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October 26th 2008 ~ Bonsai's 13th Birthday !

October 26th 2008 ~  Bonsai's 13th Birthday !

My Welsh Terrier, Bonsai ~ pictured with his Welsh flags, which were part of his tricks routine. Bonsai's birthday present was the toy mower you can see on a previous photo.

He was clever having a birthday on the day the clocks went back. A whole extra hour of birthday. Whoopee !

Sadly Bonsai at 13 years old was not too well, but he had a gentle push of his birthday mower up and down my lounge carpet. :o)
Some of the comments below were made prior to 21st November 2008, when Bonsai went to doggie heaven.
Rest in peace my little furry friend. xxx

Comments on this photo


Lovely photo TT, and a 'Happy 13th Birthday' to Bonsai. He is one very intelligent dog TT.and looks to be enjoying himself

I do hope that he has a very quiet Birthday and just takes it easy to get his strength back.We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed that he is able to fight this setback. Take Care from me and Mr Tina2xxxxx

26 Oct, 2008


Tina2 and Mr.Tina2 ~
Bonsai appreciates your good wishes. He's relaxing at the moment.

As always, with the clocks going back, he is ready for food an hour early. Was looking for his "ten o'clock treats" at 9 a.m. ! And could I refuse him ?
No. :o)
Through all this he hasn't lost his appetite. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


aww happy 13th birthday Bonsai.
hope he has a great day TT

26 Oct, 2008


Thanks Irish.
He's been eating little biscuits covered in local honey.:o)

26 Oct, 2008


'Penblwydd hapus' Bonsai !
I hope he enjoys his birthday and glad he has a good appetite.

26 Oct, 2008


Hywel ~
Bonsai is waving his Welsh flags for you. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Thank you Bonsai !

26 Oct, 2008


Happy birthday to Bonsai ,hope he feels better soon TT

26 Oct, 2008


Janette ~
Bonsai has just had a visitor, bringing him a card and present!

Bonsai decided to 'perform' a few of his tricks for him. Pushed pram on slightly wobbly legs, and did a beg, holding the flags in the photo. This all resulted in Bonsai properly WAGGING his tail for the first time this week. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Awww he,s such a lovely dog TT. I hope he's feeling better soon, is it just his age or something else..

26 Oct, 2008


Ydd ~
Sadly Bonsai was recently diagnosed with liver cancer, but he is on supplements which are giving more strength, so he has a good quality of life.
Thanks so much for asking after him. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Thats Awfull TT, One of my dogs had Breast cancer and the pills the vet gave her were amazing, gave her a new lease of life :))) Dogs eh. Dont live long enough and we love them like there our children..our Darlings :)

26 Oct, 2008


Yes, the vets can do lots more than they could years ago.
I'm so glad they were able to help your dog. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Beautiful Bonsai...But where is the birthday hat?
Glad to hear he is doing his tricks. Sounds like it made his day.
Pass along birthday xoxoxs from Chummy and Scrunchion, and me!

PS-we would like to see a family pic with you included sometime????

26 Oct, 2008


Hello Chummy and Scrunchion........ oh and NN (Lol):

Bonsai is having his siesta.
He's really enjoying his day, so it'll be one I can remember with pleasure.
With any photos I'm behind the camera.
When things have settled down, I'll delve into files and see which pics. have been taken at dog shows. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Best Wishes Little Bonsai XXXXX I know ul of had a Super Birthday & enjoying every minute that your Mummy gives u XXXXXX

26 Oct, 2008


Jacque ~ Thank you.
Both dogs have just had a grooming session.
Looking smart now. Sending Summer xxx :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Summer z MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmm & Thank U :)

26 Oct, 2008


Glad you had a nice birthday Bonsai, and that you felt well enough to do tricks. Still enjoying your food...that's good. Play on that one and you'll get all sorts of yummies! x

26 Oct, 2008


Pottygardener ~
You are so right.
Lots of treats and goodies.
Bonsai is being definitely pampered. :o)

26 Oct, 2008


That's a great photo. Henry and I are glad he had a happy day and wish him more of them.

