By ponty
Apart from a few photos accompanying questions, this is my first attempt at posting a collection of photos from my garden since I joined your friendly and helpful fellowship last month. So bear with me – I read about Frank’s difficulty and thanks to the tips you gave him I’m hoping I might get it right first time.
Firstly, these are a few friendly visitors:-
Mr or Mrs Tiggywinkle. Have not seen him/her for a while though so I have given up leaving out saucers of left-over cat food.
These two pheasants had been daily visitors since last summer. They snacked on seeds that messy blackbirds threw out from the bird table or from the dish of seed that I placed just outside the patio windows. They, too have deserted me lately and I am hoping they have so far escaped the nearby game guns again this year. Time will tell.
Lunch! Dad and chick Blackbird. Two of half a dozen Blackbirds who visit this dish, just 2 feet from my (then,weed strewn)patio windows. My Robins and a pair of Thrushes take their turn. Tits and Finches, including half a dozen Goldfinch are too shy and stick to the bird table.
Partridge on the patio. Not as cheeky as the pheasants who sometimes pop their heads inside.
“….who would a’wooing go.” Dozens of frogs live in and around the pond and garden. Two years ago I stopped counting the number of baby frogs by torchlight at – 100.
Nightime round the pond
Marsh Marigold
Lilac Time
Alstroemeria. A survivor! Early last year, Elaine threw what she thought was a dead plant in a pot of old compost onto a patch of rubbish that I keep for burning or other disposal. Some time later, I saw some colour in the middle of this rubbish and was amazed to find this – which I re-potted.
Globe Thistle – Echinops (I believe). I love this. It becomes covered in bees and hover flies. Only one in evidence in this pic.
Rhapsody in Blue
Superstar. A particular favourite. This bloom was cut from a plant I brought with us when we moved in 1987, so it must be about 25 years old.
Grandmere Jenny (My mother!). Another rose of about the same age. When we moved here I re-planted it in what turned out to be a poor position and it was not until last Autumn that I moved it into a new bed we created. It is now thriving.
Phalaeopsis Orchid
Parrots in the kitchen. I have been propagating this plant and distributing them to my friends and drinking buddies from a cutting my mother gave me about 10 years ago. They keep coming back for more.
Last Winter
A Norfolk Sunset from my skylight.
Since many of you lay claim to owning a psycho-cat, may I introduce my own schitzophrenic, Loozie. I could write a book about her multi-personalities but suffice to say she was an absolute nutcase when I adopted her from Cat Rescue 3 years ago after my previous boss, Pepper died at the age of 18. She arrived with the name Louisianna, would you believe! Yeah! I could see me calling for her at night! So, it’s Loozie. It took us 9 months to turn her into a reasonable puss-cat but she is now a great character. I have learned her language, though some of it would not be broadcastable, even after the 9pm watershed!
She enjoys the garden.
“What do you mean, I’ll get stuck?
I’m not taking her to the pub again!
Yesterday I looked out of my “office” window and saw a Green Woodpecker hammering away at my lawn. I grabbed my camera and rushed downstairs, arriving at the very moment Loozie spotted it through the patio window. Problem. I ran to the door to block the cat flap but she beat me to it. Photo opportunity gone!
Hope you haven’t gone to sleep!
13 Oct, 2009
More blog posts by ponty
Previous post: Cotinus Smokebush
Smashing blog Ponty!...You live in a beautiful county....we used to holiday on The Broads until we got too creaky to jump on and off the cruiser!...but have many happy memories, especially the "big skies".....we have them too here in Northumberland.
Loozie looks a real character...I'm just imagining the pair of you racing to the cat flap!!!!
13 Oct, 2009
Great blog Ponty. Well done. Love Loozie....she is adorable. Looks like you have a lot of lovely wildlife sharing your garden. Great photos.
13 Oct, 2009
How lovely to see your garden, cat and the wildlife. Enjoyed the blog
13 Oct, 2009
Well you've certainly mastered the art of blogging Ponty. Great blog and really lovely pics. Thanks for showing us all the flowery and feathered things in your garden. Loozy looks a real character.
13 Oct, 2009
What a lovely blog Ponty :-))
Your garden and flowers look lovely and i can't believe your luck with the Alstroemeria (one of my very favourites!), it must really like it there !
Little Loozie looks very cute, i too have a couple of rescue cats and they certainly can take a long time to settle down, can't they ?
13 Oct, 2009
great blog really enjoyed it love your cat too.
13 Oct, 2009
Fantastic blog, great pics and that cat!! She looks about as fiesty as the one I had that was a rescue job, she spent a lot of time in bags on the floor as well, not to mention running up the net curtains and a narrow piece of wall. Very enjoyable read, thanks. One questoin though - surely the birds are at risk from your cat when they eat off the ground like that? Or do you keep the cat in - mine would have been out the catflap in a heartbeat with the idea of a breathing lunch...
