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My "Head Gardener", Conker the Sheltie, having fun opening a gift box.

My "Head Gardener", Conker the Sheltie, having fun opening a gift box.

Conker had fun finding all the doggie items in this box kindly sent to him by Sueb. He chose the soft toy dog first, because it has a squeaky in it, but he likes the brown blanket too. He says Truffle the puppy can have a turn playing with the toys.

In the background are plants sent to me by GoY members over recent months ~ all doing well.
Left to right ~ Penstemon from Arlene, Hardy Geranium from Inverglen, Daisy Bush from Islander, Curly Grass from seeds sent by Sal1914 which turned into a Petunia. Lol., and Chaenomeles from Amy.

Comments on this photo


Oh... so sweet of Sueb...nice to see Conker showing interest...I would chose the doggie first too...but the blanky not sure I could share that...I love my did you manage to keep Truffle out of the he wanted the toy in the worst

14 Jun, 2009


Lol. Truffle was in the dog-run alongside, and he was actually very well-behaved. I think he understands that Conker needs to have a bit of extra tlc right now.

14 Jun, 2009


Ahh how nice .. he will love his new toys i,m sure he will share them with Truffle .... eventually ! but not just yet .....

14 Jun, 2009


Awww, that's lovely to see Terra.
A happy little pup there with all his toys :)

14 Jun, 2009


Oh good for him..they really do know when the others are not feeling well..when my little Maltese was sick...many years ago..Phoebe would lay next to her and use her fox like tail to cover her..we have always called Phoebe the nurse dog..she is very caring to those who are not well..people or other animals...used to go to the nursing home to visit with my daughter when she was taking care of disabled folks..Phoebe would go to each bed and just sit on the bed..waiting for the patient to stroke with me on the other hand..over the last few girls, Sofie and Phoebe have heard me break down so much..that if they hear me..they take off and hide until I am better..the only one who stays with me is Big Larry...I am doing much better in this last year and I can tell the dogs are happy about that.... :)

14 Jun, 2009


What a lovely gift ..a lovely idea and nice to see Conker getting a lot of pleasure from it .

14 Jun, 2009


Abosoluty wonderful..TT great pic, you never walk alone ,got a lot of friends thinking about you..great to see Conker active.
XX Deida wags from Percy

14 Jun, 2009


Thanks everyone, including Percy. :o)
Your support for Conker is helping me through a difficult time. xxx

14 Jun, 2009


It's nice to see Conker enjoying himself TT.

14 Jun, 2009


Conker and you have been in my thoughts all week - I hope you both see light at the end of tunnel soon xx

14 Jun, 2009


Thank you Angie and Hywel.
So far, Conker is doing better than expected.
This coming week is crucial.... xxx

14 Jun, 2009


What a wonderful presie for Conker TT, how kind of SueB! This will lift his spirits as well as everyones love for him....:o)
I don't think you'll lose the Corydalis TT once its in your garden it usually stays...:o) Ive been pulling lots out this afternoon!

14 Jun, 2009


Yes, kind of Sueb to send Conker and Truffle such lovely items.
She sent me some chocolate, but the dogs didn't get to see that. Lol.
Don't want to lose the Corydalis.... I might pot it up, just in case. It has such a pretty bright flower. :o)

14 Jun, 2009


~lovely to see Conker with his new toy~best wishes for an easy week for him.

14 Jun, 2009


Hi Arlene.
Your penstemons are flowering well, thank you. xxx

14 Jun, 2009


~yes mine are too TT~lovely blue/purple!

14 Jun, 2009


Wonderful Terra! so kind of Sueb, I m sure Conker loved his pressies, and you too with all your new plants from Goy members! Thinking of you tomorow and fingers crossed all goes well!! Love P.P. and Pollyxx

14 Jun, 2009


It's so good to see Conker doing so well - he's been in the thoughts of so many of us. Hope you're looking after yourself as well. Here's hoping everything continues to go well.

14 Jun, 2009


It's wonderful to see Conker a little better. I,m so glad that he managed to show interest in the lovely gifts that Sueb sent. Enjoy your chocolate and good luck to both you and Conker during the next phase of his treatment.

14 Jun, 2009


TT, Have you ever noticed that special people have special friends...You are a very special person and Sueb is a wonderful friend. Sueb, how thoughtful of you to send Conker this gift. I'm touched by this.

