By Grandpa1
United Kingdom
Can you suggest any annual plants that will grow well in a shaded, damp area! I am looking to plant up an area with annual's of differant hights to make a feature of this type of ground.
3 Oct, 2013
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shade container plants
Depends what you mean by 'shaded' and what time of year. If you mean for autumn/winter, your choice is restricted to pansies, really. Primula/primrose/polyanthus will do well in such a spot but aren't annuals.
If the area is in total shade all the time, then many plants just won't do very well at all, but you could try these for spring/summer:Digitalis, mimulus, pansy, fuchsias, lobelia, bizzy lizzy (though you probably should buy the New Guinea types because of the fungal problem with Impatiens walleriana), Begonia semperflorens, Begonia tuberhybrida. If there is some sun at times, or its light shade, then Nicotiana, Ageratum, Phacelia campanularia, Nigella, Nemesia, Lupin, Kochia, Coleus (though coloration is better with a little sun on this one).
3 Oct, 2013
I had a wonderful show of dwarf nasturtiums in such a position one year--intense colour. I've also had good effect with bizzy lizzies and pansies.
3 Oct, 2013
You could also add a few heucheras. They're not annuals, but their foliage will add colour for much of the year
3 Oct, 2013
A taller plant (biennial) would be nicotiana sylvestris--very striking especially in the evening. Wonderful scant too. I have had them live 2 or 3 years.
6 Oct, 2013
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Hello Grandpa1 ..
Welcome to GoY :o)
I've added this question to GoYpedia shade container plants ...
see photos and blogs at the base of this page ..
I hope this helps :o)
3 Oct, 2013