Ladies' Art Class
By pixi25
I have these tow ladies wo come to my house for art tuition..they used to come to a daytime class at a school, but it was axed!
Anyway the two of them( sometimes 3) come to my studio in my house every Monday morning.
I set up a still life for them to do, it’s taken them 4 weeks and now today they finished.
They both did paintings of my garden a while back in another blog.
So here they are :))
THis is the still-life I set up for them..looks a bit like an altar or minister’s desk lol
Marion and Moira discussing their work
The work! We always work in a mess lol :)
Moira with her tiara on..dont ask! lol
Marion’s finished painting
Moira’s finished painting
THe teacher ;)
17 Oct, 2011
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they are fabulous!!! i dont think thats an easy thing to paint ~ must be the great teacher they have
17 Oct, 2011
OMG that is brilliant how clever sorry no cross but the tiara .......spill the beans whats the story there???
17 Oct, 2011
Well one is very good and confident, but a little 'tight' ( no not drunk!) and he other is jsut starting and is needy lol..but they both did very well :)
17 Oct, 2011
hah! knew someone would ask!
well..not sure really..she said something about ..she goes to a line dancing thingy..sometimes they all dress up in silly outfits and she was given the tiara to wear lol..anyway her fringe gets in her eyes when she's painting and always borrowing kirby grips, so she decided she woudl wear that every Monday :)))))))) lol
17 Oct, 2011
Wow brilliant paintings - don't be cross at them ;) Wish I could paint like that - looking good yourself too Pixi ;)))))))))))))))))
17 Oct, 2011
Smashing must be a good teacher for them to continue coming to the house for lessons.
100 lines for missing out the cross!!
17 Oct, 2011
Maybe they're Atheist?? :))
Very talented group, students and teacher!
17 Oct, 2011
I think they are pretty good paintings Pix.
Love the lace.
Love the pic of you have a sony ericcson mobile too? Looks like it!
Come south yound lass, come south!
17 Oct, 2011
They are Masterpieces compared what I can do,Pixi..well done ladies...nice pic of you your outfit.:o)
17 Oct, 2011
They're brilliant pictures aren't they? I could never do anything like that:o))
17 Oct, 2011
Lol Paul, I texted them and Moira sAID omg ARE WE NOT FINISHED YET?????! LOL and thanks for the compliment! :))))))))))))))))))))
Haha yeah they should get lines or the belt!
teacher has car will travel..but you need to pay petrol costs and out me up for a lonG I can enjoy your garden MEADOW ;)
Ah yeah Lil you could be right..and ty :)))))
Thanks Lulu yes it is a SE lol :)
Edinburgh is about as south I go lolol
Thanks Bloomer and Sheilar too..yeah my cheap outfit from Matalan;)
17 Oct, 2011
that's very good Pixi you must be a fabulous Teacher...
17 Oct, 2011
How much is Diesel to come south!!??
17 Oct, 2011
lol Meadow :)
Well I cant take all the credit SL they so the work! :) Just good pupils :)
17 Oct, 2011
I bet they were really pleased with the results of their efforts. What a great teacher you are Pixi!
17 Oct, 2011
No idea Lulu but if I put diesel in I dont think I'd get very far lolol
Yes Poppy think they i said THEY did the work!
17 Oct, 2011
muhahahaha! Rick doesnt have a shaw!
17 Oct, 2011
Who's this Rick then? lol
17 Oct, 2011
Its a mystery to me how anybody can paint fabric like that. I hope all three of you count your blessings that you are so talented. Isn't it strange how many artists there are on here?
17 Oct, 2011
Well it is indeed wonderful to have been given a talent and enjoy what we do:))
17 Oct, 2011
I wish I could paint like that, well done one and all....
17 Oct, 2011
Rick is Rick SHeilar ;)
THanks DD
17 Oct, 2011
Your pupils look like good fun, Pixi, and although you won't take the credit, you are a good teacher, I'm sure they wouldn't have got this far without your input! Is this the cute outfit? Matalan are brill for a bargain!! You're lookin' fab, girly!!
17 Oct, 2011
Yes they are Libet. They are the aftermath of a class I used to take on a Monday at a school jsut down the road from me which stopped all its community use classes earlier this year(govt bloody cutbacks!) Some of them come to my evening classes now, but these two dont like to go out at night especially in winter..neither do I but its my work! lol
Anyway they are a laugh and that cant be bad!
Yeah that's the outfit Matalan and PRimark! Bout the only shops I can afford to go to! lol thanks :)))x
18 Oct, 2011
Those paintings are very good.
18 Oct, 2011
I'll tell them that..they dont believe me! :)
18 Oct, 2011
what a lovely blog..and two talented ladies without doubt..lovely subject to paint..
excellent blog
18 Oct, 2011
Wonderful artwork...
clever ladies with an excellent tutor ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
Well done to your class they did brill did'nt they.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks GUy :)))))))
Thanks Terra and Clarice :)))))))))))
18 Oct, 2011
well done to the ladies pixi and nice to see you to, i havent tried still life yet, maybe i should, enjoyed seeing your blog :o)
18 Oct, 2011
thanks Sanz::) they usually just pick something out a book or a photo they have taken..was nice to something real :)
18 Oct, 2011
Good work. They've got a brilliant teacher. I wish the teachers I had loked like that lol ;o))
Now I'll have to get on with my pottery and drawings in the winter. All these blogs are making me want to get on with them.
20 Oct, 2011
Yes we can all inspire each other to do so much Mr Hywel. :))))))
20 Oct, 2011
Glad you did the Blog Pix...sorry I'm late getting there, will be chasing my tail for a while...
The ladies have done really well; and such different styles for each of them....
You know you could set up a workshop on line....for beginers I would sign up for sure, have always wanted to learn to draw/paint....
You could do beginers and more advanced classes; think about it...:)))
Nice to meet the Ladies too....Teacher scrubs up well lol...:))))
21 Oct, 2011
Hi SUe
WOrth thinking about tho I dont know how I would do that lol
21 Oct, 2011
:))) okay
21 Oct, 2011
Had quick look onlinee..there are free ones..andpeople charging but not sure how i would go baout teaching everything? hmm.
21 Oct, 2011
Recent posts by pixi25
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Just realised they didnt put the cross in!!!!!!!! grrr need to text them! :)
17 Oct, 2011