dissapointing week off
By sanbaz
Hi Guys,
well firstly let say my week off didnt go to plan,
secondly im just about over my flu etc after almost 5 weeks, you think its going then its back with an added extra :o(
well enough about that today i wasnt go to stay in doing nothing even though the weather is awful with wind last few days and now rain, just great.
so up early and had to go out and do a few things, shopping , colour for my hair.. yes i know i look young but the gray has begun and tells me otherwise lol, then post a form which took ages to fill in for joe and uni expenses, then home for lunch with baz.
so after lunch off i went to GC to see what i could pick up to replace dead plants etc, walking round cold and like a drowned rat wasnt the best day for this but if i leave it any longer it will be time to go back to work.
so even though i was cold and my glasses steamed up and rained on… could do with windscrean wippers you could pop on for rainy days lol
only need them for reading the labels and prices, they had a few bargains but nothing much there i wanted, all large shrubs etc and wasnt sure if they were past rescue,
i managed to get 3 plants, 2 for my pots and 1 for in the border somewhere, so not bad and may go look at another GC tomoz if not to wet.
anyway after doing my blog im off out to plant even though still raining as at least the plants will love it wont they.then im putting my feet up with a nice brew and watch the afternoon movie which i probably seen umteen times already haha
so here is my buys for today
Euonymus `Emerald `n Gaiety£5.99
Pieris Japonica `Bonfire`£3 bargain stand
Hellebore unnamed, think one of them green/cream, coloured ones, not one of my favs but at £1 couldnt leave it there
hope you had a good day and no rain, thanx for looking :o))
11 Mar, 2011
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No what you mean about the weather San, been the same here all week, at least the gales have gone but still very cold, glad you managed to get to the GC you have some lovely plants there, enjoy your afternoon with your feet up,
11 Mar, 2011
I've got a japonica bonfire had it a few years and it always looks well, not being horrible Sandra, but thats why its been horrible weather this week because your of work, (only kidding), Have to say though the rain we have had this week as really done the garden good as there's loads of things starting to shoot up. Hope your flu as gone this time for you. see you soon x.
11 Mar, 2011
thanx sticki im alot better, more myself and it was nice to get out even though raining,;o)
yorkshire im so glad the wind has stopped and looking at the news in japan i shouldnt even be moaning, those poor people , so plants in and got my brew, film just started ;o)
hi carol and glad you have this plant and its doing well, i have forest flame and think i will move that as its not getting enough light, not growing, and your right i shouldnt have had the week off but glad i did cause i really needed to rest up and get myself right.
we will soon be going out on nice sunny days i hope :o))
11 Mar, 2011
Makes two of us looking forward to day out, its funny i've got forest flame and thats not doing well either and if i think back i got both of them together, and they are both facing south so plenty of sun for them, well thats when we get sunshine, i was only saying before us Britts moan about the weather, and we get nothing compared to other countries. hope you enjoy your film See you later:) x
11 Mar, 2011
yes think we did get them together carol so will plant it near pond in sunny possition when i get chance, seen film before but heyho hahah, catch up later x
11 Mar, 2011
Sorry you didnt manage to get much done.... the weather down here has been quite good,got the lawn cut on tuesday and its been a mostly sunny week with chilly winds in the afternoon.... do like your euyonymus... hope you feel back to your old self soon and get some sun....
11 Mar, 2011
Well done San. Good buys there. Think positive and look forward to better days
11 Mar, 2011
I know what you mean about flu lingering Im still left with sore eyes and lips and my bout was before Christmas, hey got to think about all the plusses;0)
Your plants look healthy, love the Emerald gaiety and the peris, we all need a few nice warm and dry days to cheer us up, keep smiling;0)).
11 Mar, 2011
thankyou holly, cinders and carole it cant rain forever can it lol, so onward and upward as they say, i like the emerald gaiety to carole, all year round colour, we did have sun at the beggining of the week when i was busy with appointments then it changed, but at least i did start the weeding and getting things tidy, so im not behind yet lol :o)
11 Mar, 2011
San...you've bagged some great plants...and your bargain £1 hellebore!