26 Oct, 2008


Thank you Spritz and Henry.
I thought the GoY members in Wales might especially like the Welsh flags!
Telme8 sent me a p.m. of approval ! :o)

26 Oct, 2008


Happy Birthday Bonsai! Hope you like your toy mower!

27 Oct, 2008


Welsh terriers are such characters, he's a beautiful dog, happy birthday Bonsai!

27 Oct, 2008


Dawnsaunt ~ Yes thankyou. Bonsai had a lovely birthday. Mowed up and down the lounge.
The vet's magic medicine is really working. Bonsai has even more energy today. Looks like he'll be around a bit longer. Fingers crossed...

27 Oct, 2008


Madmum ~
Yes, I've owned several Welsh Terriers. Each dog full of energy, intelligence and personality, but not aggressive.
I hope you're enjoying your first few days on GoY. We are a friendly forum :o)

27 Oct, 2008


handsome chap hope he was well enough for extra treats on his birthday.

27 Oct, 2008


Hi Lincslass ~
Yes thanks. Bonsai is responding well to the treatment so far. He really enjoyed his birthday. He says hello to your lovely dog Malik. :o)

28 Oct, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BONSAI! From us here! You, at least, won't chew to destruction our telephone line, our son's games consoles cables, the home cinema surround cables, etc., as I've done! - from a young Lucky (to be alive - but we've been there b4, lol !) Woof, Woof! ALL THE BEST 2U AND TT. XX

29 Oct, 2008


oh oh happy belated b'day to Bonsai!!!!!

29 Oct, 2008


Aleyna ~ Hello.
Bonsai seems stronger this week.
He says thanks for your message.
It's COLD ~ I expect you've seen some of the recent garden photos, such as Four Seasons ~ so Bonsai is wearing his knitted coat. He looks cute in that. :o)

29 Oct, 2008


Happy Birthday Bonsai - sorry I'm late! October 26th is also my husband's birthday so from now on I will also be thinking of Bonsai on that day.

30 Oct, 2008


Gillian ~
Thanks. Happy birthday to hubby too.
You win the award for changing your avatar picture the most times.
I think Jacque is a close runner-up. Lol.

30 Oct, 2008


I like 2 be second :) Thanx TT :)

30 Oct, 2008


Jacque ~
You look younger in each picture.
Gillian keeps transforming. I can't keep up ~
pumpkins, gnomes - what next ? Lol

30 Oct, 2008


I like variety! I thought "Chillin' with my gnomies" was quite appropriate in this weather!

30 Oct, 2008


Gillian ~
Bring your gnomes and come curl up with Bonsai. He's been snoozing all morning by the radiator wrapped up in blankets.
But he reappeared for his dinner. :o)

30 Oct, 2008


That's just what I would love to do! Unfortunately still have to do the festivating of the house for Halloween and a lot of less exciting stuff today.

30 Oct, 2008


Give him a hug from me. Our Dogs mean so much to us, I hope they know how much.

30 Oct, 2008


Poaannua ~

Bonsai says thank you. He enjoyed his hug from you and says hello to Nelly.
He has another check-up at the vet next Wednesday.
Firework night. Fingers crossed!

30 Oct, 2008


Sorry i missed your birthday Bonsaii, hope things go well at the vets will be sure to look on here for an update! Toffee sends get well wishes even though he doesn't really like dogs, but will make an exception in your case!!! :o)

30 Oct, 2008


He is SUCH a cutie pie ! Give him a cuddle from me please.

30 Oct, 2008


Bonsai sends cuddles back to everyone ~
Sewingkilla, Toffee, Jenn and family and all the cats in New Zealand.
Due to your 'likes' he is currently waving his Welsh flags in the top four photos, so thank you.

