A Proper summer sunday
By sanbaz
Hi Guys.
today the sun is shining and baz is actually having a day off work, he`s been working day and also nights helping a friend renovate his house ready for when he gets married next month, been a long job but now light at the end of the tunnel.
So today we got to share a wonderfull day in our garden, catching up with jobs.
First i went to GC to get my new bench which i spotted last week, so called them this morning to make sure they were still available and they were woohoo.
The old bench was to be thrown out but now its come to it i cant do it poor old bench, so its going behind the garage near my decking and i will give it a scrub up and a coat of paint, get another few years out of it.
Baz came with me which was very strange, said to help put the bench in the car but i know better, it was to make sure i had told him the correct price and not come home with more plants haha
Next we took out the last fence panel which had my clem growing up it and couldnt be removed till it had finished flowering, cut down my clem and hope it recovers.
Baz cut up the old panel and bagged it up and took to the tip, another job well done.
I cut the grass then baz edged it for me, then repotted a few plants and moved a couple near my new bench"Renaissance" to be correct lol
Then we sat back and admired our nice tidy garden, by the way i also found a poor dead robin, young one and a poor field mouse, knew i shouldnt have let casper out early this morning, nature can be cruel.
So a few pics of the garden now its tidy and its had a couple of days of sunshine, it looks much better.
Hope you all had a nice day to, could summer be here at last :o)) x
24 Jul, 2011
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Nice and tidy indeed. I haven't cut my grass as yet. I feel tired and need some rest due the painting of the house. I have to do it sometimes this week as the garden regardless of everything else can only look attractive when the grass is cut regularly.
24 Jul, 2011
Your garden is looking beautiful Sandra, well done to you both :))
24 Jul, 2011
love ur new bench , pretty .............. bin in garden allday to day !! shattered after going to tatton yesterday !!!............... back still hurting after falling down stairs , show was very gud and the wether was lovely .;0))
24 Jul, 2011
cheers cinders ;o))
coshad your so right about the grass, it finishes everything off :o)
thankyou so much michaella, i love it when baz joins in, nice doing something together, but think it maybe another year till he helps again lol ;o))
cheers cristina, i love my bench, need pretty cushions now lol
sorry about you back and glad you enjoyed the show :o)
24 Jul, 2011
Looking good Sandra, I've also been doing the same tiding all the borders and picking lots of goodies, toms, runner beans, rhubarb. I also dug up my garlic yesterday all ready to dry off and string up. Love your new bench .....
24 Jul, 2011
Been a great day yes :))) Your garden is superb and very tidy - lovely work done there. :))))))))))))
24 Jul, 2011
Love the new bench San, looks very nice there on the patio, about your old one, it looks just like ours and one night we put it out for someone to collect the iron framework and within half an hour it was gone!!! Your garden is looking very picturesque. :~)
24 Jul, 2011
Love your new seat, so does Casper by the look of it. Your garden looks really well, i went to a friends allotment open day this morning, then this afternoon finished the little bits of round my pond, mind you although its been nice and sunny last couple of days i think theres been a cold breeze aswell.
24 Jul, 2011
Firstly its so good to read this, I swear I can hear the uplift in your voice San, your garden looks a treat and the bench is smashing, I can see it has Caspars approval already, its been lovely here today so I did manage an hour in my garden as well, I have to mow the lawn still so here`s hoping for sun tomorrow....
24 Jul, 2011
Lovely photos Sandra, and Jasper's enjoying your new bench lol. I think it's lovely too :o)
What summer ??? Send some down here please lol
24 Jul, 2011
Lincslass is right, you sound so much better! Your garden's looking very pretty and really tidy! I'm sure you're pleased with it. The wee bench is really sweet and suits your garden beautifully! It's great to hear the enthusiasm in your voice again! Take care!
