Yet more roses.
By rose1949
Well, my goy friends, I managed to get out in the garden yesterday and prune all my roses. So, I decided to take photos of them all. One or two you may have seen, so I will apologise in advance. One or two I may have to miss as they are not happy plants at the moment. I hope this isn’t going to be too boring for you as there are quite a few. So, here we go then…….
Pat Austin, which I trained as a climber. A bit leggy as a shrub rose.
Handel, a beautiful climber, but very prone to black spot.
Charlie’s Rose which I believe is named after Charlie Dimmock.
Masquerade climber which usually has pinks and orange , but seems to be more yellow this year.
Zephrine Drouhn a thornless climber which doesn’t mind a bit of shade. I’m really pleased with this one as I moved it in February ( I know , wrong time of year!) as it was not doing very well where it was. Its definitely happy here!
Wendy Cussons, not open yet.
I call this one “Ernies Rose” as it was given to me by an old gardener who used to win prizes for his roses and this was one of them , so I named it after him.
Rosa Mundi, a gallica rose. The picture came out a bit too bright on this one.
Gertrude Jekyll, one of my favourites.
Fragrant Cloud .Beautiful perfume. I probably showed you this last time, but this was a much better photo.
And this is definitely St Swithuns, my birthday rose!
Hubbies favourite, The Times
Cottage Rose
L.D. Braithwaite
Savoy Hotel
And this is definitely Brother Cadfael!
I managed to get a picture of the rose Geoff Hamilton this time.
Mary Rose
Shrub rose Graham Thomas. As you will have seen previously, I have cuttings from this rose that I trained as climbers and they are very easy to propogate.
A droopy looking Iceburg! Perhaps its sulking , not much sun! lol.
You can just see New Dawn peeking through the Philadelphus Lemonoii .
A miniature rose I bought from a garden centre a few years ago for just £1,probably why it had no label on it and looked sorry for itself, but its definitely happier now!
Queen Elizabeth. I moved this to the allotment garden last year as it can get to 8 foot high .
And last but definitely not least, my two lovely Ballerinas who flower whatever the weather
I hope you all enjoyed these pics. and didn’t fall asleep on the way! Sorry it was so long and this time I took my note book with me so I wouldn’t get mixed up again! Lol
6 Jul, 2012
Previous post: In between the showers in late June.
Next post: Finished at last!
Simply stunning
6 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous roses Rose :)
6 Jul, 2012
They are all lovely Rose, its good to see yours, I`m afraid mine are a soggy mass now, poor things, its going to be a mega deadheading this time around...
6 Jul, 2012
Beautiful roses, could almost smell them :o)
6 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous roses, love them all - the rain is spoiling mine and they are beginning to droop drastically. Sun is shining now but we have had terrific rain all day from early this morning until tea time. Garden is stood in huge puddles everywhere, the roads are just like rivers the drains cannot take any more water, and it is years since I have seen so much water in the River Trent. Hope the pub over on the Nottinghamshire side of the Trent Bridge at Gainsborough has got some sandbags ready, it will not take much more before it goes over. 15 years since it flooded and we had miles of detours to do to get out and about to work etc. Watching keeping fingers crossed that it goes down as quickly as it came up.
6 Jul, 2012
Each one is beautiful and it has been such a treat to see them all.
As each year goes by I like roses more and more and yours are really special.
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Lil, Scotkat and Scottish for taking the time to look. Thanks Lincs also. When its forecast bad weather Lincs, I take off all the rose heads that have been open a while. I know its a difficult job as none of us wants to lose the colour, but if the tightest roses are left and only the buds that tend to go to mush, its the best thing all round as the roses will flower again and the beds will look tidier. Thanks Jenfren also and nice to meet you.
Hallo Barbara,glad you enjoyed looking at my roses. Bonica, which you know is my favourite has drooped really badly today, partly due to the rain and partly because its absolutely loaded with flowers. I hope you don't get any flooding. It must be heartbreaking for all the people whose houses have flooded. I don't know why, but I thought you were nearer to me than that. We've had torrential rain all day, but the sun is shining now at 8pm at night. Typical! There's more to come right up to Wednesday of next week according to Paul Hudson. Quite a while ago, he said that this was going to be the summer! I certainly hope he's wrong!
