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Clematis cirrhosa "Wisley Cream" January 2009.

Clematis cirrhosa  "Wisley Cream"  January 2009.

Just like my previous photo of Garrya Elliptica "James Roof ", this pretty clematis "Wisley Cream" gives good winter interest, flowering for many weeks, including December and January.

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thats a beauty TT

20 Jan, 2009


Very nice. Wish I could have some blooms in dec and jan!

20 Jan, 2009


Gorgeous! I'm with you Newfienurse, all we have right now is a lot of snow and ice.

20 Jan, 2009


I think you're probably worse off in ONtario than we are here in newfieland, Gillian! Good luck with rest of winter.

20 Jan, 2009


Thanks, guys :o)

This pretty Clematis kept on flowering all through the snow and freeze, and still has lots of blooms. :o)
For me, it is like having spring blossom all through winter.
I have it surrounded by the yellow Winter Jasmine, and not far from James Roof, so there are lots of flowers and tassels in my back garden all winter. And I can see them all from my house windows, so can admire while keeping warm indoors ! o)

20 Jan, 2009


That's a lovely plant, TT. How big does it grow?

20 Jan, 2009


Hi Gee ~
Yes, it is lovely. Thank you. :o)
If you are asking about height, well it is climbing way over 12 feet and not stopping !
It does take a couple of years to get started, but then it romps away !

20 Jan, 2009


That has gone straight on my wish list TT , beautiful :o)

20 Jan, 2009



20 Jan, 2009


Hi Amy and Arlene ~
This clematis just keeps on and on flowering. When I work at my computer I can see the flowers out of the window. :o)

I photographed this angle from almost underneath the flowers which are about 7ft above the ground. It has been flowering for weeks now.
I'm glad you like it too. :o)

20 Jan, 2009


That really is lovely TT. I didn't realise how many types of clematis there are until I bought a book in the charity shop which list '60 of the best'. I guess there are even more.

21 Jan, 2009


Hi Ginellie ~
Yes, this is one of the evergreens.
It has small dainty leaves. Some types have huge leaves !
The flowers of Wisley Cream really are like lots of little bells.:o)

As you say, many more lovely types of clematis.
Sounds like you found a good charity shop bargain with your clematis book !

21 Jan, 2009


thats definitley one for my list, i have a few Clematis and they are one of my all time favourites, this looks beautiful Terratoonie.

21 Jan, 2009


Hello Sewingkilla ~
This is a beautiful climber. I'm looking at it out of the window right now, with the sun shining on all the little 'bell' flowers. :o)
I hope you manage to buy one.

21 Jan, 2009


Oh is out early!....Do you prune it at all?.....I have some bells waiting to open but not many yet and it's usually beginning of Feb that they do. It looks beautiful!

21 Jan, 2009


Hi Janey ~ Thank you.
This clematis had bells in flower back in December. On internet it says flowering period December - February.
It is in a sunny location. Maybe that helps ?
I don't prune it, but it is getting rather tall, so I may have to trim it this year. Does yours get a haircut ?

Thanks for visiting this photo. :o)
My previous photo is James Roof and I call him " J R " this Wisley Cream climber is known as " W C " . Lol

21 Jan, 2009


ha...ha......TT.......yes the top half is in the sun but it's tangled up with a Montana too and a Passion flower so maybe they all need a bit of space. I'll have a look on tinternet and see if I should prune it this year. :o)

21 Jan, 2009


If you find any useful info. I would be grateful if you would add a further comment on this thread. Thanks.
Important to have correct treatment for the WC. Lol. :o)

21 Jan, 2009


How lovely TT. You are lucky to have flowers at this time of year.

21 Jan, 2009


Hello Gilli ~ Thanks.
Yes, WC is growing not too far from JR with his tassels, and surrounded by the yellow flowers of the Winter Jasmine, so I feel really lucky to have such pretty winter plants and shrubs :o)

21 Jan, 2009


fantastic TT, lovely flowers, mine is still tiny, so will proberly have to wait a year or two for it to make it's way up the trellis first, it looks much healthier though which is good, but still no sign of flowers for this year, oh well looks as if it will be worth the wait. thanks for sharing this with us.

