Finished at last!
By rose1949
For those of you who have been following my work on the allotment and how I came by it, here it is finished at last. I’ll put some photos on from the beginning to show how it was as well as the finished article. Thanks to all of you who have supported and encouraged me. Its been a hard but rewarding job and now all I need is the weather to enjoy it.
This is how it was when I first took it on when dear old Jack died. As you know, my veg. garden is the other side , so decided to landscape this side to make it easier to manage.
I started by clearing all the rubbish and then had to dig from top to bottom, 80 feet altogether.An allotment friend rotavated it and it started to look cleaner and now had a blank canvas to work from.
I decided to have a wild flower meadow to bring in the beneficial insects and sent for a special mix from a wild flower nursery. To separate the meadow from the garden , I built an archway , home made out of any wood I could find…
The next job was to make a fence which I did with all the bamboo canes that Jack had bought over the years and never used…
While waiting for the wild flower seed to germinate, I made a start on the landscaping…
Even the granddaughter helped!
The next job was to have a seat ( most important!) which I built out of a walking board on bricks. ..
As you can see, Minnie and Mickey have claimed it! If I’ve got a seat, then I better have an arch….
Then came the herb garden and strawberry bed and its now all coming together. There was no stopping me now and on I went to make all different shaped beds. One will be a shrub border, one a bed for ornamental grasses and “hot” plants. I don’t have a really sunny border at home so I can now enjoy them here. That’s if we ever get the sun! When I had finished all the beds , I decided to have a grass path as this was the easiest and cheapest thing to do, at least the rain helped me here as it was sown and grew in one week! The wild flower meadow was also looking lovely…
And I hope Jack’s looking down on me and smiling!
11 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Yet more roses.
Next post: The new corner.
WOW, what an incredible make over Rose!!!
11 Jul, 2012
What a difference Rose. Very well done!
11 Jul, 2012
Hahaa Stickie, do you want to cut the ribbon! Thanks.
Thanks Lil, I've really enjoyed doing it.
Thanks Sheilar for the lovely comment.
11 Jul, 2012
Rose - that looks beautiful! Such a difference from when you took it over. The grass looks as if it's been there for ages, and the shape of the beds is lovely. And so is the wildflower meadow. You must be thrilled to bits with it, and I bet Jack is grinning from ear to ear!
11 Jul, 2012
Wow rose what a difference. It's looking amazing. I love what you've done with it. Fingers crossed we get some sun and you can go out and enjoy it.
11 Jul, 2012
Absolutely amazing..lost for words, well done Rose! :)))))
11 Jul, 2012
Rose it looks fantastic and you have created a lovely garden in such a short time, I love the various beds and the wild meadow is really something and should attract lots of visitors for you to enjoy, I think Jack would be very pleased with what you have done on his plot...
11 Jul, 2012
I have no doubts that Jack will be delighted when he looks down on this!
What a challenge and what a result!
It is really, really lovely.
11 Jul, 2012
The Committee must be very proud of you Rose. The only comment I would make is to make sure you cut out the Couch Grass roots that penetrate the beds from the paths when you are not looking. These can grow to 4' long, its a lot of work digging them out. I know !
A Qualcast push mower @ £35 from Argos is a good investment to keep the paths mown and looking good.
Anyway, you have done a great job. Congratulations.
11 Jul, 2012
What a great job, Rose! You should be feeling very proud and satisfied now. It's like a different garden altogether and the meadow is just lovely.
11 Jul, 2012
Oh Rose that all looks amazing, I love all of it but most of all I love that wildflower meadow. I love the pathways the borders, the arch, you have done a fantastic job. You deserve some sunshine and a big glass of bubbly. Give yourself a pat on the back for a JOB WELL DONE! Jack knew what he was doing when he asked you to take on that project, he will certainly be happy with it all. Great re-cycling as well, he bought those canes because he knew you would use them and you certainly put them to good use. lol. :O))))))) Now have a rest and enjoy yourself I can see the grin on your face right now. lol :O)
11 Jul, 2012
Well done from me too. All that hard work has really paid off.
11 Jul, 2012
that works fab,well done to you
11 Jul, 2012
great work Rose! you have an artistic flair, the layout and edging of each bed is lovely. It really is a space to meander around and enjoy!
11 Jul, 2012
11 Jul, 2012
Thats me dumb struck by the way :-)
11 Jul, 2012
yes Rose ~ ribbon grass??
willinilli ~ dumb struck?????????????????????????????