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Chris, you just caught me, I was just going to close my page. Thanks, I'm pleased its encouraging you to have roses. If it wasn't for them and , of course the bog plants, there wouldn't be much colour around. Has your son gone back then? I hope you had decent weather for his stay!
6 Jul, 2012
Where would we be without our roses, these are all beautiful gone on my favourites for future ref.
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Stroller., I really appreciate that.
6 Jul, 2012
I am not that far from you Rose, we call our bridge Trent Bridge at Gainsborough, we are not the one in Nottinghamshire. (where they play the cricket) lol. although over the other side of the bridge is in Nottinghamshire. lol. the bridge borders notts and lincs. Hope you are keeping dry over there. :o)
6 Jul, 2012
Your roses are beautiful. I like the climbing ones best. I like the Queen Elizabeth one aswell. I threw mine away, in the days when I decided I didn't like roses, but I've changed my mind about them now lol
Ballerina is a nice one too.
6 Jul, 2012
How could such beautiful roses be boring! Some real old favourites there! I used to have climbing Masquerade - fascinating. Mum has Zephirine Drouhin, it is so prolific. I love Handel - I've never seen that before. I have several Queen Elizabeths - are yours fragrant? Some people say theirs are. Mine never have been. And I love Savoy Hotel - very classy!
6 Jul, 2012
Just beautiful....can't get enough of them...thank you so much for sharing! :))))
7 Jul, 2012
They're ALL gorgeous!
7 Jul, 2012
Thanks Hywel, shame on you for throwing a rose out! Still at least you like them again now and as you changed my mind about fuschias , I'm pleased I have changed your mind about roses!
Thanks Mel, my Queen Elizabeth isn't very fragrant , but I only moved it last year to the allotment garden and it hasn't flowered much yet.So what happened to your Masquerade then?
Thanks Michaella and Sheilar, glad you enjoyed looking at them.
8 Jul, 2012
Sometime between Granny doing the garden, and my taking over years later, it just disappeared. But a couple ot trees were planted on that side of the garden and I think it was probably overwhelmed. I've got 4 Cecile Brunner climbers, a John Waterer (I think) a Compassion climber, A yellow climber I've forgotten the name of, a Superstar which I thought had disappeared into the Leylandii but came back when they were cut down, an Elizabeth of Glamis which is rather poor, though I am trying to nurse it back and 6 Queen Elizabeths. There's also another red one I don't know the name of. They are placed all over the garden, so I haven't really much scope for any more. And there are two by the front door, a red non-fragrant one and a Golden Showers. My grandmother adored roses!
8 Jul, 2012
Rose - our son is leaving later today and he has had a good few days. To be honest we haven't seen that much of him so he MUST have been having a good time!!!
8 Jul, 2012
Well,Mel , you do have some lovely roses and 6 Queen Elizabeths! Are your Q.E. 's very old now ? The reason I moved mine to the allotment garden was that there is a sitting area behind the border where it was and it was getting so big that we couldn't see the rest of the garden. I couldn't put it in a border at the back as it is in shade a good part of the day. Its the same with some of the climbers , they face the sun , which is away from our garden.
Enough said Chris. Lol.
8 Jul, 2012
They are quite old, Rose. I have 5 of them down one side. To be honest, I think a lot of my roses would probably be better if they were more open - you know, like in a traditional rose bed. They are all quite old. I got the QEs from Parkers, and they were in brilliant condition when I got them - field grown and still wet and muddy when they arrived! I have been very pleased with them. All of the other roses were planted by Granny, and the garden was very different then. The roses have remained, and the garden has changed around them! So has next doors, and it all has an effect! But they all still flower, and some of them are becoming revitalized, so I think Granny would be quite pleased - especially after so many years!
8 Jul, 2012
I'm sure she would be, Mel and I'm also sure it looks lovely.
8 Jul, 2012
8 Jul, 2012
What a nice collection of different Roses you have - the scents must be so uplifting.
9 Jul, 2012
Thanks Annelise. Its lovely walking round the garden with all the different fragrances around you.
9 Jul, 2012
Cool roses. I love roses too.
23 Nov, 2012
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6 Jul, 2012