24 Jul, 2011
It is all looking lovely San! trust a puss-cat to find the best seat. We haven't had much in the way of a summer here in Devon too!, so I would like some sun please :-)
24 Jul, 2011
Well, what a happy blog from you San! So good to know you both had a good day in the garden, though I did smile about Baz coming to the GC with you, just in case you bought a plant or two! You have some lovely colour in your garden now and I think your new bench is beautiful, as does Casper too. Shame about the Robin and the mouse, it may not have been Casper, but knowing his hunting skills, I expct it was. Naughty boy ... : o((
24 Jul, 2011
Pretty bench Sandra your garden is lovely is that the old one i see in the background? It's like mine if it is
24 Jul, 2011
Your pretty bench makes a great addition to your patio area and looks right at home :) Good spec for Casper as others have mentioned...lol
I agree with you that having OH's help in the garden makes for a nice day...good luck with restoring your old bench too...a project for another day.
24 Jul, 2011
I do like the new bench Sandra but I can understand why you don`t want to part with the old one either. I`m looking for a new one and if Jim had his way the old one could go straight to the tip...BUT...I will make sure it doesn`t happen...lol! Your Clematis should be fine because I had to cut down `Ernest Markham` as it wasn`t looking too good. It started to grow back almost immediately and after only 4 weeks it looks better than it did before. :o)
24 Jul, 2011
Job well done San...looks great and I like your bench. I'm waiting for mine to come in the post! I also had a lovely day...finished edging the grass and mowed, then went in the hot tub. Then this afternoon about 4pm the children came with Grandma to help us 'christen' the new BBQ. What a lovely day it was out there in the garden...and my MIL said it is the loveliest garden she's ever seen....so that was really nice. :)) Summer today.....oh, please let it stay a while!
24 Jul, 2011
cheers les, glad someone has toms to eat, i have two which are green and lots of flowers, strawberries not doing well either, so hoping the sun stays :o)
cheers paul ;o))
thanx grandmage i may do that if i cant scrub it up lol :o)
thanx carol and there was a cool breeze at times especially out of the sun, bet your ponds looking great to ;o))
thanx sue i do feel alot better, cough hanging on but not as bad, hope you get the grass cut ;o)
lol hywel have you been drinking haha jasper, you mean casper, will package you some sunshine up :o)) x
cheers libet glad you like my bench to ;o))
thanx teds hope the sun reaches you soon ;o))
thankyou shirley if it wasnt casper it may have been Gizzy the cat thats always in my garden,i may go sneak some new plants tomorrow lol :o))
thanx SK and yes thats the old bench, its like throwing an old friend out so keeping it for now :o)
cheers jacquie i could do with your sumer house to go with it now lol :o)
sandra look forward to seeing your new bench and hang onto the old one to lol :o)
thankyou karen hope your bench arrives soon, cant wait to see it, hot tub must be great after gardening, so relaxing lucky you, glad you enjoyed your day and BBQ, nice to have lovely compliment fron MIL to :o))
thanx to you all again, nothing like GOYer friends to get you through tough times xxx
24 Jul, 2011
You do sound a lot more cheerful Sanbaz and your garden is looking lovely.Ilike your new bench it goes well with your patio set and I can see it got Casper's approval.Is your son home yet from uni I have had Christopher home for a few week,s now. ☼☼
25 Jul, 2011
Sorry - Casper lol. It must be the lack of sunshine ;o)) x
25 Jul, 2011
Glad I'm not the only one who has to sneak plants in Sandra, lol ....
25 Jul, 2011
hi mavis and thankyou, also joe has been home since the end of june i think it was, anyway he is home and has been busy working in the village GC again, hopes to get a couple of weeks rest before going back in sept even though he doesnt start till oct, wants to settle in his new diggs, lovely having him home though, hope your enjoying having christopher home to, im sure you are :o))
lol hywel thats what it is, nice again today here, has it cheered up for you yet :o)
all the time Les, got a nice daisy plant from morrisons today, baz hasnt noticed haha :o))
25 Jul, 2011
I'm glad you are happy with your garden,San..it looks great...love your new bench too..enjoy it :o)
25 Jul, 2011
It was a bit better today Sandra thanks, but I don't mind so much as long as it isn't cold :o)
25 Jul, 2011
Christopher start's back in September, he has got his flat sorted as well,Aberdeen Uni has let second year student's live in hall's at a reasonable rent ,so that is Christopher all settled with five of his friend's.It is great to have him home :-))
25 Jul, 2011
I wouldn't throw out the old bench either. When it is no longer fit to sit on, maybe you could use it to display pots.