21 Jan, 2009


Hello Angie ~
Once your "WC" gets taller, it will have lots of lovely flowers, probably from December to February.
First couple of years I had mine, I was rather disappointed, but, as you say, worth the wait when "WC" finally decides to flower profusely. :o)

21 Jan, 2009


mmmmm i will be waiting in anticipation! :0)

21 Jan, 2009


How lovely to see such pretty flowers when gardens tend to be asleep for the winter - well mine does at the moment. And it's so dull, cold and soaking wet - been pouring with rain and blowing a gale all night again. Come on spring - hurry up! Great pic.

22 Jan, 2009


Hello Greenfingers ~
Yes, cold, blustery weather this week !
But at the end of my garden, a pair of Collared Doves are constantly battling through the storms to continue making a nest ! Spring must be near ! :o)

22 Jan, 2009


This is lovely, something to brighten up a dull January day ;-)

22 Jan, 2009


Yes, I'm lucky, while at my desk I can just about see the clematis flowers through the wind and the pouring rain ! ;o)

22 Jan, 2009


I didn't appreciate just how late/early in the year this flowers. No wind or rain here, just dull and grey :-(

22 Jan, 2009


It is really pouring down here !
My 'winter interest' shrubs are determinedly holding on to their flowers and tassels ~
Jasminum nudiflorum, Clematis WC, Garrya JR. , Jasmine etc. etc. :o)

22 Jan, 2009


Mine has its first open flowers today - I am about to post a photo! The other two C.cirrhosas have been flowering for weeks, but this one seems to be later. I don't mind, as long as it flowers eventually and hey, it's January!

22 Jan, 2009


Glad to know yours have lots of flowers, Spritz.
They are such pretty plants :o)

22 Jan, 2009


It is definitely an eycatcher TT,very nice

22 Jan, 2009


Hello Deida ~
I've been having a try at making more of these Clematis plants, from shoots growing near the roots of the main plant. Don't know yet if it will work !

If successful, I plan to have these growing in the front garden too !
I'm pleased you like it.
Thanks for visiting "WC" ~
oh dear, that doesn't sound right, does it. Lol. :o)

22 Jan, 2009


I don't know this clematis at all, what a great climber to have in the winter, the blooms look untouched by the winter it scented ?

23 Jan, 2009



What a beautiful flowering vine! Does this vine only bloom in Winter?

23 Jan, 2009


Hi Delonix1 ~
This clematis is evergreen so is attractive all year.
It blooms mostly December, January and February ~
pretty bell-like flowers. Kept flowering even through the freeze and snow ! :o)

23 Jan, 2009


Hello Lil ~
I know you like climbers, and I'm guessing you would love this one.
I don't think it has scent, but the flowers are high up.
This photo was taken sort of from underneath the bell-like blooms.

23 Jan, 2009


I love the winter flowering plants. This clematis never did well in my old garden but I'm going to try it here and hope for better success. Is it in some shelter with you TT ?

23 Jan, 2009


Hello Hywel ~
I can see why you ask about the shelter, because on the internet it reminds that this clematis can suffer in severe winters.
The lower part of my clematis has a bit of shelter - not very much ! - but the top part is very exposed indeed to all the elements ~ sun, snow, rain, wind !

This clematis certainly took a while to get started. So if you get a new one for your current garden, don't be disheartened is it takes a while to grow larger and get lots of flowers.

23 Jan, 2009


Thanks TT. I'm hoping to plant it somewhere that it will be seen from the house in winter. And you've given me an idea to plant my winter Jasmine with it.

23 Jan, 2009


Yes, not only does my winter jasmine look pretty around the clematis, but I think is also giving the clematis some protection from the cold. :o)

23 Jan, 2009


Fantastic. The winter flowers seem much more precious and we appreciate them so much.