15 Jun, 2009


Awww....great to see him enjoying himself. What a lovely thought Sue! And all the lovely flowers and plants.....TT you are very lucky. Thinking of you both. xx

15 Jun, 2009


that is a lovely photo TT

15 Jun, 2009


Hope your brave boy didn't mind his blood test too much this morning and that the improvement continues apace. Hugs all round.

15 Jun, 2009


Weeds / Gilli ~ Yes, Sueb was very kind sending the parcel.
Conker and Truffle love the toys and blanket.

Hi Eileen ~
Thank you. I'm pleased you like this picture.
A week ago Conker was so ill he wouldn't have shown any interest at all in toys, so there's been a good improvement already.xx

15 Jun, 2009


Hi Wagger ~
Blood test is over awaiting results.
Conker was a brave boy. :o)

15 Jun, 2009


So nice to see Conker give him a hug from me.x

15 Jun, 2009


Oh its nice to see Conker with his kind for Sueb to send it to him .

15 Jun, 2009


What a wonderful photo of Conker in the sunshine - they say over here TT, that the suns shines on the beautiful ....

Pat him on the head and give him a big hug for being a good boy during the blood tests - when will you know the results?

15 Jun, 2009


Will they be making adjustments to his treatments per the results of the blood test TT?
Hugs to you all..~Cat

15 Jun, 2009


Good news is that Conker's results were okay, so I gave him the chemo at lunchtime.

15 Jun, 2009


Good....means he is taking it well...good to hear..

15 Jun, 2009


~good to hear that his results are okay~he is a brave little soul and deserves lots of attention which I know you will give him!
love and hugs to you all!

15 Jun, 2009


Hi Conker what u got there then ! Such a wonderful box of goodies im sure ur loveing everything in there & cant choose a fav can u :) Little Truffle will be as happy as u when ur ready 2 share lol :) Its great 2 see Conker TT :)

15 Jun, 2009


So nice to see you enjoying your box of goodies Conker perhaps when you’re feeling stronger Truffle can play to! ~ I’m so pleased it was good news today TT Love and hugs Sue x

15 Jun, 2009


Good news then TT. May it continue to be so.

15 Jun, 2009


Have lots of fun, Conker. Glad to see you're feeling a bit better!

15 Jun, 2009


Thanks everyone.
I'm hoping Conker won't have any adverse side effects to the chemo tablets.
Fortunately it is only once a month I'm required to give him those larger capsules. All the tablets are dangerous drugs, so I have to put them at the back of his mouth while wearing plastic gloves, as I do for the other daily corticosteroids.
The remainder of Conker's chemo is given intravenously.

We're rather cream-crackered tonight.
Conker loves Sue's doggie toys, and I'm sure we'll all bounce back tomorrow.:o)

15 Jun, 2009


We will look forward to the bounce TT.

15 Jun, 2009



15 Jun, 2009


Bless you and your sweet fur kids...get a good rest ~Cat

15 Jun, 2009


So good to see a photo of Conker enjoying his parcel. What a lovely thought. Hope you all have a good nights rest. God bless.

15 Jun, 2009


Thank you. To keep Conker healthy on his medication, it is vital for him to have lots of water... lots... and lots ..... and lots...and lots..... so I get up to let him out into the dog run several times each night, and to give him extra water.

Conker is extremely tired this morning, but doing well.
Thanks for your lovely messages :o)

16 Jun, 2009


Hope Conker responds well to the treatment. He is such a lovely dog and it's a worry when they are poorly when you love them so much. Summer's here at last with the sun shining and let's hope Conker enjoys his toys in the lovely garden that you have. I'm sure that Truffle understands. Animals seem to have that second sense or sight of knowing don't they. Take care

16 Jun, 2009


good news, it hurts when your babies are sick

16 Jun, 2009


At least you only have to give him that large dose once a month...the effects of it will be their worst for the first 4-5 is working on the cancer..killing the bad cells there..his good ones are taking a beating too..but if he is eating and drinking well..he will battle back to good health again. I am so glad he has you to care for him...hugs and xxx's and pets -n- scritches all round. ~Cat

16 Jun, 2009


He's doing well - great news! Lovely present, too. :-) Well done, Sueb.

16 Jun, 2009


Awwwww, how lovely is that? lol.

