pond warning high Ph cause by sulpur from volcano
By sanbaz
as some of you know iv lost 3 fish in my pond with no sign of illness, so today i went to have the water PH tested and found it was high, the man at the pond place said they have had alot of people with the same thing happening to their fish, apparently its due to the sulpur from the volcano,
so thought i would let you know and if you have lost any fish plez take a sample of pond water to your local pond place and they will test it for you, it can be put right by using a Ph adjuster, also as it worked out on the size of your pond an avarage guess there is also a chance other fish may die, but if you dont sort it out they could die anyway.
so iv done mine today and will have a retest on sat/sun. wont be able to put more fish in till its put right, apparently some fish havnt died because they can tolarate the conditions more than other,
so take care of your fish and hope your not having these problems
30 Jun, 2010
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i know richard i wouldnt have thought of it, i thought it could be tap water and needed more time to settle but he said not, anyway just hope i can get the right balance and then get a couple more fish and take it from there ;o))
30 Jun, 2010
Useful info. Sandra...
Have you let Clarice know ?
30 Jun, 2010
i will Terra as she lost a fish to last week, thankyou ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks for telling us Sandra, all my fish are fine touch wood,except for one that died the day after bringing the new ones home, and thanks for bringing me the mushroom stool, also Maureen thought you was a really nice person, going to get a shower can't stop sweeting so going to cool down, catch you later, and thanks again. xx
30 Jun, 2010
your welcome carol, maureen seems lovely to, im so hot my head wont stop hurting, so may have a shower to soon , and the kitties are lovely ;o)) xx
30 Jun, 2010
Great info there....do you happen to know if it affects fish in Ponds in America? My friends fish have been dyeing at an alarming rate and I now I am wondering if that is possible?!
30 Jun, 2010
Thank you for letting us know that Sandra, and I am sorry you have lost 3 fish.
30 Jun, 2010
silvisherr im not sure it goes that far, its affecting europe, but tell your friend she should do checks anyway, pond water can change at any time ;o)
your welcome michaella, i keep watching the other 3 and worrying but time will tell now iv treated the water ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks for the imfo sandra... wouldnt have dreamt it being volcanic ash...
30 Jun, 2010
me neither holly, glad i went and had test now ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
yes good idea.....
30 Jun, 2010
;o) thanx holly
30 Jun, 2010
Sorry you lost your fish Sandra. Was your pond water red? The water in my bird baths and fountain was red for a few weeks when the volcano was erupting, even though I kept changing it. It is clear now thank goodness.
30 Jun, 2010
thanx silverbelle no it wasnt red, seemed fine except for fish dying, i had checked them and nothing had happened to their bodies, like fugal infection or anything like that, so i just decided to go and ask the man i got them off, he told me whats happening and tested my pond water,
30 Jun, 2010
Hope you dont lose anymore fish San...looks like it is an invisible killer then ....
30 Jun, 2010
one of ours had a fungal infection do think cos of that ?
30 Jun, 2010
thanx jane, seems that way doesnt it,, if its clear at weekend i will ask how often i should check it or will it be ok now its treated jane, froggys and snails arent affected thankfully ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
not sure cristina, there was no sign of any infection on mine, just the Ph balance wasnt right so the fish couldnt survive, pond fish are alkaline
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks Sandra sorry tho about your losses. I test mine about every four weeks in summer or if it is looking quite green with algae.I don't think I would have if it had been clear tho so thanks again.
30 Jun, 2010
thanx aster and glad if it helps anyone ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
dont forget that in the warm weather there is less oxygen in the water too. So it is also worth running a pump to areate the water. If you have a lot of oxygenator plants take some out; as during the night they use oxygen and this competition for oxygen is also responsible for fish 'gulping' on the surface in the morning. Can result in death too.
30 Jun, 2010
thanx sea,, i have pump and only a couple of oxygenating plants, but in my case it was high Ph level. i thought oxygenating plants were to suply oxygen sea
30 Jun, 2010
just read up sea, yes to much can give carbon manoxide,, says up 5 bunches per square metre, so im ok with what iv got ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
I`ve not heard of that Sandra but you are much further north than me. There is an aquatics centre in our garden centre so I`ll ask if they`ve heard of anyone with the same problem.
30 Jun, 2010
ok sandra, i was surprised to hearing it, dont think he would make it up do you, well established pond store
30 Jun, 2010
hi sandra, all plants produce oxygen when they are photosynthesising, but at night they only respire. this uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. just like we do. [Plants also respire during the day but the effects of photosynthesis are what we notice.] The carbon dioxide then dissolves in the water making a slightly acidic solution of carbonic acid. Plants cant make carbon monoxide. If they dont have enough oxygen they make a form of alcohol. I checked my pond's pH tonight and it is 6.3 so pretty close to neutral.
30 Jun, 2010
Just re read your blog. A high pH is alkaline so I wonder if the garden centre is getting confused. Acidic values are less than 7. so a low pH is acidic. the lower the value the stronger the acid. Alkaline is anything above 7. the higher the number the stronger the alkaline.
30 Jun, 2010
I was thinking that SBG. I'm sorry to hear about your fish San. Hope you get it sorted out quick!
1 Jul, 2010
I'm glad you've been able to find out the cause of your fish dying Sandra. At least now you can do something to put it right.
Thanks for the warning aswell :o) although I don't personally have a pond, but many people who do might not get to know about it.
1 Jul, 2010
Sorry also for the death of your fish. My friend Gerry has several really big fish in a small pond in his back yard. Lots of little frogs as well! LOL! He hasn't told me about any of them dying for no apparent reason so I assume the sulphur suspended in the air didn't get to be sufficiently concentrated to affect his pond.
Hope your fish are better now.
1 Jul, 2010
Sorry you have lost your fish Sandra but pleased you now know what the problem is. hope you are able to get the balance right so you can have more without further losses;0)
1 Jul, 2010
thanx sea for addvice, im not good with science stuff, but maybe thats what he was saying and i got it mixed up , but it was defernatly to high he said, so maybe it was alkaline level, iv got the right struff to put it right anyway ;o)
cheers ian, my 3 fish now seem ok so fingers crossed its working ;o)
thankyou hywel for your comment even though you dont have a pond, like you say its handy to know if anyone you know has one ;o)
balcony glad your friend isnt having any probs,, i have lots of frogs to, love them ;o)
thanx carole, yes im hoping if its right i can a have a couple more ;o)
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the info. My fish all look fine and are eating well but will get water checked this weekend just in case.
2 Jul, 2010
your welcome Elless, im sure its ok if your fish are looking healthy, best to be sure though ;o))
3 Jul, 2010
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That was a good find Sandra to discover that out. Who would have thought the volcano in Iceland would have an affect on the water quality here in the UK.
30 Jun, 2010