He's taking his magic medicine and doing his best to be brave. Conker the Sheltie is helping. Fetched Bonsai his knitted coat today so he wouldn't be cold. Shelties are VERY helpful. Even Crocus the budgie did his best to cheer up Bonsai by throwing all his budgie toys around his cage. :o)

30 Oct, 2008


Sorry I missed your birthday Bonsai. Hope he's not feeling too bad TT - he's in good hands with Conker and Crocus.

31 Oct, 2008


Lovetrees ~
Bonsai seems to be doing well today thank you.
GoY is being a big help in all sorts of ways while I'm looking after him. :o)

31 Oct, 2008


Birthday wishes dear Bonsai hope he is in not too much Pain terratoonie.

Take care.

31 Oct, 2008


Scotkat ~
Vet says Bonsai isn't in pain, so that's a good thing. He gets weak when his red blood cell count drops, but treatments are helping quite a lot for the moment. :o)

31 Oct, 2008


A happy belated 13th birthday to Bonsai from Finn!

31 Oct, 2008


Finn ~
~ from one Terrier to another ~
woof ~ thank ~ woof ~ you ~ woof ~
Bonsai xxx

31 Oct, 2008


Belated happy 13th birthday Bonsai
big bone from Percy. I will be 13 next may

1 Nov, 2008


Email message from Bonsai to Percy ~

We senior citizen doggies are doing very well.
We've lasted from one century into the next.
Thanks for the bone.
It tastes especially good dipped in the vet's magic medicine. :o)

1 Nov, 2008


Donnah16 ~
you are doing very well. You have uploaded photos, made comments, sent private messages, answered comments under your own photos.

You are not daft at all. You've done extremely well.
I hope to see more photos of the birds in your aviary and the flowers around your aviary. No wonder it is your pride and joy.

Private message me again if you have more questions about GoY.
Any time. xxx

1 Nov, 2008


Hello Donnah16 ~
I will send you a message on Sunday to explain.
Don't worry we'll sort it out.

2 Nov, 2008


What an adorable photo! Your pooch is very well-trained.

2 Nov, 2008


Anyone reading this, please take a look at Donna's photos.
She has a beautiful garden and aviary and pets.
And she has worked very hard this week to understand GoY.
She is doing GREAT now. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Bonsai, my Welsh Terrier, had his check-up this afternoon.
My thanks to the many GoY members who have asked about him.

My main concern was his bloated stomach. The vet said the cancer has grown, but most of the swelling is probably due to fluid retention, and Bonsai is not in any pain.

The vet was generally pleased with him and is therefore delaying repeat booster injections re. the bone marrow etc. and wishes to see Bonsai again in three weeks, unless there is a sudden deterioration.

More of the vet's magic medicine, full of iron and vitamins, will be ready for us to collect on Friday. Looks like I can have some more precious time with my special boy :o)

5 Nov, 2008


Glad to hear that news TT.
I was thinking about you this afternoon.

5 Nov, 2008


This is Wonderful News TT :) Im so Plezed uv more time 2 spend together BIG HUGS2u both TTXXX

5 Nov, 2008


Hywel & Jacque ~
Thanks for thinking of us.
Good news that, despite the cancer, the vet is generally pleased with Bonsai. :o)

5 Nov, 2008


That's good news, TT, the vets medicine might be magic, but your love and care is surely the most important medicine for Bonsai :o)

5 Nov, 2008


Great news TT, enjoy all the time you can with your special little fellow.

6 Nov, 2008


I'm so relieved and pleased for you TT and Bonsai - it's makes all the difference when we are reasssured that our little friends are not in any pain as it's makes you want to cry with helplessness when they are.

What exactly is this magic medicine your vet is giving Bonsai - is it specific or can it be used generically ??? I would love something miraculous to give to some of the ailing strays I see on my doorstep - sometimes just feeding them is not enough ...

6 Nov, 2008


I am so very grateful for all your comments of support. They are more help than I can explain.
Madmum ~
Thank you. I'm giving Bonsai lots of reasons to want to keep going. His digestive system is coping better with 'little and often' so that means smaller meals, but lots of nice treats in between times. Bonsai is still having fun with his tricks practice each day. Those ten minutes he really comes to life. Watch him play the drums or wave his Welsh flags!

