my tree has arrived
By sanbaz
today my new tree arrived but not one i had originally ordered, they called me up on tuesday to say my tree which wasnt sent out on time for me going away, was then redated to when i came home, so was to arrive today but the call on tuesday was to say they didnt have it in stock anymore grrr, so i was told i could have a differant tree, still a mountain ash but differant to what i had ordered, i was to have a sorbus cardinal royal, but now i have a sorbus vilmorinii, which is off the same family.they also took the £10 postage off and vat for the trouble, so thats fine, anyway it arrived at lunchtime and i quickly unboxed it and gave it some water as the branches and top leaves looked a little droopy and one branch has snapped but hey ho its come from down south and even though well packed had some how got broken, now im not sure where on the lawn to plant my new tree, they give you a guide to how far away from house etc to plant but my tree isnt as big as the ones shown,it will grow to about 16ft in 20 years and the mountain ash on guide is 23mtr so has to be about21mtr from house, so im guessing if mine is to grow to 16ft then about 16/20ft from house shouldbe ok,
anyway here is a pic of my new tree and i was thinking about central in lawn, what do you think please as baz and i have to plant it today, not much time for ideas from anyone but even a odd comment on this would help, thanx all
as you can see the top is a bit droopy, will this perk up, does anyone have any addvice for me please
two added pics of tree in new home
27 May, 2010
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thankyou Genuisscuffy, do you think i should plant it central in lawn to, ive been walking round with it and stepping back but cant make my mind up lol
27 May, 2010
It will be alright Sandra, once planted and fed :) Nice one!
27 May, 2010
thankyou michaella, just waiting for baz to get home, make him a brew then give him a shovel lol
27 May, 2010
I think I would put it off centre somewhere, towards one of the corners perhaps. But that would be my personal choice. Its your tree, so you choose. I'm sure it will look good wherever you decide.
27 May, 2010
thanx cinders, i thought that to but didnt want it to close to pond because of roots getting to liner,
27 May, 2010
Hi San, Hope I'm not too late! My sorbus can also be a bit brittle and we lose several new shoots every year...weird that! It can also look a bit droopy like this, but I think that is their nature! It will be fine, it looks good and healthy. You are right about planting distance, it should be equal to eventual height. It will look good in the middle of the lawn won't it.....lovely tree, hope it has nice berries in the autumn for you...any sign of flowers at all?.....:)
27 May, 2010
If I am not too late please give it a good soaking before you plant it as once planted the water tends to be absorbed by the surrounding soil first leaving the poor plant shrinking in the heat. If you have a bucket large enough submerge the root ball, that will be ideal, otherwise you will need to top up with water as the plant absorbs it. I'd recommend 2 hours minimum. You have a hole to prepare so you can do that and then pop it in when it has drunk its fill. Make sure you give it lots of water for this season as it will be putting down foundations for a lifetime. I would mix bonemeal in with the soil in the bottom of the hole and scatter it around the edge of your hole and it will mix with the soil as you put it back in. It is quite tall so should be staked if you have not been told that already. It will give hours of pleasure in years to come with fresh new growth, flowers, berries and stunning autumn foliage before showing off its shape through the winter. I do not know when you took your photograph but look at the shadows and decide where you will want the summer shade to be. Wishing you many happy years together
27 May, 2010
thankyou karen and scotsgran, when i got hoem at lunchtime i soaked the tree and when baz dug the hole in which i put chicken manure and plenty more water, once set in i did stake it, they sent a good intruction leaflet along with the tree, it has a few flower buds on it already which im pleased as long as they open with the drooping, once in i watered again, its in a side on position rather than centre, felt it looked better, so it gets morning sun and dappled sun during afternoon so im hoping that will be just right for it, will keep it well watered through the season now, any other advice will be appreciated thanx guys ;o)) ps im going to add pics of the tree now in its new home
27 May, 2010
That looks great. Don't worry it will soon pick up and be happy.
27 May, 2010
thanx scotsgran, im so glad to have a tree in the garden again ;o))
27 May, 2010
its very nice sandra... im sure it will be fine... have you staked it up... i had to stake my willow for the first year......till the roots take... keep it well watered... and it will be lovely in your garden.........
27 May, 2010
thankyou holly ,yes ive staked it and left the bamboo in to, had lots of water and will water each day, already had a little bluetit in it ;o)))
27 May, 2010
Ah, perfect, a visitor already! You planted it in exactly the right spot in my opinion! :))
27 May, 2010
Good luck to your tree, Sandra, in its new home ..
It will thrive well with your care and attention... :o) x
27 May, 2010
Good luck with your tree, like TT said it will be fine you looking after it. x
27 May, 2010
thanx karen, glad you agree with where ive planted it , i had baz holding it while i ran back and forth checking what it looked like lol ;o))
cheers Terra for you kind words ;o)) x
thanx carol, it makes such a differance to the garden ;o)) x
27 May, 2010
It looks to be in the perfect place - I've just googled it, what a beauty and how unusual the berries will be - if the birds give them the chance to change, lol.
27 May, 2010
That has added to your already beautiful garden. I'm sure you are going to get years of enjoyment from it.
