Beasties birds and secret doors
By pixi25
Found some slaters and snails ( didnt take pics of snails..they got lobbed over into fatboys garden!) Mr blackbird came to visit. And just a couple of other things.
Wanted to last pic next to Lamb’s ears..what the plant is? I thought they were both Lamb’s ears but the other one has a hint of a yellow flower idea where it came from or waht it is.
12 Jul, 2012
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Looking nice Pix...Is it Wild Toadflax pix, has flowers like Antirrinum...
12 Jul, 2012
Oh looking lovely pixie. Clay looks well. Jx ❀
12 Jul, 2012
It's all looking very pretty, Pixi, especially the pond. What are slaters - haven't heard of them? Can't spot it, but isn't there a verbascum with greyish, woolly leaves and yellow flowers? Could it be that?
12 Jul, 2012
Garden is looking great Pixi, love your pond :-)
12 Jul, 2012
could be verbascom pixi, i have one and its like lambs ear but bigger with tall spikes with yellow flowers, they grow big but lovely standing tall.
your garden look lovely to :o)
12 Jul, 2012
Lovely pictures Pixi...all looking good. Pond looking really nice. Nice to see a wee blackbird. They haven't been back to my garden for a while. Think those magpies and crows are keeping them away!
Can't help you id your plant, sorry. Is that your brunnera looking good in that shot too?
12 Jul, 2012
Nice photos of your garden Pixi. I love that pot on it's side :o) ... and the door :o)
12 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics Pixi, I have loads of blackbirds here at the moment and they are getting very brave and looking in the windows, think its their way of telling me they need a bite to eat, they are a great fav of mine...
12 Jul, 2012
lovely Acer and pond Pixi :-)
12 Jul, 2012
Ah, cheesy Bugs! Lol.
Mr Blackbird likes his photo taken, very full of himself :-)
I see there is a peepy hole in the secret door, Have you ever dared to peep through??? :-)
12 Jul, 2012
Love the acer in the blue pot!
I've been putting snails in the council gardening waste bin and throwing loads of gardening stuff on top of them. The next time I go into the bin, all the snails are on the bin lid. How do they know this is the way out! lol
12 Jul, 2012
Good point Sheilar :-~
12 Jul, 2012
THanks all :)
Clay never answered..he's l;ike that Lil! lol KGB! WEll its a bit big for a hobbit door lol
TBear..slaters are little Right in the middle of first pic and to the left on second pic :)
Thanks Sue..seems its Verbascum..:) no idea where it came from!
Yes Angie the BRunerra! looking great!
I lvoe blackbirds and bluetits :)
Hey Hi SL :) thanks
Willi..the hole in the door I put there orginally so I could put a titbox behind it..but Rick said it was too low down? :) Never peeped in my life hahaha
SHeilar..I put most of the ones I find into a jar then once its full put it in the bin..otherwise what happens to you..happens lol :)
12 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics ...........I think slaters are our name for woodlice . Your garden is looking good and it is nice to have blackies visit, I have heard that snails have homing tendencies so the ones from our garden go to recycling heaven !!!!via the bin ;o)))
13 Jul, 2012
Yes they are :) haha recycled snails\!
13 Jul, 2012
Ah, woodlice. I know those. I recycle slugs and snails too Niver.
13 Jul, 2012
Pixi is that a frog or something hiding in the foliage in pic 4 bottom middle? love your pond pot too! :o)
14 Jul, 2012
Yeah there;s a ceramic frog raking the grass lol thanks"_
14 Jul, 2012
ah cool! thats nice of him :-)
14 Jul, 2012
14 Jul, 2012
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Loving the acer and pond Pixi. Say allo to Clay for me :)
12 Jul, 2012