Gillian ~ I'm glad news is better for you at the moment ~ keep digging for victory ! ~ and thanks for your wishes.

Terry60 ~ Yes, I'm reassured that Bonsai is not in pain. The magic medicine is a glass bottle of tonic supplement which contains iron, vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and sorbitol. It is a clear green liquid, palatable, and you put a teaspoonful on food. Called Vi-Sorbin. When I looked it up on the internet, apparently most often used (in bigger doses) for horses and foals. Definitely a way to put some instant strength, goodness and energy back into the body. I've looked up some details about doses for cats and will private message you with those. It's wonderful that you try to help the strays.

6 Nov, 2008


Great news for you and Bonsai, keep it up Bonsai!!!!

6 Nov, 2008


Thats what friends are for TT XXX :D

6 Nov, 2008


and Jacque ~
You are a very good friend.
Bonsai says hi to you and his girl friend

Hi Sewingkilla ~
We've missed you.
Bonsai says thank you for your support.
Today he tried to help with cleaning the budgie's cage. Turquoise feathers floated down and got stuck on Bonsai's ear flaps. Very pretty. :o)

6 Nov, 2008


I bet Bonsia looked Very Tweet LOL :)

6 Nov, 2008


Jacque ~
You are getting very witty...
another feather in your cap Lol :o)

6 Nov, 2008


;) Summer sends her Love tell Bonsia plez TT :) XXX

6 Nov, 2008


Thanks Jacque and Summer :o)

David ~
I've just noticed that somehow Bonsai didn't thank Lucky for the birthday wishes he sent. Sounds like LUCKY is the right name for your pup !
He is going to be one forever in and out of trouble, but Terriers are wonderful characters. :o)

7 Nov, 2008


Pleased to hear Bonsai is doing OK, TT. Good news for both of you.

8 Nov, 2008


Pottygardener ~
Thank you. His sight is now almost gone, but he's still enjoying life.
Good appetite and waving those Welsh flags. :o)

8 Nov, 2008


My Chocolate Labrador enjoyed life for several months after she was diagnosed with a brain/ear tumour 2 years ago. She was 13. They are amazing and just keep going. I cannot imagine life without a furry friend around!

8 Nov, 2008


You are so right. Must have furry friends ~
and I have feathered friend too with the budgie !

Good to know your Chocolate Labrador coped well for a while with her tumour. I searched your photos but I can't find her. Is there a picture please ?

8 Nov, 2008


Well done vet, well done TT and keep going Bonsai!

8 Nov, 2008


Thanks Spritz and Henry
I gave Bonsai a bit more of a "haircut" this afternoon.
I'm doing a little each day so as not to tire him.
Tomorrow = forehead and eyebrows :o)

8 Nov, 2008


Just in from potting up more plants, having a cuppa and looking for a photo of Lily to post for you TT.

8 Nov, 2008


Pottygardener ~ thanks.
I'll keep a look out.
You are definitely living up to your " potty " name by potting lots of plants. Lol :o)

8 Nov, 2008


Got the bug...gone a bit mad with them!
Found picture, don't have many on laptop as didn't have a digital camera for long before I lost her. Also found one of some of the feathered friends I used to have when I had an aviary. Used to have chickens too, but no digital pictures!

8 Nov, 2008


The butterfly picture I uploaded recently, is just an old photo which I scanned onto my computer. It turned out clearer than I had expected.

Maybe you could scan some of your photos, or if you don't have a scanner, ask a friend to do it for you, and email the pictures to your computer.

Does that make sense ? I'm not especially technically-minded but getting there. Lol :o)

8 Nov, 2008


Hi TT I have just been catching up with all the news about Bonsai, I am really sad that he is so poorly can only imagine how you must be feeling, he looks and sounds such a wonderful dog, it is good to hear that he is responding to his treatment and that he is not in pain, I pray that he continues to repond. All the wonderful support and comforting words you have recieved from all your GOY friends is fantastic and shows what caring people they are.

