Getting There!
By rose1949
Another update on the allotment which is beginning to look more like a garden instead of a field of weeds! Hopefully it will soon be the field of dreams!
First of all I built an archway. Hadn’t a clue what I was doing, but this will lead from the wild flower garden into the landscaped area.
I planted two pear trees at each side of the arch , £7 each from our local nursery. I realised afterwards that the archway should have been more curved instead of like a mini pergola, so I hope I can still train the trees around this.
I then decided to make a fence all the way across which is 80 foot in length. Hubby was going to make a picket fence , but hasn’t been well lately and struggles with his athritis. It would have been very pricey, so I got my thinking cap on and as Jack had collected soooo many packs of pea canes ( which he never used) , I thought to myself , why not use these. I had quite a lot of wood for posts and found , when clearing the site, a lot of walking boards , which made good railings. I then , after putting these up, put the pea canes along it and wired them individually at the top and fastened them securely to the railing at the bottom, and it didn’t cost a penny! Slow job though. It took two days ( in between showers) and have still another 30 foot to go.
When I first took this on, I didn’t have a clue how I was going to do it. I have my veg on the other side , so decided to try and make this a low maintenance garden. I sat doing drawings and still couldn’t decide. Hubby said that he thought as I progressed it would all slip into place, and it has. Now when I walk through the archway, there will be two large circular borders, one for shrubs and the other for ornamental grasses. Then I can put different shaped smaller borders in between. I will also have a sitting area, best part of the garden!
Our youngest grandaughter Maddison, 7 years old loves to help me and she was actually digging it properly. I gave her a little square to do.
This is it so far. I planted a Sambucus Nigra , a Rhus, a viburnham and a choisya sungold in the shrub border so far. I would like to include a herb garden and an alpine bed somewhere around the other areas. This is now getting to be so much fun and I can see it coming together now. Hopefully I will get some of the other borders dug this week, ( weather permitting) and then we’re off for two weeks rest in the sun!
7 May, 2012
Previous post: The garden in April
Next post: The bog garden, finished at last!
I am gobsmacked at the amount of graft you've put in Rose...that fence!! Well done...what an amazing idea to use all of the canes that Jack had collected. I'm sure we are all looking forward very much to seeing it as it progresses...I certainly am! :)
7 May, 2012
oops, sorry! forgot to say, Madison is beautiful and very helpful! :)
7 May, 2012
That's some job you've done there, Rose! The up-cycling is clever. You must look at this now and feel very satisfied with what you have achieved so far. Can tell you've been enjoying yourself, too.
Keep the photos coming!
7 May, 2012
...madison is also very well trained!! what a good girl, i hope she grows to love her garden as you do rose.
7 May, 2012
You've all worked hard, Rose. Including lovely Madison ! Well done !
I'm adding to GoYpedia Fencing Ideas. :o)
7 May, 2012
Wow Rose you have done wonders all ready, I think the fence is really good, you have a use for the wood and the canes and saved yourself a lot of money, as has been said you can use it for climbers, sweet peas, anything that takes your fancy, I do like your beds and your plans as to what to place in them, can already see them in my minds eye.
Its lovely to see Madison helping out, I hope she continues to enjoy helping you, a mini gardener is always good to see, looking forward to next blog, hoping the weather behaves for you.....
7 May, 2012
The fence is brilliant Rose, what a clever idea. I love your plans for herb and alpine gardens too and look forward to seeing more photographs as you plant. Oh for a lovely and willing young assistant; I have found 16 year old grandsons don't do gardening!
7 May, 2012
Well done you've all done so well.
7 May, 2012
It's coming on great Rose - well done!
7 May, 2012
Your a Superwoman Rose, I can't believe how much you have done, It is gonna look fantastic. Love that fence, it really fits in well & the arch, just great :-)
7 May, 2012
Wow Rose what a genius of an idea, it looks very good, you must be exhausted. Madison is good too, so nice when they help out. I am so looking forward to seeing it all planted up it will be ace.
7 May, 2012
Very Special price for all the hardwork and effort, Rose.
7 May, 2012
Thanks Stickie, its a good idea for climbers too, but the fence is only about 4 foot high so I suppose could trail across. Maddison at the moment loves the garden, but then so did her older sister, but now its music and friends!
Thanks Karen, its amazing how ideas just pop into your head and even better when they work! Maddison is a little angel and loves everything she does, so I hope she continues to love gardening. I call her the no. two gardener now and have bought her all the tools and little gloves.
Ojibway, thanks and yes I do feel satisfied, no matter how tired I am.
Terra , I am honoured. Thankyou.
Thanks Lincs, I have put my wigwams up and planted my sweet peas today in 2 other little borders. Had to carry on in the rain today.
Thanks Ginellie, I don't suppose 16 year old girls will garden either, but I have her for a few years yet!
Willinillie, you are making me blush! Superwoman indeed! Thanks for your vote of confidance.
Thanks Barbara, Its a good tired feeling though, isn't it. You should know this as well, doing all the jobs in your garden. Maddison is a joy!
Thanks Clarice, Sheilar and Junna for your lovely comments.
7 May, 2012
Wow - that looks fantastic, Rose, you have really gone for it. The fence looks fab. I look forward to seeing the plot develop. And I see you have expert help!
8 May, 2012
Love the arch :o) and the pea cane fence is brilliant. It's all taking shape, and looks very interesting ....
Great that your Grand daughter is helping you :o)
8 May, 2012
Thanks Mel, I'm really enjoying myself. I love a challenge.
Thanks Hywel, I didn't know what I was doing when I started , but its all coming together. Its great To have Maddison on there with me as I can still get on when she comes. She's a little love.
9 May, 2012
It all looks so well thought out and is really taking shape. Now the fun bit starts with the choice of lovely new plants and where to put them! Well done all of you!
10 May, 2012
Thankyou, Wildrose, but there's only little old me doing all of this. Unfortunately my hubby can't do much anymore due to certain disabilities and I loved the fact that Maddison was on there with me, but I'm expecting the novelty to wear off soon! Still, you never know!
10 May, 2012
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Wow Rose! You work so hard! That fence is really clever, looks good too, and if you really wanted any more space for planting it's all ready for some climbers!
I love your choice of plants, it's going to be beautiful.
7 May, 2012