golden trowel day(thanx TT for reminding me)
By sanbaz
today is my first anniverary as a member of GOY and i would like to say how i enjoyed every minute of being on here, ups and downs, lol
all my friends on here have supported me through rough times , illness and garden trouble, especially a big thankyou for keeping my sprits up with my latest mess being my pond :o)) im ok now and ready for action as soon as its dried out,
i have made some special friends while being on here and even though we dont meet i feel i know you all so well hahaha,
i made a new friend with clarice(carol) and look forward to seeing her soon once weather is better, garden shopping i hope lol,
once again thankyou all for being you! special people
love sandra xx
1 Apr, 2010
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Next post: pond liner no 2
lol Terra yes what a day to join haha, thanx again Terra :o)) x
1 Apr, 2010
happy first anniversary sandra...... may you hav emany more happy g o y years to come..... gla dyou are getting on ok with your pond..... looking back i think when i dug my first one i had the same sort of trouble and had to re do the liner.....that was 5 years ago..... made new one last year.... which is better.......... X
1 Apr, 2010
:o) xxx
1 Apr, 2010
Great knowing U San & heres to many more GOY yrs :)X
1 Apr, 2010
cheers holly, just looked at pond and its full of water again even though we havent had rain today, hows that? it could take weeks to drain :o( x
thankyou jacque great knowing you to my friend :o) x
1 Apr, 2010
what a lovely thank you San, your right what you say about having friends you never met, this is a brilliant site, good luck with your garden this year you have done so well so far. happy easter.
1 Apr, 2010
thankyou yorkshire and a happy easter to you to :o))
1 Apr, 2010
its the clay soil sandra.... no rain here but my garden seems to get wetter as the rain comes to the top.....dont know takes ages to drain away....
1 Apr, 2010
thanx holly guess its going to take some time to drain then, maybe get it done sometime in summer haahha
1 Apr, 2010
lol..... hopefully we will ge tsome dry weahter again soon..... as my garden is turning into a bog when i walk round it... : O ))
1 Apr, 2010
yes ours the same holly, the grass is a nightmare :o(
1 Apr, 2010
Happy anniversary Sandra the year as past really quick, can remember you saying hello to me when you first came on here, and its been brilliant knowing you and having a new friend, like you say everyone on goy are like extended friends even though we have never met any of them, but if it was'nt for GOY we would never have known each other and we live so close to each other aswell. I can see you having to empty pond out so you can do it again.
A very special happy easter to you and Baz
Carol xx.
1 Apr, 2010
thanx carol its been lovely getting to know you to my friend, pond is full and now where for us to drain it to :o( so not sure, may have to wait for nature to take its course, im gutted ,it all looks a mess at the moment, and if we get alot more rain it will keep filling up,
hope you have a happy easter to carol, take care xx
1 Apr, 2010
It always rains when we dont need it, pitty you dont have water butt you could bucket most of it in to one then last bit you could put one garden, anyway good luck with it, and fingers grossed it stops soon for you.
1 Apr, 2010
carol ive filled my green bin with pond water and got the rest out yesterday and pored down drain, it was empty, but its full again, holly said its the clay soil, the rain comes up from it, so no point trying to take it out again, have to let it go naturally now :o(
1 Apr, 2010
Thats all you can do is'nt it, if it stays dry for a while it will go down quick as in summer i'm always topping the pond the fish are in, the little one for wild life i just leave it to fill itself back up.
1 Apr, 2010
I year today wow! I have a long way to go lol, I already feel I 'know' you and i've only been here 18 days. Thanks for all your advise so far.
1 Apr, 2010
thanx carol :o) x
thanx great and your welcome :o)) x
1 Apr, 2010
congratulations on gaining your 'golden trowel' heres to many more ---cheers
(sorry you have to imagine the bubbly :o)))))
1 Apr, 2010
Hi San! Congratulations,happy GoY anniversary my friend! Have loved meeting you and chatting, and for all the chuckles we've shared, here's to many many more, you are a pleasure to know, and keep updated with, and you always make me smile! Have a fantastic Easter San, will be thinking of you...:~)))) XXX
1 Apr, 2010
lol pam and thankyou :o)) x
aww thanx flori its been a breeze meeting you to lol, have a great easter :o)) xx
1 Apr, 2010
Congratulations on receiving your golden trowel, Sanbaz (somehow I seem to have missed mine!). Try and stop worrying about your pond and enjoy a few days relaxing over Easter while it dries out a bit. Take care.
1 Apr, 2010
Happy belated Gee, you should get a trowel and a half lol!! :~)))
1 Apr, 2010
aww you missed yours, well happy belated golden trowel from me Gee, and a happy easter to :o)) x
1 Apr, 2010
Congrats Sanbaz,you sound a lot more cheery now,keep it up :o))Nice to have met you too,its been a Godsend on here,this miserable winter,and even though we have done a lot of moaning about the weather,at least we have had some
fun too. and learnt so much from all our new found friends.Hope you and Baz have a nice Easter.......Sandra xxx
1 Apr, 2010
cheers sandra yes we have all learned alot, pitty it wasnt about ponds hahaha
happy easter sandra xx
1 Apr, 2010
Happy 1st anniversary from me as well, Sandra, I'm sure you've picked up many hints and tips from the members of GoY, I know I have already! Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter. : o ) )
1 Apr, 2010
yes i have megan and enjoyed it all, happy easter to you and yours to :o))
1 Apr, 2010
Where will you hang your trowel San? LOL
Time flies, I joined nearly 2 years ago. It is a great site, I agree. Sometimes I don't get on for days, but at the moment am managing to visit quite regularly. It certainly cheers you on these dark, wet days. And inspires you to get on when you just don't feel like doing anything.