Sorry it's been a not so perfect week for you and I hope you are soon fighting fit. Did you enjoy your movie? lol
11 Mar, 2011
Sorry its taken you so long to get over the flu,sometimes it can go on and on. I hope you soon feel tip top again. You`ve got some nice looking plants there Sandra, I like the Euonymus especially. :o)
11 Mar, 2011
lol jacquie, i had seen it before but still enjoyed it, i love them made for tv movies in the afternoon lol, baz hates them, and couldnt miss the hellebore at a £ could i :o))
thanx sandra im alot better, think the tonic i got helped perk me up a bit, euonymus is my fav to :o))
11 Mar, 2011
Hope you are better soon! great price on the plants :)
11 Mar, 2011
thanx Teds ;o)
11 Mar, 2011
Great buys Sanbaz! I love the £1 hellebore too. Could it be H. argutifolius (AKA H. corsicus)? The spikey leaves suggest it. I hope you're back to tiptop condition soon.
11 Mar, 2011
Sorry to hear of your week not being good - hope you feel better soon Sandra - you have bought some lovely buys - all plants are good to me and I love Japonica type plants
11 Mar, 2011
The Hellebores might not be one of your favourites, Sandra but they are really good value, flowering at a time when litle else is!And the Pieris...is that one that prefers acid soil.Some varieties do..
Hope you're feeling better soon. I'll probably be full of cold again soon as loads of my customers whose gardens I've done this week have colds!!!
11 Mar, 2011
we have woken up to snow the last 2 days!!! It didn,t lie for long thank goodness :o))
11 Mar, 2011
thanx Beatie i think you could be right there thankyou :o)
thanx paul i love japonica types to ;o)
hi paul 2 lol hope you dont get this flu things its awfull to shake off but im ok now, i do love hellebores but i ment this one isnt a fav, i think the flowers are to much like the leaf colour so dont stand out like the more colourfull ones, i think the pieris will be ok as im sure my soil is a bit acid, my acid type plants always seem ok in there :o) thanx for info
helen glad the snow didnt stay with you and hope you get in your garden soon :o)
11 Mar, 2011
We've still got some patches around in shaded areas, Helen, but still got some work done in the garden today.
Your Hellebore looks like H. corsicus Sanbaz, not one of the most classy but great value for £!.
11 Mar, 2011
thanx mr MB thats what i thought myself lol, cant complain at the price though :o)hope your both well, i noticed a meeting at the school in blackpool is due are you both going to be there this year ?
11 Mar, 2011
Had a bit of flu Sandra - my ears were blocked and I was very light headed - feel better now - plenty of Oranges for you Sandra :):):)
11 Mar, 2011
glad your feeling better paul, iv had that seven seas tonic and helped alot :o)
11 Mar, 2011
Good to hear that :) I have been tired for ages too - but not for gardening lol ;)
11 Mar, 2011
lol paul, its the illness and winter that makes us feel lifeless, need sun rays to charge my brain up again lol
11 Mar, 2011
Been really lucky this week Sun everyday since last Sunday :):):) Poor Scotland getting heavy snow
11 Mar, 2011
o dear sandra the flue again ............... hope you better soon , doc told me takes bt 6 8 weeks to go all together .
your plants look great , nice an helthy . i have the emrold one , they can get big and clime up walls ............ where will u put it !!!
11 Mar, 2011
glad you have it ok there paul, yes scotland had more snow but dont think it lasted, well in some parts anyway.
hi cristina this one isnt a climber its smaller, but in pot large pot for now and see how it goes, i feel alot better now iv had some tonic last few days ;o)
11 Mar, 2011
Sorry you've had poor weather for your week off, San, at least you managed to get to a GC today and buy some plants. Always a good tonic! I have Euonymous 'Emerald Gaiety' and love it. : o )
11 Mar, 2011
nothing like a bit of plant retail therapy Sandra..:-)
11 Mar, 2011
Sorry Sandra, Blackpool show is a bit too far for us. Wish we could get there one year but that is trhe penalty that we pay for living on the Costa del Moray! ha, ha.
11 Mar, 2011
thanx shirley glad you love emerald to :o)
thanx sandra your so right :o))
lol mr MB maybe one day, sounds quite good with the spanish touch to it haha
11 Mar, 2011
wow! That Pieris was a real bargain San. I just took delivery of one....£12.99 and looks about the same size...ok maybe mine is a little bigger, but not much! Well done you! :)) Hellebore could be Argutifolius like my greenish one.