11 Jul, 2012
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
11 Jul, 2012
11 Jul, 2012
I should think Jack would be grinning from ear to ear - that's a wonderful job, very well done! I think all the people in the houses beyond are cheering too - what a lovely sight they all now have from their windows! Well done indeed! :o)
12 Jul, 2012
Yes I should think Jack is very pleased. You've achieved a lot in such a short time. It's wonderful what you've done. I hope the weather improves now.
12 Jul, 2012
Wow, that's truly incredible Rose. You must be exhausted! But very, very satisfied as well! I love your grass paths in that lovely pattern and it's amazing to see the wildflowers coming in to bloom. I'm also really impressed by your re-cycling and making great stuff out of 'nothing'. Brilliant...what an achievement! :D
12 Jul, 2012
what a jewel of an allotment Rose, and such a stark beginning.
i agree with Karensusan, love your recycling but your wildflower meadow is fantastic, in fact the whole design is inspirational and so well done.
how many cuppas have you drunk on that bench during the work and now it's done? bet it gets a lot of use, with you, your lovely granddaughter and the cats squeezed together.
great achievement, lovely glow of satisfaction
12 Jul, 2012
My goodness, where do I start to say thankyou to you all. I can't believe I got such a big response. I'm really touched!
Right, well here goes, thankyou Mel and I can't believe the
grass took only one week to grow. At least the rain did some good.Thanks Samjp and Michaella. The sun will be a bonus!
thanks Chris and Lincs, I wonder if Jack would be smiling down on me! Knowing him, he would give a little cough like he did and just smile.
Thanks Dianne Bully for your comments. I know only too well what couch grass is like. I've been trying to get rid of it since I took the veg side on and this side was even worse! I have a really good electric mower which goes on a long extension from our house and have given it its first cut. That was very satisfying.
Thanks Ojibway, Drc726, Watchitgrow, Sarahm and Naris.
Thats a good name for a gardener , Watchit, I hope its not just the weeds you're watching!Lol
Thanks Willinillie, is that a first for you then! lol.
Thanks Hywel, I really hope we all get some good weather soon! Do I remember saying you like the rain! That was probably before we had so much!
Thanks Karen, it certainly was hard work, but I enjoyed it.
Thanks Resi, many many cuppas brought across by hubby. This was totally my project and he left me to it. He can't actually do a lot now as he's partially disabled.
And last, but not least, thankyou so much Barbara.You sounded as excited as I was once it was finished. Thanks for your encouragement and yes, I am grinning as I read this! You know me so well!
12 Jul, 2012
Wow, that's amazing... what a transformation... you've done a fantastic job there, goes to show what can be achieved from reclaimed materials and hard graft... very inspirational..
12 Jul, 2012
Yes I always say I like rain ... well I do, but I like sunshine aswell :o)
13 Jul, 2012
In a perfect world , Hywel, it would rain at night and sunshine in the day. We've actually had 2 days of sunshine! Thanks Suzy for your lovely comment.
13 Jul, 2012
Wow! and Wow again! What an amazing makeover and what a talented lady you are Rose..I am so incredibly impressed with all the work you have done on this project..I imagine Jack would be smiling down on you indeed my friend!
19 Oct, 2012
Thanks Flori, can I call you Flori? I can't believe looking at this blog again that I did all this! Definitely wouldn't have the energy to do as big a job as this again! I feel worn out just looking at it now! lol.
19 Oct, 2012
Every one calls me Flori so by all means Rose..It has been lovely to meet you and bit by bit I will get through your blogs and keep updated... I am full of admiration for you and what you have achieved my friend, I really am..\0/x
20 Oct, 2012
Now you are making me blush, Flori! how nice of you to go to all this trouble at looking at all my blogs. I shall have to return the favour!
20 Oct, 2012
21 Oct, 2012
the wild-flower meadow is perfect :-) its really hard to know what one should say when one comes across such a wonderful achievement :-) iam really no good with words rose, sorry! but i really think you have done a grand job here :-)
from marybells.
18 Jan, 2014
Thank you Marybells. I think you said it perfectly ! This took me back to a time which I sometimes miss. The house and gardens were close to our hearts and was , in the good times there , a special place and although we are very happy here, it would never measure up to that !
Thank you for going to the trouble of looking for it !
19 Jan, 2014
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oh wow! rose!!! hasnt that come on! i love the wild flowers and the green paths with all the different beds.
when will you be opening to the public?
11 Jul, 2012