to GOY from me.
17 Sep, 2008
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to browsing through some of your photos and finding some new ideas for my garden.
17 Sep, 2008
awwww they are so beautiful, i love them
17 Sep, 2008
I must say, they are beautiful dogs!
17 Sep, 2008
Don't they all just look like they are smiling for the camera? They a truly beautiful.
18 Sep, 2008
Welcome Fleurdemai, beautiful beautiful doggies!! They're really smiling for the camera!
18 Sep, 2008
omg what a fantastic photo. i love the way there all lined up as well. lol. and on a log, very impressive. there all so beautiful
19 Sep, 2008
Awwwwww there so cute..
19 Sep, 2008
Look, how well behaved :) Beautiful dogs.
19 Sep, 2008
They are absolutely gorgeous !! Awww, I want one now, or two or
21 Sep, 2008
Such a great photo - they are adorable! All lined up, posed & smiling yet! Thanks for sharing. : )
21 Sep, 2008
what a wonderful photo,they just make you want to just want to give them all a cuddle,they all look like they know they are wonderful,a true pose for the camera...................
23 Sep, 2008
Beautiful dogs! A very well constructed photo as well! Great!
26 Sep, 2008
Fleur, my daughter wants to know if they are also called "collie"?
11 Oct, 2008
Shelties are Shetland Sheepdogs.
Rough Collies, like Lassie, are bigger dogs which look rather similar.
Photos of my Sheltie, Conker, are on my pages
These might demonstrate the size better.
11 Oct, 2008
Conker is a cute lovely dog!!! Ive seen it. Thanks for reply TT (can i call you TT? Terratooine is way long :o).
11 Oct, 2008
Yes, call me TT.
I guess Fleur likes dogs ?
11 Oct, 2008
Aw lovely dogs
7 Nov, 2009
Pictures by Fleurdemai
8 of 322
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Featured on: pet dogs
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OMG these are Gorgeous Fleurdemai :)How on earth did u get them al to stay there in that pose? :)Brilliant pic may i add :)
17 Sep, 2008