8 Nov, 2008


Pansypotter ~
Yes, the support of the GoY members is a big help.
I'm making the most of every bonus day with Bonsai.
Thanks for your good wishes. :o)

8 Nov, 2008


im glad to hear the medicine seems to be working, and that he is still able to have small meals. i like the way you seem to be showering him with treats and lots of love as well. keep us all updated TT, im sure everyone will like to know how he is doing :o)

8 Nov, 2008


Valandra ~
You have a young pup happily at the start of her life and I have a dog sadly towards the end of his time. There's that old saying again : The only thing wrong with our pets is that their lives are too short.

Please give updates of the progress of your lovely puppy, and certainly, yes, I'll give reports on Bonsai. He has just enjoyed tiny treats dipped in local honey. He can't really see them any more. His sight has failed a lot in recent days, but he still does a 'beg' for each treat ! He likes those before going to bed. Has had them only since becoming ill, but now expects them as part of his bedtime routine. These dogs aren't daft. :o)

Thanks for your interest.
I'm treasuring every moment I have with Bonsai.

8 Nov, 2008


My thanks to everyone who has been asking ~
I was worried about Bonsai on Sunday.
He is normally a slim dog but his tummy became huge and bloated like a beached whale.
Apparently fluid build-up due to the liver cancer.
I wondered if the vet had run out of magic medicines where Bonsai is concerned, but, no, today he is on diuretics to hopefully combat the severe bloatedness. Fingers crossed this works. :o)

11 Nov, 2008


Thinking of you and Bonsai. He really couldn't be more loved or well cared for.

11 Nov, 2008


Gillian ~
Bonsai says thank you. Wants you to know that the new diuretic tablets are FUN because they are served dipped in local honey, just like his other treat biscuits. :o)

11 Nov, 2008


Awww - bless him. Hello Bonsai - you don't look small and grown in a pot at all! <ear rub> :-)

13 Nov, 2008


Bonsai says thanks for the ear rub.
He loves those.
I gave him the name Bonsai because with a Welsh Terrier you are forever having to trim bits off the coat to keep it looking neat and tidy !!!

13 Nov, 2008


You're welcome, Bonsai :-)

13 Nov, 2008


lovely pics of your dogs mate. they look great

14 Nov, 2008


Thinking of you and Bonsai TT..he is a lovely friend and does do such a wonderful job of holding those and blessings...~Cj

14 Nov, 2008


Hello Islander. Nice to see you back on GoY.
I know you've been working long hours.
Catfinch ~
Thanks for your kind messages across the ocean.

Bonsai is succumbing a little to the symptoms of his liver failure but still has quality of life. I recently bathed and groomed him which he always enjoys, so his coat now has the wonderful aroma of coal tar shampoo. I love that ! :o)

14 Nov, 2008


Give Bonsai a hug and tell him we are all thinking of him and you

14 Nov, 2008


Poaannua ~ many thanks.
He is just tucked up ready for bedtime so I'll give him that extra hug.
Had his honey-dipped treats. :o)

14 Nov, 2008


Bonsai is a very lucky dog to have you for his friend, you know all his favorite things.

15 Nov, 2008


Thank you Catfinch.
It was a pleasure to bath Bonsai the other day - a thing we've always enjoyed together and a way I can make him feel a bit better.
I feel helpless and wish there were more ways I could improve his health.

15 Nov, 2008


Hello TT and Bonsai.......Finn and me send him a lot of love as he is not too well and Finn assures me he will be very happy and content being round his best friend in the world and as it will be his 11th birthday tomorrow, he will be thinking of him when he has his doggie party.

15 Nov, 2008


Hello Finn and Janey :
Happy 11th birthday Finn for tomorrow.
Maybe you'll get the chance to upload a birthday photo.
That would be lovely.
What's planned for the doggie party ~
Bonio cakes and squeaky toy presents ?
I hope you all have a wonderful time.
We are having a quiet, but contented weekend here. :o)

15 Nov, 2008


A chum cake with doggie choc buttons on the top and 11 candles. As Finn doesn't bark, he will have to cough at them to blow them out....think maybe granddaughters will be able to help with this!! lol

15 Nov, 2008


Looking forward to the photo ~
Granddaughters and Finn and cake, if possible, please :o)

15 Nov, 2008


Oh Yes Please Janey!