11 Mar, 2011
Some very nice buys San....love the Euonymus....looks great during winter, and the Pieris and Hellebore, should be fine for our winters....:o( Hope you'll soon be feeling more like your old self....and I wasn't thinking about your hair colour...Lol! We need some sun don't we....we're off up to the Lakes for a few days next week....hope the snow doesn't reach there!
11 Mar, 2011
Hi San - sorry your week wasn't as good as you wished. Time off from work is so precious isn't it - especially if you want to get some things done.
Still, I'm sure that not having to dash off to work each day must have had some health benefits - sometimes your body just tells you when it needs rest.
I do like the Euonymus - they are such a good buy for the garden.
Take care and don't get so wet and cold outside that you become ill again.
12 Mar, 2011
I'm sorry to hear you had rain. We had a misty day yesterday but the rest of the week was rather nice here.
Good buys you had Sandra. I hope you were able to plant them.
12 Mar, 2011
the best tonic is sun ........... and garden ........... lets hope you get both soon hun , keep warm
12 Mar, 2011
thanx karen, pieris was cheap and think because its got a few burnt leaves which are easy removed but yes a bargain, will take a pic of the hellebore when open :o)
hi janey thankyou and roots done now lol and not plant ones either haha
hope you enjoy the lakes janey i love it there and so close for us to, if you end up in blackpool some time let me know , wouldnt blame you if you said you wont be coming here though haha :o))
thanx marie im so much better thanx and been quite lazy haha, went to town today looking for holiday things :o( gosh i feel old, nothing looks right and dont like all these fussy prints at the moment either and drab colours, also after seeing myself in swim wear think i will keep well covered lol :o)
hi hywel glad you have had not so bad weather, i managed to plant the new members in the rain lol but thought they would enjoy it haha :o))
cristina you are so so right, i need rays and fast haha not long before hols really, first wed in may we go, watch out benidorm haha :o))
12 Mar, 2011
sorry to hear your week didn`t go to plan but at least you have some nice new plants! It is annoying though when you want to get things done, i`ve been laid up with a bad knee & really want to get some more jobs done in the garden...never mind us gardeners aren`t down for to long!!
12 Mar, 2011
thanx elsiemay and hope your knee soon recovers, plenty of rest them you will enjoy the summer gardening :o)
12 Mar, 2011
Bet you feel better just getting your hair done, I always think that is a tonic in itself. Still early yet so we can really expect anything to happen as regards our weather, saying that with all that is happening elsewhere we have to be thankful...
You still managed a little retail therapy and hopefully the rest will have done you good, now you can look forwards to your next holiday,lol.....
12 Mar, 2011
lol sue and your quite right, after seeing all the news and them poor people it breaks your heart, but makes us thankfull, ordered two tankinis for hols , cheered me up,, if they fit haha
12 Mar, 2011
Sorry your week was a wash-out, Sanbaz. It reminded me of when I was working and had a disastrous week off. When I went back to work and someone asked if I'd had a good time I burst into tears! Your new plants looks lovely and I will be on the look out for the Euonymus `Emerald `n Gaiety - it's a beauty.
