A walk round my garden
By rose1949
As it has been such wet weather recently thought it was a good time to show you how my garden is doing.
I will start at the new raised bed I built and the rose garden with a look at some of my roses which are doing really well now despite the rain!
A small beautiful standard but unfortunately don’t have the name!
This one is named after Princess Diana.
Gertrude Jekyll which has a wonderful perfume.
We bought this beautiful climber for an obelisk from Peter Beales nursery in Norfolk when we had a holiday there a few years ago. I must have lost the label when we moved house!
This is another standard with no name as it was one I picked up cheaply two years ago looking quite sorry for itself but is doing really well now !
I think this one is called Sunrise and the photo doesn’t do it justice ! The colour is so vivid !
This is Strawberry Hill and have two of these which I sent away for last year and have now reached the top of the arch! Couldn’t believe how fast they have grown !
Zephirine Drouhin which has an amazing perfume but is prone to mildew and black spot so needs regular spraying. It is worth it though as you can smell the perfume right round the garden.
Graham Thomas and is the last of the roses I can show you as there are four others in this garden which have yet to flower. That’s for another day !
So now we can walk through the archways to the main garden…2 metres apart mind you! …
Coming up to the perennial border is my blue Aquilegia which I have had since Willow Cottage. It doesn’t self seed though unfortunately!
We will pass the perennial border as apart from geums , there are not many in flower yet and onto the next border where the Alstromerias and perennial foxglove is flowering. The foxglove will flower all summer and the Alstromeria until Autumn, maybe even longer so have cut flowers for the house all the time !
Now we come to the amazing lupins, the yellow ones are up to my shoulder and never had lupins so tall before! I think they must like the clay soil
For some reason my blue Aquilegia picture has followed my lupins ! Not sure why that happened !
I hope you have enjoyed this little walk!
Take care everyone and stay safe !
7 Jun, 2020
Previous post: The finished project !
Next post: Rhodies and more roses !
We stayed in a little place not far from Attleborough and hoping to go back in September !
7 Jun, 2020
Beautiful collection of roses, I can most smell the fragrance from here, Rose. Loving the orangey coloured one, which ? The one which you’re not too sure of it’s name? Just gorgeous!
Your perennial border and planting is so very pretty..very cottage garden.
7 Jun, 2020
You've definitely got 'the touch' with those lovely roses. Might the orange one be 'Westerland'?
I only seem to manage purple and red lupins, so I am very envious of your yellow ones. I grew a load of yellows from seed last year and the .... slugs got the lot. I'll have to enjoy yours.
7 Jun, 2020
Your garden is amazing,Rose,and wherever you have lived,they have never failed to delight..you really do have the knack and green fingers,to make everything seem as though it has been there forever.I love your lupins,and the Blue Aquilegia,and your Roses are beautiful.We have had almost two days of rain,which was enough,to get everything well watered ,and water butts at the ready again.Thank you for the tour :o) x
7 Jun, 2020
Its amazing what you have achieved in the time Rose! It all looks so mature and settled.As Sandra says, you really have the green thumb.
7 Jun, 2020
Rose its gorgeous but as already said you have the magic touch wherever you create a garden, I loved my wander around..
Your lupins are beautiful, they won't grow here, as are all your roses, love your blue/white aquilegia, mine didn't appear this year or a beautiful yellow one that Hywel sent me a few years back, perhaps they'll show up again next year, they do love to surprise us, which is why I love them...
We have been having rain for over four days and nights, often very hard showers, I was moaning earlier, would you believe it has only just touched the surface, went to pop some more plants in and the trowel wouldn't even go in, the ground is still hard and dry, saying that it has refilled my butts up again....
7 Jun, 2020
My goodness Rose your garden is looking so beautiful. You have some lovely roses and the scent must be gorgeous. I agree about Zephryn Drouhin being prone to black spot and mildew but its scent is wonderful. Your lupins are doing so well for you now.
It is a very lovely garden Rose.
