The bog garden, finished at last!
By rose1949
For those of you that know me, you will remember the huge job I took on earlier this year changing the bog garden so that all the tall plants went at the back. They were all hiding the pond and the water lilies never saw the light of day! Just a quick look at how it was and what I had to do…..
No sign of a pond here!
So I set to to empty it all and start again….
Then dug out a border at the back of the pond after taking all the slabs up.
Now, the water lilies may flower this year. Most of the big plants are at the back in the new border and the smaller ones in the front. All the pebbles are now back in place, whew! Thank goodness for that!
Minnie loves to be in!
While I’m here, just a quick update on the allotment. I thought I better make myself a seat!
Thats if I ever get the chance to sit on it!
12 May, 2012
Previous post: Getting There!
Next post: Two weeks in the sun! Yipee!!!
Whew! am tired just looking through your blog,you certainly have been busy and will really deserve that seat
, looks good :)))
12 May, 2012
your pond looks really lovely, and that seat is great ~ did you have it in mind for the cats or you???
do you ever stop working?
12 May, 2012
What a difference - well done!
12 May, 2012
My goodness you have been working tremendously hard and you certainly DO beat me on the energy front - must be those 6 months difference between us!!!
The plants at the beginning look beautiful and it will be great to see them rearranged in all their glory - well done!x
12 May, 2012
What a great job - much better looking now Rose :)
12 May, 2012
It looks so much better now Rose, you worked hard sorting that out, I know from my past experience how the plants can grow larger than expected and need a good bit of sorting at a later date, it looks a treat.
Pleased you now have somewhere to relax sometimes, thats if you are allowed, the cats think its theirs..
12 May, 2012
That looks much better! Well done! I look forward to seeing how it all looks during Summer ..... um ..... that's if we get a summer! Or was that it back in March? :o(
13 May, 2012
Thanks Terra, Sheilar, and Scottish for your kind comments. Thanks Niverdeen, nice to meet you, and Stickie, the minute I sit down , no matter where they are, they appear like magic and squeeze in! The little seat near the pond is for my hubby as he loves to watch the wild life in the pond.
Thanks Wild Rose, You know what they say..what a difference a day makes, or should I say 6 months! Lol.
Thanks Lincs, do I actually get time to relax! Well roll on next week, holiday time!
13 May, 2012
Love it! I have a seat like that too in my garden, another recycling job I love the idea. Waste not want not - very true. Pond looks really good now you have it all re-sited, well done.
13 May, 2012
Thanks Barbara. I'm toying with the idea of either, putting a back on it or building another archway to go over it.
13 May, 2012
Wow Rose, a beautiful job at your pond there...what a transformation...and a nice seat for you too!
13 May, 2012
Archway most definitely. lol. then you can have climbing plants all across it, or roses clambering up and over it. oh has to be an arch has to be has to be.
13 May, 2012
The cats know where it's best lol
I hope your water lilies will flower now. You've put a lot of work into that.
13 May, 2012
Well in that case Barbara, it will be an archway, just have to root out some wood! It will have to wait until we get back off our hols.
Thanks karen. I never seem to have time to sit, but in the summer...who knows!
Thanks Hywel , so do I! Whever I am in the garden or allotment, they are there!
13 May, 2012
Exciting - will look forward to the picture Rose. Enjoy your hols have a great time you deserve a nice long rest.
14 May, 2012
Thanks Barbara, I'm certainly ready for a rest! xxx
14 May, 2012
Grand job you've done there rose, I'm sure you water lillies will flower now. Love your viburnum too, spectacular in flower aren't they. Glad to see the cats have somewhere to sit and watch you work:-)
16 May, 2012
That's looking fab now Rose, I know there was a lot of backbreaking work involved, but hasn't it been so worth it! Did the water lilies flower? If they don't, I'm sure they're saving themselves for next year! It's lovely to see wee Minnie on your bench, you should tell everyone your story of little Min and the fox! BA's right, your viburnum is really beautiful where it is, it's so elegant, and that's a cracking place for hubby to sit and watch the wildlife, you've made a great job of it! Well done!
4 Jun, 2012
I might just do that Elizabeth! Its a bit too early for the water lilies to flower. Thanks for taking the time to look as I know you are very busy.
5 Jun, 2012
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Well done, Rose. That was a lot of work ! :o)
12 May, 2012