12 Mar, 2011
thanx Gee, i know how you felt, think i will have to hold back the feelings when i go back to work , glad you like the plant and hope you get one :o))
13 Mar, 2011
A good selection of evergreen plants, and hardy ones too lol
14 Mar, 2011
great blog sanbaz..hope the movie was fab..some nice plants there and im sure will be worth all the effort when you are able to enjoy them properly later in the year..ive often wondered about the bargain shelf..i always thought they were dying and such like, i guess if you know what to look for you can get some bargains..my business is on a garden centre site and not far from the skips and the amount of stuff they throw..i must have a rummage someday ive seen allsorts of plants and pots and things..you would have thought they'd compost stuff but they dont..anyway im rambling..nice blog thanks for sharing
15 Mar, 2011
Oh yes, Skipscanda.....do have a root around in the skip. I can imagine there will be plenty of treasure to find :)
15 Mar, 2011
lol Dotty, yes defernatly hardy hahah ;o)
thanx Skip.. yes if i were you i would go through them plants and see what i could rescue, always worth a try dont you think, ;o)
i agree with you there jacquie ;o)
15 Mar, 2011
Hello Sanbaz a bit late to this blog I know but I am like the cow's tail always last, anyway is your son due home soon for Easter,Christopher is home on the 28th March just eleven day's to go and I know that always perk's me up :-))
17 Mar, 2011
hi mavis nice to see you, lucky you christopher coming home on 28th, we go for joe on the 9th and he has 2 weeks home with us, wish it was longer, i cant wait and your right it sure does perk us up, hope you enjoy having him home with you :o))
17 Mar, 2011
I am not sure why he has so long for Easter Sanbaz maybe it has something to do with his course?, but he won't be home with me all the time, he has a girlfriend (she live's in Wales )and he is going to spend some time with her and her family going camping.He has said though that as he can cook! he is going to make me spaghetti bol and chicken curry so lot's to look forward to.We will all enjoy having him back home :-)
17 Mar, 2011
mavis i think it does depend on course they do, thats the thing when they meet a girl have to devide their breaks up, not sure where joes new girl is from but will find out more when he is home, but he will be working at the village nursery again for extra cash which is what he wanted, its amazing what they learn when away like cooking, joe is getting good at that to so maybe i will get a meal :o))
17 Mar, 2011
Hi Sanbaz Graham thinks the difference could be as it is a Scottish Uni with different term times.Christopher asked for a student cookery book for Christmas so that has probably helped, but they seem to share meals at times in his halls some one made a sheperds pie the other night for them all to tuck into while studying together :-)
17 Mar, 2011
arr thats it mavis, didfferent term times, wasnt thinking, glad he is enjoying cooking to, same where joe is, him and two friends share the cooking and hope to get a place together next year, well year 2 in october, :o)
18 Mar, 2011
Great chatty blog, San, and some amazing bargains you have picked up there...well done! Here's to warmer sunnier days....\0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
thanx flori we all love a bargain dont we, i do hope we get a lovely summer this year, i love being outside and not stuck in with just the tv grr, i wouldnt have it on if i had my way only if something good on, anyway soon be springtime, enjoy your garden flori :o) x
18 Mar, 2011
I will if it ever dries out, San!!! LOL!\0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
lol same here xx
18 Mar, 2011
Christoper has been looking as well Sanbaz, when you think they have nearly done their first year amazing isn't it.
20 Mar, 2011
mavis i just cant believe it either, i still miss him so much and he tells me off in a nice way for being sad, also for being protective when he tells me things like going to another town for a night out haha, be carefull and all that, i cant help it. i found some photos of joe and myself when he was 11 and i took him on holiday, i almost cried it seemed such a short time ago now, i miss being a full time mum, mad arent i lol
20 Mar, 2011
Even though I am lucky enough to have my other three son's at home ,I still miss Christopher terribly.It is fine people saying you have to let them go and be independant but you still worry don't you. When he went back after Christmas like you I had gone through all the be careful's, stay safe, and what happened there was a bomb scare at his hall's that freaked me out totally but he did the right thing and talked on face book to his brother's and rang me when he back safe and sound in his hall's.I don't think you are mad Sanbaz I feel just the same.
20 Mar, 2011
San....a woman after my own heart :) I still watch over our 33 yr. old son...despite him being in Canada now and happily settled with his partner. I don't smother him but I do love him so much, miss him still, but I am so happy that he is independent and enjoying his life.
It can be sad to look back on times together that were so special...but it's nice to be proud of them and know that our love for them is returned, despite our struggles to adjust to their independence.
Chins up ladies (especially San and Mavis...you'll have your boys home for hols very soon)..... x
20 Mar, 2011
oh mavis that must have been awfull, i would have been on my way down the motorway haha
but nice im not the only one who panics and misses my baby :o))
thanx jacquie your right and i am so proud of joe and what he trying to do with his life, where ever he goes i will always miss him and love him, but if he is happy thats what counts, just look forward to seeing him ;o)) harder for you as your son is thousands of miles away jacquie not so easy to see them, so im lucky really x
20 Mar, 2011
It was Sanbaz! I was working out bus and train timetables until I knew he was okay. Thank's Whistonlass I think all parent's are proud and protective of their children but even though your pleased for them they are still sorely missed eight more sleeps and Christopher is home Whistonlass :-) ☼☼
20 Mar, 2011
3 weeks here, but going quite quick now its closer :o)
20 Mar, 2011
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you got some very nice plants and good prices too. lets hope the weather is better next week, hope you feel better soon, sorry your week wasnt so good.
11 Mar, 2011