25 Jan, 2009


Hi TT, had a look at mine today and it has flowers intertwined with the other climbers. Think I will prune it when the flowers are finished...looking at it it must have been here years.

25 Jan, 2009


Another one to buy, and being evergreen is a bonus TT, I know just the place for it?

26 Jan, 2009


Paul is right. The winter flowers on Clematis WC are just like the tassels on Garrya JR ~ very precious winter interest. Lucky that they last for so many weeks !

Good idea, Janey, to trim your Clematis. I reckon my WC will need a little bit of a haircut after flowering. It has become very intertwined with my Winter Jasmine, but I think that closeness does help protect WC from the cold and makes both plants look more attractive.

Isn't it great, Dottyd, when you plan to buy a plant and you have EXACTLY the right place for it to be ! I hope yours gets lots of flowers next winter. Sometimes they do take a couple of years before they have much flower, so don't be daunted if it seems to be just leaves at first. It will eventually flower a lot. At least the leaves are evergreen, so that's all year interest. :o)

By the way, I've had private messages asking me how I would describe the colour of the petals on WC. Mine are not so much a cream as a delicate white with a slight hint of light green. It was worth the trip down the cold garden this morning to double-check, because I found lots more snowdrops out ! Spring is here. :o)

26 Jan, 2009


How lovely to see a clematis flowering now!

27 Jan, 2009


Hello Sunblest ~
Yes, this one started flowering around the end of November and is still in flower :o)
Do you have many climbers ? I have Garrya Elliptica on the next photo.
Do you have Passion Flowers ?
I'm growing seedlings of those in my kitchen !
Little pots everywhere ! :o)

27 Jan, 2009


T T..hope you are all right...xxxxx@ percy

28 Jan, 2009


Hello Deida and Percy ~
Yes, thanks we are fine.
Doing well with getting my house tidy ~
New Year's resolution. Lol.
TT, Conker and Crocus. xxx

28 Jan, 2009


This is beautiful TT:-)

17 Feb, 2009


Thank you Panther.
This clematis flowers throughout all the coldest weeks of the winter.
WC started blooming around November and is still in flower now.:o)

17 Feb, 2009


Now have I room somewhere for one of these?! It's lovely!

17 Feb, 2009


Hi Gwendas ~
Do you have room ?
Yes, yes, yes.
WC is in flower for so many winter weeks, you'll find a little space in your garden for such a lovely clematis. :o)

18 Feb, 2009


What a lovely plant to have then, that it even flowers outside through the winter:-)

19 Feb, 2009


I checked WC yesterday.
Still flowering and lots of new shoots ~
despite the freeze and snow of recent weeks !

19 Feb, 2009


Lovely so more blooms to come!
How's Truffles? He must have gotten you up early this morning:-)

19 Feb, 2009


Truffle is on my latest photo, trying not to be naughty. Lol.
In that picture, you can see he's sitting on his favourite place ~ on the round pouffe cushion.
How did you know he got me up early ? Lol.
You are SO right :o)

19 Feb, 2009


Have just ordered my own WC! Hope it get's going for next Winter!

20 Feb, 2009


Oh, Gwendas, that's exciting !
They do take a couple of years to really establish themselves, but that's great news to know you've ordered your own WC...
I bet you had to spend more than a penny. Lol. :o)

20 Feb, 2009


It is lovely, I love the way it hangs it's blooms.

22 Feb, 2009


Lil ~ Thanks.
I enjoy photographing shrubs and trees from below.
I've done the same with my latest photo of JR ! :o)

22 Feb, 2009


Today I had a good look at my Clematis cirrhosa WC ~
A week into March now, and it is still flowering !
I can't recall exactly when the first flowers appeared, but I think it was back in November.
That's definitely worthy of the description "winter interest". :o)

6 Mar, 2009


End of August 09 new flowers were already blooming on WC !
So it flowers from August to March !
Eight months of flowering :o)

3 Sep, 2009

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