27 May, 2010
lol wagger yes from deep red, to pink and to white, sounds great doesnt it, ;o))
thankyou so much Tog ;o))
27 May, 2010
I'm only reading this after you planted the tree sorry. But anyway I think it looks better where you planted it than in the first pics. I think it was a bit too near and overpowering there. So it's nice to see it where it is now and a bit to the side of the lawn looks very artistic lol
27 May, 2010
lol hywel, yes glad i put it to the side a bit, i keep going to have a look hahah, like having a new toy ;o))
27 May, 2010
It looks just right where it is Sandra, I don`t really know very much about trees but yours looks really healthy already so it should be fine, it has had a bit of a journey after all. Your garden is looking great by the way and the tree just sets it off. :o)
27 May, 2010
think its planted just fine Sandra.Central would have looked too formal...dont think thats what you want is it ?
27 May, 2010
thankyou so much sandra , glad you like the garden ;o))
no your right ray i didnt want that at all, so glad you think its ok to ;o))
27 May, 2010
Spot on position. Can't wait to see pics in a few months time. Will look stunning next year thats for sure!
27 May, 2010
thanx steve im very happy with it even though its not my original choice ;o)
27 May, 2010
Not a bad substitute.
27 May, 2010
That's looks so 'right' where you've planted it Sandra, I've only just seen this blog (9.45pm) and glad you didn't put it in a corner. I'll post a pic of neighbours tree 'resting' atop of my Cordyline ... grrr !
27 May, 2010
thanx shirley glad you like it, i wanted to have a good view of it but in the middle didnt look right and to far i couldnt see properly so to the side it just looked perfect,, to me anyway lol ;o))
27 May, 2010
Although this is not the ideal time to plant trees (and it has been very dry), pleanty of TLC and buckets of water should see your new Sorbus through. If you are concerned about water conservation, old washing-up water etc., is perfectly alright to recycle for plants.
It looks a lovely tree & a good choice for a small to medium garden but do not let its roots get dry through the summer & it should establish nicely.
27 May, 2010
thanx jb, it would have been in sooner if the company had sent it when they should have, but will be watering daily and keeping a close eye on things ;o)
27 May, 2010
San, am so pleased you got your tree at long last, but what a mess up they made on getting it to you! It looks absolutely perfect where you have planted it, you have a great eye for design my friend! May it give you many happy hours in the years ahead, and as the seasons change~beautiful, San, a great addition to your wonderful garden! :~)))))))))X
27 May, 2010
looks superb there San.
27 May, 2010
Glad you got your tree, and it looks just right in your garden, did you have some rain today? to rain it all helps.
27 May, 2010
Tree looks perfect there and will not obscure your view from the kitchen. I love your pond area by the way!
27 May, 2010
looks nice where you planted it,would love one but it would grow too big for my garden
28 May, 2010
Perfect position,San,it looks great there.You will get lots of pleasure through the changing seasons.:o)).Have you given it a hug yet,?.Lol....Where's the washing line been moved to,or aren't you doing any more ?:o)))
28 May, 2010
aww thankyou so much flori how kind, i do enjoy the designing part as much as seeing the flowers and colour,drive baz mad i think lol, glad you like the tree, im watering it every morning, lunchtime and evening as its so dry at the moment ;o)) x
no rain really dotty just a fine shower which doesnt even get through the surface, but they say rain all day tomoz so hope so for the tree lol ;o))
thanx peonyrose so glad you like the pond area took us months of taking old trees out and digging roots out to do that and first attempt was a dissaster, water got under the liner and had to be redone , but well worth it ;o))
thanx ladybug, sorry you dont have enough room for one in your garden, maybe something a bit smaller, there are lots out there even to put in pots ;o))
lol sandra i took it down for pics haha, it still fits there ok, but can always bring it to house end of the garden if i decide to wash again lol ;o))
28 May, 2010
oops sorry missed you there user..thankyou ;o))
28 May, 2010
I think it looks nice planted there Sandra you and Baz can sit underneath it for some shade (when we get some sun again) and have a picnic.... on the lawn-hamper,glass of wine, sandwiches, gardener's world magazine! :-)
28 May, 2010
Great place to site it Sanbaz it detracts your eye from the big shed/garage on the other side of the bottom fence and will mask it even more as the tree matures, a lovely addition to enhance your garden.
28 May, 2010
lol richard, im thinking tree seat when it grows a bit more ;o)), havent told baz yet as he will be making it haah
thankyou stroller, yes it does help take your eye from the shed ;o)
28 May, 2010
Looks brill San and I know it will be just fine. The cherry tree that Ali bought a few months ago for just £4.99 was in the bag, in our conservatory for 2 weeks before planting as we had to get a huge bag of gravel off the lawn before we could plant it. We were really worried but since planting, she seems pretty happy.
Only just seen this blog so was unable to give an opinion on where to plant but it would have been off centre so I think it looks great where it is:o))
How exciting for you....
30 May, 2010
thanx Dan im really happy with it and keep giving lots of water till roots grow a bit more, think its the first year needs plenty of TLC, glad your cherry tree is doing well to, i really like them as well. ;o))
31 May, 2010
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It will look lovely - I'm sure that once its planted and you've given it lots of water it should be fine.
27 May, 2010