16 Nov, 2008


Sid ~
It's just a photo of the cake.
You don't get to eat it.....:o)

16 Nov, 2008


Really Terra?...YOU know you were hoping for a bite too! LOL...

Happy birthday Finn!...better eat your cake before Sid & Terra get to it...!

16 Nov, 2008


Catfinch ~
When is Flash's birthday ?
How old ?
Does he get carrot cake with candles ? :o)

16 Nov, 2008


Oooooo - no thanks! Finn is welcome to his CHUM cake!!! Would like to see a piccy tho ;-)

16 Nov, 2008


Flash's birthday is April...will have to look at his papers to see the exact date but he may very well get carrot cake and candles too...LOL..he will be 4 years old this coming spring. He is such a kid yet...

16 Nov, 2008


Yes, please.
An April birthday picture of Flash with his cake would be great :o)

16 Nov, 2008


Will do Terra... :)

16 Nov, 2008


Bonsai went to doggie heaven on 21st November 2008.
Rest in peace my special boy. xxx

23 Nov, 2008


Aw....TT so sorry about Bonsai.....I am thinking of you and all the wonderful memories you must is so hard to lose a cherished pet....much love XX

23 Nov, 2008


My thoughts are with you Terra.none of us like to lose our pets,he was a grand fellow and you had him a long time but he is not suffering now.look after yourself picture him and enjoy your memories,you will always have those. XXX

23 Nov, 2008


Janey ~
Thank you. I've just uploaded a happy picture of Bonsai surrounded by spring flowers in my back garden. :o)

23 Nov, 2008


Bless you Bonsai. RIP xx

25 Nov, 2008


I've put Bonsai's Welsh flags away for the time being.
Just too upsetting to look at for a while. :o)

25 Nov, 2008


I think every one on Goy will miss him Terra. His pictures have been a delight to us all.

26 Nov, 2008


I'm sorry to see this sad news TT, Bonsai had a wonderful life with you, and he will live on in your memories.

RIP Bonsai :o(

26 Nov, 2008


Islander and Madmum ~
Thanks for your comments and kind thoughts.
Last Sunday I uploaded a photo of Bonsai in the back garden surrounded by spring flowers as a celebration of his life. I'm so thankful for the support of everyone on GoY. Helping me get through this sad time. Thank you. :o)

26 Nov, 2008


TT, This is fantastic! I die laughing when I see your doggies doing tricks...they are just SO 2 just lay on the couch all day and bark when it strikes their fancy!!!

16 Dec, 2008


Glad you like the idea of dogs doing tricks. :o)
Today Conker practised his gardening routine, which included pushing his toy mower to and fro across my lounge, raking the carpet, and measuring the plot ( my lounge carpet ) for his vegetables. :o)

16 Dec, 2008


lost my dog dusty yesterday, hopefully she is playing with bonasi in heaven running through the flowers

23 Jun, 2009


Hi Pondlady ~
I'm so very sorry to hear about your Dusty. Each pet is so very special, and yes, I'm sure Dusty and Bonsai are enjoying the gardens of heaven together.
Thinking of you at this difficult time. xxx

23 Jun, 2009


Bonsai was such a beautiful looking dog Im sure he bought & shared much happiness
An old neighbour used to have one that would only bark at visitors when they tried to leave after visiting !

3 Nov, 2009


Thanks for your kind comments, Davey....
...yes, Bonsai really was a very special dog...

I can imagine your neighbour's dog barking.. but only to prevent visitors from leaving ! Lol.

3 Nov, 2009


already on favs :o)

30 Dec, 2010


Thanks, Hywel ...
I still have these Welsh flags :o)))

30 Dec, 2010

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