Another lovely day in Ireland with Libet.
By rose1949
Sorry its been so long, but days just fly by, don’t they, and with all this lovely weather, I just have to be in the garden!
Libet’s sister and husband 20 years ago bought a small island for a pittance as they wanted a retreat from their busy lives as designers/landscapers. This is the most perfect place I have ever seen. I want you to imagine it as it was 20 years ago when it was just land , no trees and no shrubs or flowers. They have done it all themselves , planting every single tree and landscaping it all. I will try and show it as we walked around it.
This is looking out from the top of the island where they built a little log type cabin which I think was originally a very tiny bungalow.
Here’s our Libet. all the outside furniture was made from reclaimed wood.
All of these boulders had to be put in as there had been landslides due to all the rain.
We are now starting our walk through the woods and eventually down to the river.
Oh dear, we seemed to have lost two!
" Never mind" says Libet, " we’ll find them!"
We’ll cross this little bridge over the stream, passing all these beautiful ferns.
Found them at last. We’ll all make our way down to the river now.
What is everyone looking at…
…Oh yes, its the wild grass which was grown on the roof of the boat shed.
as far as the eye can see is all of their land . No wonder they need a boat. It would be a long walk! lol.
Isn’t this just beautiful! We were also blessed with good weather too.
We’ll walk back a different route now through the wild flower meadows. Unfortunately, most of the flowers have finished , except for these…..
We think one may be the wild form of Ragged Robin , and we were not sure about the other one.
I think we should all head back for a well deserved cuppa.
Back through some more woods .
One last look at the view and join us for that very welcome cuppa!
Did I mention that Libet was a twin!
I hope you all enjoyed the walk. No television or radio here, but then, why would you need it!
12 Sep, 2012
Previous post: For Terratoonie.
Next post: Fuschias for Hywel
what a beautiful place! how amazing to be able to go there, it looks so peaceful
12 Sep, 2012
Thanks Junna. Yes, they are really lovely people and they made us feel so welcome. I could have stayed there forever!
Thanks Stickie. Just the birds and us!
12 Sep, 2012
What an absolute paradise. A dream come true for many of us I think. You sound like you had a thoroughly great time. Thank you for sharing this with us!
12 Sep, 2012
What a wonderful place to own. They're very fortunate. I'd love it there. Nice you had a chance to see it :o)
12 Sep, 2012
We sure did Scottish . I couldn't believe that they grew everything themselves. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks Hywel. I thought you would like this. All their hard work has paid off.
12 Sep, 2012
Definitely a place to get lost in and dream in. I bet you felt totally relaxed after you visit, and it was nice to see Libbets happy smiling face again.
12 Sep, 2012
I can't imagine having a place like that!! Gorgeous!
12 Sep, 2012
What can you say, it looks so peaceful, something one can only dream of, I`m afraid, lovely photo`s Rose, thankyou for sharing..
12 Sep, 2012
What a fantastic place. How lovely of them to share it with us.
12 Sep, 2012
How lovely to have your very own island! Lucky Libet! Thanks for sharing. :o)
13 Sep, 2012
It definitely was Stroller! Even my hubby didn't seem to be in so much pain when he walked round here. Back to the real world now! Thanks Sheilar. I don't suppose any of us can, but at least I shared it with them for a little while, which was great!
Your welcome Lincs. I'm glad you enjoyed it. This definitely was a piece of paradise.
Thanks Scotsgran. They were happy for me to do this and thanks also Nariz. Libets family have worked very hard for the last 20 years to achieve this. And what an achievement!
13 Sep, 2012
Wonderful, just the place for R&R! :D
13 Sep, 2012
Wow looks very idyllic, thanks for sharing : )
13 Sep, 2012
Thanks Karen, it sure was, and your welcome Stevie.
13 Sep, 2012
Lovely blog .. lovely people .. lovely location :o)
17 Sep, 2012
Such a beautiful peaceful place for you all to enjoy together.
I can see why you are so keen to return.
18 Sep, 2012
Thanks Terra , I couldn't have put it better myself!
Thanks Chris, it certainly was and I would have still loved it even if it had rained!
19 Sep, 2012
A joy to look at and read Rose..Wonderful photos..\0/x
19 Oct, 2012
Thanks once again Flori. I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
19 Oct, 2012
I did my friend, very much so..\0/x
20 Oct, 2012
What a beautiful place Rose and your lovely photos do it great justice. How wonderful to have been able to go and visit Libet and her family too. i think that 1st picture of the mauve flowers has to be a
southern marsh orchid, Dactylorhiza praetermissa, not sure though and if so they are very precious.
8 Nov, 2012
Thanks Grandmage for that info. I will pass it on to Libet. It seems ages ago now and can't wait to go back again, but unfortunately won't be next year as their business has taken off big time and will not be having any days off at all next year. Its good for them though! Still its a good job there's the internet! lol
10 Nov, 2012
Very true, its nice to chat by e.mail isnt it ? Say Hello to Libet for me, i have missed her on here!
10 Nov, 2012
I will Grandmage, thanks. She will be touched by your comments.
11 Nov, 2012
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WOW! Its a very lovely place and lovely people:-)))))) its also a fabulous place , very nature, like this so much Rose:-))))
12 Sep, 2012