blighted by blight my friends 3 years in a row the blight has got into my polytunnel...
2 replies
21 Aug, 2012 Ricky
hi im asking again about any info anyone has about growing apricots in the polytunnel...
16 Apr, 2012 Ricky
hi apricot trees in a polytunnel just saw a tv programme about a guy this far north...
1 reply
10 Apr, 2012 Ricky
hi all i am reseeding part of my garden its really a small field and would like to...
6 replies
7 Apr, 2012 Ricky
hi all got a new batch of raspberry canes and i was wondering what was best to put...
18 Nov, 2011 Ricky
hi all blight resistant tomatoes is there any truth in this claim or is it another...
25 Oct, 2011 Ricky
hi all can i grow potatoes in the same ground next year people tell me that you have...
29 Sep, 2011 Ricky
hi all does anyone know much about green manure i have a plot about 400 sm which...
21 Aug, 2011 Ricky
"bad growing year"i have been growing potatoes and tomatoes for over 30...
8 Aug, 2011 Ricky
tomatoes whats gone wrong this year
3 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Ricky
hi all can raspberrys be moved to another bed and if so what time of year is best...
9 Jul, 2011 Ricky
im looking for a battery powered knapsack sprayer as i do alot of spraying does anyone...
13 Jun, 2011 Ricky
hi i was wondering if anyone knows where i could get a battery powered backpack sprayer...
12 Jun, 2011 Ricky
grapevines in polytunnel something small either eating or breaking off the small...
10 replies
22 May, 2011 Ricky
hi all i have grapevines in my polytunnel and all are growing well but something...
hi why are all my rhubarb flowering ans what can i do to stop this thanks
10 Apr, 2011 Ricky
hi all some of my onion sets have bolted and gone to seed what should i do pull them...
14 Jul, 2010 Ricky
my strawberrys r growing well and have given a great crop but i see alot have fallen...
1 Jul, 2010 Ricky
hi my onion sets i planted are growing well but alot of them are turning to seed...
hi folks is it to late in the season to be sowing bedding plants
5 replies
13 Jun, 2010 Ricky
the leaves on my hanging basket tomatoes are turning yellow is this magnesium deficiency...
6 Jun, 2010 Ricky
hi folks i have leaves on my hanging basket tomato plants that have turned yellow...
onion sets when to put them in the ground ive been watching the long range weather...
4 replies
5 Apr, 2010 Ricky
cut flowers which are best to and easiest to grow from seed this is for a patch...
28 Feb, 2010 Ricky
just recieved my mammoth onion seeds and leeks from robinsons has anyone ever tried...
14 Dec, 2009 Ricky
hi all has anyone ever tried growing onions from seed
21 Nov, 2009 Ricky
hi all have any of use ever seen or heard of a fertiliser that that keeps slugs and...
1 Nov, 2009 Ricky
diva apples
9 Sep, 2009 Ricky
violas to a 16" basket
7 Sep, 2009 Ricky
planning ahead
2 Sep, 2009 Ricky
all out war on slugs
12 replies
1 Sep, 2009 Ricky
apple trees
27 Aug, 2009 Ricky
a disaster in the polytunnel
16 Aug, 2009 Ricky
raspberrys dead or alive
14 May, 2009 Ricky
raspberry canes slow to show signs of life
5 May, 2009 Ricky
is there still time to grow pepper seeds
3 May, 2009 Ricky
peppers better in pots or borders in polytunnel
strange flat worms hiding under pots good or bad
8 replies
did anyone ever hear of slugs eating rhubarb before?