26 Jul, 2011
love your new bench.... glad you had a good day in the garden... i spent 3 hours cutting lawns and tidying up... it was so nice i didnt want to come in... : O )
26 Jul, 2011
cheers sandra ;o))
glad its brightened up hywel, lovely here again but was in art studio so didnt get in the garden today, maybe tomorrow ;o))
mavis glad christopher is ok and has his second year accomadation sorted out, joe could have stayed in halls again but chose not to as alot of his new mates like to party and not very tidy so he said couldnt stand another year with living with them lol, but hopfully his friend from here will be living with him at the new lodgings, hope his friend has passed, enjoy being with christopher ;o))
thanx frybo thats exactly what i was thinking ;o))
holly glad you have been enjoying your garden to, im like you and once im outside i dont want to come indoors, even after dinner i go sit out there and if i see something i do it haha :o))
26 Jul, 2011
lol... me to... : O ))
26 Jul, 2011
26 Jul, 2011
Looking good san, love your new seat, go's brilliant there. your garden is looking better in the sun and by the sound of it so are you. We had lovely weather on Sunday too, decided to have a fun day in the garden, Worn out afterwards, phew lol.
Remember my old bench when we renovated the front garden? I sanded it and varnished it dark brown and painted the metal frame in silver. it looked brand new, give it a try with yours, you will be suprised :) Weathers changed up here again, its freezing :( gonna decorate the sitting room, just planning it now.. cant see it changing in the next few days...English weather eh..
26 Jul, 2011
hi Dee thankyou for your nice comments, i will try and revamp the old bench when i get chance, still havent done my decking this year, on the list thats growing lol
still nice weather here thankfully and says good tomoz to, hope you get the sun back soon, not the best summer iv seen thats for sure but im getting on with it like you do, still have this cough but not as bad , taking forever, moan moan haha ;o))
26 Jul, 2011
You're doing a lovely job there, Sandra. I had to laugh when you said Baz went with you to GC probably to check price of bench and so that you didn't buy too may plants.My OH always tries to carry all the plants round GC rather than get basket or, worse still, trolley, in order to try to control the number of plants I buy(with his money). I don't know why he bothers tho', as I always get my way in the end!
26 Jul, 2011
Lovely bench, Sanbaz, I really like that. Your whole garden is looking good too. I have tried to spot your rowan tree but couldn't see it! My little one has berries for the first time, I just hope the birds don't eat them too quickly :)
26 Jul, 2011
All photo,s vey nice but the last snap for me is the most soothing. Thankyou
26 Jul, 2011
lol tuesdaybear, seems most OH`s are the same ;o)
Gee its on the 6th pic down but not very clear, also the leaves arent very big this year but has berries, i found lots of catapillars on it a few weeks ago and think they were making a meal of the new buds grrr, hairy black things, i moved them proptly lol, glad you have berries to ;o))
thankyou 23..... glad you like the last pic and find it soothing, its my favourite part of the garden with my pond being there :o))
27 Jul, 2011
Fabulous pics Sanbaz..feel -good days .
27 Jul, 2011
cheers judy :o)
27 Jul, 2011
Thanks, Sanbaz, can just make it out now! Glad you got rid of the marauding caterpillars :)
27 Jul, 2011
27 Jul, 2011
Well, I think your new bench needs two hard working gardeners to sit in the sun and enjoy a nice glass of wine.
Cheers!! :o>
27 Jul, 2011
Looks beautiful Sand, as always.
Suprising what a bit of sunshine can do. :o)
27 Jul, 2011
cheers linda, a glass or two sounds great, maybe at weekend when baz gets a day off lol, ben showers today, nothing much but dull, hopefull back to sun tomorrow :o))
thankyou linda no2 lol your right it makes the garden feel good as me to :o))
28 Jul, 2011
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Very nice. Like the bench too.
24 Jul, 2011