A week off to garden
By sanbaz
Hi guys not alot happening in my garden at the moment but next week im off work so after getting over my awfull flu then cold im hoping to get out there and do a bit of my garden.
lots to tidy, pots to empty which have dead plants which i lost over winter, a bit sad as i only got them last year, like throwing money away really but there you go.
so will look for something more hardy to replace them, large pots so i am sure to find something nice to go in them.
my fish are up and about swimming when the sun shines so i feed them just a small amount and only when they come to the top till the weather improves.
i have some lovely small daffs that have come up which i got for indoors last spring from morrisons, after they went over i planted in the garden and they are back, wonderfull, a few primroses and some tiny anemones which i got last week, also a few snowdrops but couldnt get close to take a pic of them, maybe when they clump up, also tulips are just apearing and my large daffs but a while of flowering yet.
im hoping the grass wont be to wet as i must tidy my raised border while off as lots of perenials apearing so need to take away the dead foilage, i see my white bleeding heart kindly sent bu hywel last year as apeared, so happy with that to, but may move it near my pond for full impact when flowering in summer.
anyway just took a couple of pics but nothing to exciting lo.
hope your all enjoying watching your gardens come back to life to :o)))
4 Mar, 2011
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Enjoy it Sandra....you will feel a whole lot better by the end of the week....lol
4 Mar, 2011
Lovely Sandra - Glad your flu has gone - make sure you wrap up well tomorrow then it was sunny today but very cold feel - Going to start feeding my fish Monday too. I buy a lot of evergreens so they remain Sandra :)
4 Mar, 2011
I hope that the sun shines for you over your gardening week....it makes all the difference!
4 Mar, 2011
may not be much up ............ but still worth a look x hope you feeling better now !!! have bin out doing a bit ............. and now have the bad back urg lol . hope the wether gets better soon x
4 Mar, 2011
San have you been sending your bugs my way? lots of sunshine today and I`ve gotten a rotten sore throat and the shivers (GRR. If I was up to it I`d SPIT FEATHERS.) Hope you enjoy your week........
4 Mar, 2011
thanx holly im alot better and like you my grass is a pain with getting water logged, hope it all dries out for us soon :o))
maureen hope your right lol and i dont end up with a bad back to hahaha :o))
thanx paul yes think you should start feeding them now, and evergreens is going to be for me to :o))
thanx lulu and cristina hope your both enjoying your gardens to :o))
poor you sue it wasnt me really lol, hope you feel alot better soon :o))
4 Mar, 2011
Glad you're feeling a lot better, San, and I hope the weather is fine for you next week. It's heartening to see some colour in the garden after the long, long Winter. Such a shame some of your plants didn't survive, but you'll soon find replacements for them! I cut the grass yesterday, first cut of the year, quite a bit of moss in it. : o ((
4 Mar, 2011
thanx shirley and glad you got your lawn done, i do hope the weather will be kind to me, im so glad winter is behind us though :o)
4 Mar, 2011
Sorry you have succumbed to the flu Sandra and hope you enjoy your week off work. I had the Flu Dec -feb and it really did sap all my enthusiasim and energy, this is the first time I have felt like coming on Goy for the past few weeks, so busy catching up with everyone and have enjoyed the lovely weather this week to get out into the garden;0
4 Mar, 2011
hi carole so sorry you havent been well either, i must say i dont have much energy either but i must try and do somethings as i havent done much of anything these last weeks even in the house, we all need sunshine and fresh air, glad your ok now and getting out again :o))
4 Mar, 2011
nothing like a few sunny days in the garden to feel better Sandra...you will soon have it all sorted ready for spring. enjoy..:-)
4 Mar, 2011
My darling grandaughter aged 2 and a half gave me her horrible cold at the weekend, she is so generous lol, felt really rough yesterday better today not so 'bunged' up, glad you are feeling better San those little daffs are like mine i love them, first ones out in my garden, mine are called 'Jenny' i think.
4 Mar, 2011
thanx sandra fingers crossed for sunshine ;o))
glad your feeling better SK and children do love to share lol
im not sure what my little daffs are called but they do look pretty and cheerfull dont they :o))
4 Mar, 2011
glad you are feeling better. with such happy plants you cant help but feel good.
enjoy getting in the garden next week San.
4 Mar, 2011
We need the sun don't we San.....now it's March you think it'll be much warmer, but this last couple of days here it's been really raw, if it rained it would have snowed!....Lol
Hope you'll enjoy your week off and catch up on some rest, my plants are at a standstill, like me they need the sun for energy. Another week or two and we should be on our way......:o))
4 Mar, 2011
Sorry you have been poorly San, I have just got rid of a rotten cold and cough, its that time of year. Your garden is looking very pretty, I love these first flowers it gives us all hope. Have a good gardening week and enjoy, oohh you might also find time for a trip to the GC. too!!
4 Mar, 2011
Good to hear from you San. Have a great week in the garden. What plants did you lose in your pots over the winter?I think my Euonymus Japonica may be dead. I put it in the greenhouse to give it a chance to recover, but no sign of life. I thin one of my hollies has also bitten the dust.....not my lovely big standard one thank goodness, but a less hardy kind. I fear both my Ceanothus are dead also and the Photinias and Pittosporums have lost all their leaves too.
