By Nana_d
United Kingdom
We have cut back a bush that is growing in (yes in) our front wall and we want to know if there is any we can put on the stumps to kill the roots it is damaging the wall at the mo? Sorry do not know what the shrub is:(
21 Jul, 2011
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Whatever it is will have grown from a small pocket in the wall. Cut it back to the wall and keep it cut back trying to remove/destroy the roots is likely to cause more damage.
21 Jul, 2011
Good luck... I hope your wall survives :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks for your advice everyone it's not a budleja it has longish droopy pale yellow flowers got another one growing by the wall further up will try resolva just wondered if there was a stump treatment that went to the roots will take a picture of the offending shrub:)
22 Jul, 2011
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I bet it's a buddleia !!!
I would use repeat applications of a weedkiller like Resolva 24, i've recently discovered how good it is and i'd suggest that, if it's tough enough to grow without soil it'll definately need repeat applications of anything !
21 Jul, 2011