13 Oct, 2009
Made me smile all way :)
13 Oct, 2009
Well done Ponty, & welcome to the nuthouse! Loozy is gorgeous!
13 Oct, 2009
brilliant blog fab pictures...
i want a moggy too :o(
x x x
13 Oct, 2009
This is a fabulous blog Ponty !! You've taken to it like a duck to water ! haha Lovely garden, wonderful visitors and Loozy is a babe !! :-))
13 Oct, 2009
Great blog Ponty - well done... need to get my act together and create a new one.
13 Oct, 2009
Brilliant blog Ponty and fabulous pics, love the mog as well
I also have a rescue cat I wouldn't be without him.
13 Oct, 2009
It seems like we've all got rescue cats on here! :o))
13 Oct, 2009
Must be because we're all good-hearted people ;-)
I do it because i always feel so sorry for 'the underdog' (or cat!!!) and want to give it a better life.
13 Oct, 2009
Super duper blog and great pic's, most enjoyable.
13 Oct, 2009
lovely blog and loozie is adorable, so cute ;o)
13 Oct, 2009
Ponty....What a lovely blog...Well done you. Some lovely photos, and Loozie looks adorable.......
13 Oct, 2009
Enjoyed your blog very much. Never see my tiggywinkle - he/she just leaves me little black cigars. Misty says 'Hi'
to Loozie.
13 Oct, 2009
What a gorgeous cat.Enjoyed the blog and liked the bird pictures and all that snow!
13 Oct, 2009
Really enjoyed seeing your garden and hearing about Loozie, she looks as though she owns the place,smashng photo`s,.well done..........
14 Oct, 2009
He he love the part about the cat, love the birds too. Love your globe thistle its great lovely blog and captions
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks to all of you. I was a bit dubious about the reception it might receive but you were incredibly kind and encouraging.
Bamboo expressed her fear for the birds feeding on the patio. I have told her there is nothing to worry about because the dish is only there when I am on guard inside the open window. At other times it is higher up and the bird table is also not far away. In any case, she has learned not to bother about chasing birds in daylight – they are too spry for her. She just sits and wishes. Monday’s woodpecker was a rare exception. She probably figured that this big green stranger might not be so smart. Wrong!
14 Oct, 2009
One of my last cats was a great bird catcher, unfortunately, so she was obliged to wear a bell on her collar. Her sister, though was hilarious - she'd spend hours doing that creeping forward and wriggling thing, preparing to spring, but the birds always flew off well before she actually leapt into action. She once tried it on a squirrel on the shed roof - she did it for so long, the squirrel got fed up, leapt onto the shed roof, gave her a good telling off and knocked her flying... she was fine, just bruised vanity.
14 Oct, 2009
LOL! Smudge lost her front teeth last year picking on a rabbit that was bigger fitter & younger than her!
14 Oct, 2009
Oh lord, bet she didn't do that again - a rabbit can be quite aggressive.
14 Oct, 2009
It wasnt the first time! She used to hunt them all the time til a big buck gave her a beating, & stopped for a while (we were in town after that) here shes decided to hunt, but forgotten she's old & slow now! I havent seen her even look at a rabbit since! And she's scared of birds!
14 Oct, 2009
Great blog and photos !
I'm looking forward to the next one :o)
19 Oct, 2009
Lovely blog and pics , great.
19 Oct, 2009
Came across your blog Ponty and it really made me laugh - as well as enjoy all your great pics and animals....and comments. It also made me wish - all over again - that I had a cat......trouble is that I am already owned by my two Golden labradors!!! Need I say more!!
Looking forward to your future blogs...great stuff!
29 Oct, 2009
Lovely blog and cute black and white kitten. Just finished reading about Dewey a ginger long hair library cat, in Spencer Iowa, left in a freezing book drop box as a tiny kitten. Tears and LoL in turn. Made a change from staring at the screen and getting an itchy eye, so compelling this GOY! We have stacks of cats without owning any. A smudgy tortoishell, a blobby black and white kitten who jumps out of trees without a parachute. A big fat black one , and new today, a black and white kitten who is very bold. Spooky ,who has now gorn orf to pastures new........
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks all. Golden Labs are good with cats aren't they Alzheimer? Give it ago. The worst that could happen is that the poor Labs get mauled! :))
I don't know anyone who actually *owned* a cat, Dorjac!
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks Ponty - but my labs are rather too long in the tooth to learn new tricks...despite what they say about old dogs..LOL
As one of mine is blind already... I will just have to enjoy everybody's pics on GOY instead thanks!!!!!
29 Oct, 2009
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Well done... good pics and captions... :o)
13 Oct, 2009