4 Mar, 2011
Sorry to hear you had the flu, but, pleased to hear you are up and running again!! lovely to see some sunny pics, getting warmer every day, but colder at nights, cant win can you?
5 Mar, 2011
Nice photos Sandra. I hope you get some hardy plants for your tubs. I'm going to do the same. Can't cope with too many fiddly things now.
5 Mar, 2011
Am garden away Sandra! And my backs getting used to it now!!
5 Mar, 2011
thankyou sea.. it felt so good to finish work today knowing i have all next week to myself :o)
lol janey thats just how iv felt, no energy, i need sun rays to give me a kick start haha, its been very cold here again but cant be for to much longer now :o)
Grandmage i couldnt believe i started sneezing again at work today, 4 weeks and on and off like a tap lol, but at least i do feel more myself and seeing the flowers does give us a buzz and will be going to GC :o))
hi karen sorry you have lost some plants to, its so sad isnt it, iv lost my palms, bannana`a, bottle brush, and not quite sure on my pampas grass yet, looks dead but someone said it may shoot fresh shoots, will see, but all the ones iv lost were all new last year, havent even enjoyed them yet, so i need new plants which i think will be more hardy :o)
thanx Dotty it is cold and we keep putting the heat on again, been doing some cleaning as i dont want to waste time while im off stuck indoors if i can help it ;o))
thanx Hywel, like you i want plants that are easy and i dont have to worry about them being out in winter, my white dicentra you gave me has apeared im made up :o))
lol lulu glad you backs ok now, keep going :o)
5 Mar, 2011
Sandra, your garden flowers are looking good.
I hope you have some nice weather next week to get on with outdoor work :o)
5 Mar, 2011
I'm pleased it's survived :)
5 Mar, 2011
I've been in my garden quite abit this last week, and really enjoyed it, my grass is still quite wet.
5 Mar, 2011
Hope your week off work will find you competely recovered, Sanbaz, and that the weather will improve for you too. You've some lovely bright spots of colour in your garden and I sympathise with the boggy grass! How is your rowan tree doing?
5 Mar, 2011
Hope you are better for next week. A week in the garden will do you the world of good. You seem to have a lot of colour in the garden, already. Our garden is looking a bit drab at the moment. But, most of the plants are showing a bit of movement. We cheered ourselves up today, by buying a few perennials at our favourite Garden Centre. Now got to get them in.
5 Mar, 2011
thankyou Terra, carol,Gee and Tog for you comments, i moved the dicentra today and its got pride of place near the pond now ;o)) glad you got in the garden carol, but like Gee and yourself my grass still pretty wet but i have been out today and started a few things, planted my pussy willow into a large pot and its sitting near the pond which will help shelter the sun a bit when we have hot days lol, if we do
Tog i really dont have alot of colour even though it does seem that way, just a few things here and there, i found some of my bulbs had gone to mush when i checked the pots today, they hadnt started to sprout so i carefully moved the composs and yak, so thats 3 pots of bulbs gone grr, glad you got some new plants and enjoy planting them :o))
anyway quite alot done today with the lovely sunshine but bin full now so will wait till tuesday when they empty it, happy gardeing peeps :o))
6 Mar, 2011
I agree with hollyeves time in the garden lifts your spirits
and makes you feel so much better, even half an hour works for me. My daffs are not through yet though the buds are there the tulips are in leaf too so I am looking forward to some blossoms soon. Hope you feel better real soon x
8 Mar, 2011
thanx Daisyco im alot better now and was going to go in the garden again tomoz but not a good forcast here :o( oh well im sure i will find something to keep me busy, my tulips just peeking through, very slow
8 Mar, 2011
Glad your fishies are perking. I remember the first winter I overwintered by finny babies outside...I was really concerned for them...and there they were! alive and well and looking for food! Then came the nightmare of the following spring when I lost 60 of 63 fish to a late season freeze! What a climate. Thankfully you are blessed...love the primroses. I think I have a spot in the new garden where I could have a lovely little primrose bed. Thanks for the inspiration, Sandra, and more happy gardening to come!!!
9 Mar, 2011
hi Lori and thanx for you comment, yes the fishies doing well even though we just had some more frost but i left the pump on as it wasnt quite as cold as the winter freeze,
i cant imagine what it must have been like to lose so many , so sad.
bet your looking forward to having a new pond and putting your fish into it again, but a while off yet looking at the snow you still have.
primroses do add a plash of sunshine dont they :o))
9 Mar, 2011
Gorgeous photos San! So many of us have lost plants over these last two Winters, and it is getting dearer and dearer to replace them. Has anyone else noticed how plants have suddenly shot up in price? I saw a small Clematis Montana in a GC the other week, and it was £15!
I hope that the gardening continues to go well, and look after yourself my friend....\0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
thanx flori yes seems alot of us have lost a few this winter and i dont think winters will get any better from now on, your right about prices to o cant believe how much some charge, no wonder people get smaller plants from supermarkets now, some of my clems dont seem to be doing well, not sure why, maybe in the wrong place, im no expert so its trial and error for me, may move some ;o) xx
18 Mar, 2011
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Hope your feeling better sandra... and hope you are able to get out in your garden... id like to cut my lawn soon, but still a bit to boggy.....it will do you a power of good to have a potter about... it always makes me feel better....
4 Mar, 2011