16 Jun, 2009


A beautiful photo, it's nice to see Conker having some fun:-)

16 Jun, 2009


Good to see that Conker is well enough to enjoy the nice stuff sent to you by Sueb. I'm sure Truffle will make sure they have a few tussles over them!

16 Jun, 2009


Thanks everyone. I'm pleased you like the photo.
So far, Conker seems to be coping well with the chemo treatment. Truffle is keen for his friend to get back enough energy to play garden games with him again :o)

17 Jun, 2009


Lovely photo TT, Conker looks quite happy working on the present, what a lovely thought by Sueb to send him the parcel. Hope Conker keeps up his progress.
Best wishes,

17 Jun, 2009


Aw how lovely of Sueb, i missed this somehow, just catching up and its so nice to see Conker at least looking well and interested in things, you know everyone on here is thinking of you and Conker (and Truffle!) postitive thoughts being sent to you and Conker. xx

17 Jun, 2009


Thank you Skilla and Dr.Bob. ~
It was lovely of Sueb to send the parcel. Conker is low on energy due to the medication, but he is showing more interest in life generally, such as his toys, and his food. :o)

17 Jun, 2009


Glad to hear the good news of Conkers bloodwork. Hope he manages the tablets well. As Cat says, his worst days will be the first 4 or 5 after the treatment. Thinking of you all. xx

17 Jun, 2009 need to check out GF's watch the birdie blog may brighten your day..some pics added as to the baby bird and the hawk too..I have heard it is raining over there...I suppose Conker does not mind as he is most likely resting up again today...I am glad he is still interested in his food that is very good..xx's ~Cat

17 Jun, 2009


Great to hear the good news of Conker TT, he has the best Mum, and he knows....:o) Wishing him lots of peaceful days to recuperate. XX

17 Jun, 2009


Hi Terra - Lovely to see Conker with his presents and the gifts members have sent you. It set me to thinking if I could do anything myself. Now I remember last year after I did a blog on the hills here at your request you asked me to do another blog on springtime. Well spring time is nearly over so if you want I will start another blog. Now I could do the hills here again or Bodnant Gardens - both are in the Conwy valley. What would you like? Thinking of you and Conker from Stephan.

17 Jun, 2009


Hello Stephan ~
What a great idea. Any blogs with lots of hillsides please would be lovely.
Thank you I would like that, and I'm sure lots of other members would also be pleased with that idea. :o)

Conker will be back at the clinic next Monday for more chemo intravenously. So I'll start a new blog for Conker soon. I realise Cat's computer explodes if we go very much over 300 comments. Lol.

Thank you, Janey, Cat and Gilli... and sorry I've not answered all p. messages yet. I do read each one carefully. I appreciate them and they are of great help. xxx

17 Jun, 2009


Keep your chin up TT. Great to know that Conker is showing interest in his food. Showing interest in his toys as well that is a bonus.

17 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Alan.
Your positive messages help to keep us going here.
Conker was trying to chew his nylon bone toys today....first time in a long while that he's done that... he runs out of energy very quickly, but, as you say, it's great to see him showing interest :o)

17 Jun, 2009


That is extremely good TT..that he is alert enough to do that! Very good! Makes me happy to hear just made my day! Happy Hugs! ~Cat

17 Jun, 2009


It'll be the Chemo that saps his energy TT. I know people that had chemotherapy and they were very tired during there therapy and especially a day or two after they had had it. I'm pleased to say I still drink with a friend who had it a few years ago.

17 Jun, 2009


Thanks for all the encouraging comments. Makes sense that the chemo would cause such tiredness. Glad to hear that your friend is coping so well and enjoying life, some years after the chemotherapy treatment.

17 Jun, 2009


It was quite a while ago, infact so long ago that I can't recall exactly when. As far as he is concerned he is cured as he no longer has to go for checkups.

17 Jun, 2009


That's really great news.
The logic behind the veterinary chemo treatment is that it is not so intensive as would be given to humans, so it might not prolong life to such a great degree, but the aim is to extend good quality life. So far, Conker is very much improved, so we're on the right track...

17 Jun, 2009


Fantastic, both you and him deserve lots of happy years together.

17 Jun, 2009


Thank you :o)

17 Jun, 2009


Glad to have an update on Conker and such an encouraging one too. Great that his appetite has improved and that he is showing interest in toys etc. too. Thinking of you all.