7 Jun, 2020
You have some beautiful roses .
8 Jun, 2020
What a difference in such a short time Rose, what would we do without roses ..... ? Lovely garden, enjoyed the visit:-)
9 Jun, 2020
Thanks Kate, I agree it is gorgeous !
Yes I have, Julia but the large one leading to the rose garden has Trachlespermum Jasminoides on it which are very slow growing. The roses on the others are doing great!
Thank you Anget! I looked online at Westerland and it does look very much like it .
I have never had much luck with lupins until we came here and they seem to like the clay soil.
Thank you Sandra, you are making me blush now ! Hahaa!
I just love gardening ! I can't believe I have had the same blue Aquilegia since Willow Cottage. Unfortunately it doesn't set seed and has never grown wide enough to split!
Thank you Stera ! Blushing again!
Thank you Sue ! I know what you mean about the rain not touching the soil. The flower borders are not too bad as they have had such a lot of compost in them, but the front garden is very dry and just clay. The hose doesn't reach the front as it has to go right round the house , so its just an occasional watering can. I didn't want to compost the front too much as the fox will be digging that up too !
Hywel is going to send me some yellow Aquilegia seeds in the Autumn so will let you know how they get on.
Thank you Chris ! I have enjoyed landscaping it! xx
Thank you for your lovely comment Thrupenny.
Thanks B.A. I agree, I just love roses as many as I can squeeze in !
9 Jun, 2020
Wow, what a beautiful lot of roses, gorgeous colours and I bet the scent is amazing too. Lovely blog.
10 Jun, 2020
Thank you Gee19. Yes its wonderful and some of the scent just floats around the garden.
10 Jun, 2020
I'm waiting for Jacqueline du pre to arrive :-)
10 Jun, 2020
I'm sorry, you've lost me B.A. Who is Jacqueline du pre ?
10 Jun, 2020
Thank you so much for the stroll around your garden Rose. Everything looks fabulous especially your roses. How do you deal with pests such as greenfly?
You most certainly have green fingers!
12 Jun, 2020
Thanks Waddy, I spray my roses monthly always at night time and the birds take care of the green fly!
12 Jun, 2020
Mine are so infested that I'm seriously considering getting rid of quite a few which are particularly bad. The also get lots of black spot.
15 Jun, 2020
What I do at the first sign of a bud in the spring Waddy, is to spray them with a specific rose spray like Rose Clear and then spray them every month after that. Its a chore, but its worth it !
16 Jun, 2020
The trouble is I don't like using chemical sprays, although I have resorted to Rose Clear once or twice. Some of my roses don't have any or very little problems, others are a nightmare. I think at the end of this year I am going to select those which fair well and keep them, but discard the others. Drastic I know, but I think it's for the best.
16 Jun, 2020
I would prefer not to use chemicals Waddy, but I have such a lot of roses and I do love them, so I only spray at night when there are no birds or bees about.
But you have to make things easier for yourself and enjoy your garden, so getting rid of a few may be a good idea.
Thank you Homebird. I do love my roses and this is the first year ever that my lupins have been like this. My friend who is a landscaper told me once to spray the lupins with Provado or something similar as soon as they start to grow so that the lupin aphid doesn't hatch out.
17 Jun, 2020
Provado is the best spray for lupins if you decide to try again with them.
18 Jun, 2020
As a fellow rose lover.....I enjoyed looking at your beautiful roses.......we get so much disease......some are really bad, but we are loathe to take them out.....what do you use and how often do you spray?
24 Aug, 2020
I use Rose Clear Dotty once a month if I remember but always the first spray is when I see the first sign of a leaf shoot. I always spray at night too so I don't harm the bees.
24 Aug, 2020
Thanks Rose.....
25 Aug, 2020
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My Zeph Druhin is very mildew this yr and lots of buds but none open yet.
Beales is a lovely place. We had friends who lived in Attleborough so it was always a must stop place.
7 Jun, 2020