Have a Happy Easter both of you! x x
1 Apr, 2010
baz said " do you really get a trowel " lol, i will hang it outside for all to see , does cheer us up i agree and helps get through winter, such fun, happy easter potty :o)) xx
1 Apr, 2010
Congratulations on your first anniversary Sandra, yours was one of the first blogs I read when I joined late last year and I`ve kept coming back. Keep up the good work. Happy gardening. :o) xx
1 Apr, 2010
lovely blog san glad your feelin optimistic after the pond problem here`s to a succesful weekend : o )
1 Apr, 2010
aww thanx sandra, so kind :o)) xx
thanx viv, dont think we will be doing anything at weekend but rest lol
happy easter both of you :o) x
1 Apr, 2010
happy Golden Trowel day Sandra...
i have enjoyed your pics , blogs, and comments....heres to the next year....;-)
1 Apr, 2010
As everybody else has wished you a Happy Golden Trowel Day I suppose I'll have to do the same or you won't wish me mine on Easter Sunday! LOL!!! :-D
Seriously though, I've enjoyed reading your blogs & your comments on mine & others' as well. Glad to see you've cheered up somewhat after your pond disaster of the other day.
Wishing you both a happy & relaxing Easter - the pond can take care of itself for a few more days.
1 Apr, 2010
Happy aniversary Sandra :o) I feel as if I've known you for many years lol
And happy Easter aswell xx
2 Apr, 2010
cheers sandra how nice of you to say :o)) x
lol balcony will have to wish you well on sunday then or you may retract you comment lol ;o)) x
lol hywel that bad is it hahaha, know what you mean my friend :o)) x
2 Apr, 2010
Congratulations...sorry I missed the actual day...happy Easter. xx
2 Apr, 2010
I can't keepm up with it these days Sandra lol.
2 Apr, 2010
Congratulations, Sandra! It's great to belong such a friendly garden society as GoY, isn't it! Happy Easter from me too! xx
2 Apr, 2010
cheers phil ;o)) happy easter.
lol hywel ;o))happy easter
thankyou uma happy easter to you to :o))
2 Apr, 2010
Happy Easter Sandra, you do sound a lot more cheerful now, I know what you mean about being on here, its helped me get through some terrible times this last couple of years and yes I do feel as though I`ve gained a lot of friends, long may it continue for us....Congratulations on your Golden Trowel.........
2 Apr, 2010
thanx sue and a happy easter to you and yours to, its amazing how a chat to friends on here can soon lift your spirits isnt it , its really helped :o))
2 Apr, 2010
Dont you think its like putting your feelings down in writing,as sometimes it isn't always the same as expressing things face to face with someone,however close you are.,and there isn't always someone to talk to.On here you can do that immediately as it comes into your mind,and get support,positive comments,and
more often than not,make you smile,which really helps if things are a bit gloomy.
That is how I feel anyway,and I totally agree Sandra,it lifts your spirits.Long may it continue would hate to be without it...Oh dear..sound like a therapist...Lol.
2 Apr, 2010
Hi San...Happy Easter to you all from both of us.My doesnt the time fly.Agree....its good to chat to friends we all make on this site...good to share times of trouble and times of joy ! Glad we know you..xx
2 Apr, 2010
lol sandra and thanx for you comments, always make me smile :o) x
aww thanx jane and ray to,, i so enjoy our chats and fun times, glad i know you both to :o)) xx
2 Apr, 2010
Happy easter Sandra, bet that twelve months has flown, its been lovely sharing your blogs, the ups and the downs. Here`s to the next twelve months.
2 Apr, 2010
thanx stroller its gone so fast but enjoyed it all, even when things dont turn out quite as expected lol, happy easter :o))
2 Apr, 2010
Belated Happy Anniversary to you Sandra,...soon be summer when all your plans come together:-)
4 Apr, 2010
thanx bornagain i really hope we have a good summer this year, i cant wait for all my garden to be finished and then i can enjoy sitting out there :o))
4 Apr, 2010
Me too, Mine looks horrendous:-)
4 Apr, 2010
its like if the house is untidy i hate it and im the same in garden lol
4 Apr, 2010
Since joining myself, you have been a support and source of advice and comfort and for that, i am grateful.
It's great to be able to share in so many minds, gardens and lives and having people like yourself on here just makes it a better place to share experiencces.......good and bad!
Happy Anniversary:0)
4 Apr, 2010
aww Dan thankyou so much, will cry in a min lol, so kind, i love helping friends and enjoy being on here with you all ;o))
4 Apr, 2010
I've also enjoyed being on here as well & getting to know you & many other people. Let's congratulate each other for many more years to come as we exchange comments.
5 Apr, 2010
thanx balcony your right there, its great to chat and exchange comments, even get instant answers to any question :o))
5 Apr, 2010
i think i missed my anniversery i started just a bit before you but my poor old memory is ailing even more now ,anyway i am glad that you have had a good year and i hope you have have many more.
7 Apr, 2010
Ah Congratulations San - you're a legend in your first year - Mine must be coming up soon too - I won't count coz I went missin for ages :)
7 Apr, 2010
cheers lemondog congrates to your first year to then :o))
hi angie its soon isnt it may,, so not long behind me, lots go missing then return so thats not an issue :o)) x
7 Apr, 2010
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We love having you here on GoY, Sandra...
Looking forward to seeing your pond flourish during the summer...
and just like you to join GoY on April 1st..
... LOL LOL LOL.. xxx
1 Apr, 2010