17 Jun, 2009


Ahrrrrr so cute lovely photo nice to see Conker enjoying the pressie that fairy is taking care of him.:)

17 Jun, 2009


Don't worry about answering each and every PM, TT. Everyone understands how busy and stressed you are. We just want you to know we are thinking of you and sending out love and support. xx

18 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Gee, Morgana, Gilli ~
Best news today is that we've all caught up on sleep and are planning to do some gardening ! Conker will be supervising... Truffle will be learning...:o)

18 Jun, 2009


What a team! Glad you're not quite so tired, I know what I'm like after one bad night. Tou're showing superhuman strength, mental and physical.

18 Jun, 2009


Conker is such a well-behaved patient, that it's a pleasure caring for him.
He lets me do any treatment necessary with no complaints. Thanks, Wagger, for helping to keep us all in a positive frame of mind. :o) It really does help. xxx

18 Jun, 2009


Fantastic, what a gorgeous dog Conker is and he looks so happy. Your doing a great job well done all your love and care is paying off.

18 Jun, 2009


Have a wonderful day in your garden TT and crew...xx

18 Jun, 2009


How lovely to see Conker feeling well enough and interested enough to open a parcel.
Pleased to hear he is doing well TT, your care and devotion paying off, and I'm sure he's 'rallying himself' as he knows just how much you care and are trying to help him.

18 Jun, 2009


Thats wonderful to hear that Conker is relaxed and happy in the garden TT ... enjoy the day together all of you gardeners and helpers ......xx

18 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Amy, Pottygardener, Cat, and Brinleym ~

Mid afternoon it turned chilly out there so I brought Conker back indoors. However I did lots and lots of pruning....lots and lots....if anything stayed still too long, I pruned it...clematis etc. Lol. ... Truffle the puppy decided to keep on the move... didn't want a haircut with the pruners... lol.

My winter jasmine and Clematis cirrhosa "Wisley Cream" have both grown amazingly ~ branches everywhere. I've given them a quick haircut. Is it the right time of year to trim them even more or should I wait till early next year ? All suggestions welcome....

Thanks for your comments for Conker. He has tried to play with toys today, but is tired out almost immediately. I guess the medication has that effect...
But he's breathing well, eating well.... all so very much better than two weeks ago :o)

18 Jun, 2009


Great news glad you got all that pruning done..I am a nut about pruning..cannot walk through the garden with out the pruners in my fist...
It is so good that Conker is up to getting out and trying to play..and it is good for him to rest too...glad Truffle came back in with his tail still in tact...he did good to stay

hugs n xx

18 Jun, 2009


Hope there are some doggy choc treats in there? :-)

Great pic to cheer us up - still thinking of you all - X

18 Jun, 2009


Lol.... Sueb kindly sent a bar of chocolate Truffle...
...but that's human chocolate for me...
definitely not for the dogs. Lol.

Yes, encouraging that Conker is showing more interest.....
but as yet, he has very little energy. Doing well though, on Week 2 of the treatment. :o) xxx

Hi Cat ~
Truffle being a Smooth Fox Terrier, he has the least hair of any dog I've ever owned. There's not really much to trim off. Lol.

18 Jun, 2009


Are they allowed doggy choc treats?

18 Jun, 2009


~having had quite a lot of experience of our vets lately I find it amazing how keen they are to see these people who do horrible things to them~all the tail wagging and licking indicates our animals know why they are there and what you are doing for them~my two have decided they quite like Benylin pedaetric prescribed for a bit of kennel cough!

18 Jun, 2009


My dogs aren't allowed chocolates made for humans, because, as most people know, these contain theobromine which is very toxic to dogs.

I don't even allow chocs made especially for dogs, because I wonder if they cause skin problems. One of the many possible side effects of Conker's chemo treatment is skin infection. Conker's very favourites are Pedigree milky biscuits. I think he would eat a whole boxful if he had the chance. Lol.

19 Jun, 2009


~hi TT
Glad to know that Conker seems to be doing well~Merlin is a lot better although the lump in his paw still needs to be looked into.Today we went for a walk with no dogs because neither of them would have been comfortable after the first 100 yards~not easy having two invalids!We are losing so much fitness!
look after yourself and your boys!
love and hugsxxx

19 Jun, 2009


I think you are right, Tt, to avoid even doggy chocs. Lucky managed to get stuck into a 250gm bar of Cadbury's dairy milk recently (not here at home). He was very sick not long after, apparently - no wonder, I might have felt same! Theobroma cacao - Latin name for the cacao tree.

Arlene, didn't realise you had TWO invalids to nurse :-(

Thinking of you all - X

19 Jun, 2009


Hello Arlene ~
I hope your dogs will be fit enough to walk with you again soon ....

Hi David ~
Yes ~ just a small amount of chocolate made for humans can be lethal if ingested by a dog. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is to dogs. Thanks for your good wishes. I hope to write a new blog today, updating Conker's progress. He's been watching me do LOTS of pruning in the garden. Lol. :o)

20 Jun, 2009


Sorry to hear of your two companions problems Arlene. I wish them a speedy recovery.
Conker is just keeping an eye on you TT. Making sure you make a good job in the garden as he knows that he will have to make good any mistakes that you make when he is a little better.

20 Jun, 2009


Lol. Toto ~
I've just written a new blog for Conker...
... I hope he'll soon be buzzing around correcting all my gardening goofs. :o)

20 Jun, 2009


I'm sure he will and then you'll need to look out!

21 Jun, 2009


Conker was watching while I painted fence sections today...
... I was careful not to miss any areas... Conker would have noticed. Lol.:o)

21 Jun, 2009


I think you are right to steer clear of what they call dog-chocolate, Tt. I have never given Henry any of them. I think that if he got the taste for them. he might try to eat any human chocolate that came his way! He is just SOOOO greedy!

He did grab a chocolate tree ornament off my daughter's Christmas tree one year - silver paper and all - she hadn't realised the danger - she knows now!

21 Jun, 2009


Yes, Spritz. You're right. Dogs have died from eating just small amounts of chocolate made for humans...
Some owners aren't aware of items which are not safe for dogs...
antifreeze is another killer...
I guess you need to put items quite high to be out of Henry's reach....

21 Jun, 2009


...and far back on the kitchen benches, too! He could get almost to the back of them if he did decide to!

I really think that vets should give out leaflets with common human foods that are dangerous for dogs (and cats)...I've had to tell friends about grapes and raisins, for example!

21 Jun, 2009


A few years ago The British Veterinary Association put together a leaflet called Pets and Poisons. I gave input on this original design. It has since been updated and is also available on line. Not all toxic items are mentioned... there are hundreds.. but the leaflet has good reminders such as onions, blu-tack, wax candles..... and lots of plants are listed !

21 Jun, 2009 could you please post the website/link, Tt?? Thanks!

21 Jun, 2009

I think this one will enable you to download the leaflet.
If not, I'll search again tomorrow... :o)

21 Jun, 2009


My dog Phoebe absolutely loves avocado's and now I have heard that they are bad for dogs..I have never given her a whole one but she used to skim the meat out of the skin, she never did eat the skin of it though..

22 Jun, 2009


I never knew raisins and grapes were bad for animals, or avacados either. You learn something new everyday!!!

22 Jun, 2009


Artificial sweeteners can be very toxic to dogs, such as in chewing gum.
And, of course, it is advised to keep dogs away from lots of garden items such as bulbs and slug pellets.

Conker will receive more chemo after his check up at the vet clinic today.
I'll write an update this evening on my latest blog # 19.

22 Jun, 2009


Update on Conker's veterinary clinic visit today is now on my latest blog.

22 Jun, 2009


Wonderful, it gives me a lump in my throat, there are so many lovely people around supporting you and Conker, I am so glad I joined this Group.

25 Jun, 2009


Yes, GoY is full of wonderful people :o)

25 Jun, 2009


its lovely getting gifts isnt it conker and well deserved to sweetie, x lovely pic TT

11 Jul, 2009


Hi San ~
Conker was allowed to open the gifts without Truffle jumping in first. Lol. xxx

11 Jul, 2009


thats lovely TT poor truffle lol

11 Jul, 2009


So sorry to hear Conkers is ill TT. I know he is in the best of hands and that you will give him the best of everything in his time of need. Sueb's gift was so touching, glad to see you're surrounded by so many friends !

18 Jul, 2009


Thanks Flcrazy ~
Conker loves the gifts sent by Sueb and the chemo is working well on his cancer. xxx

18 Jul, 2009

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