pond liner no 2
By sanbaz
hi guys here i am again, today the sun was shining so i got to work digging around the pond so i could get a better overlap with new liner,first i had to remove all water which took some time, infact it took 2 wheelie bins full, then did all the digging and took a bit more out of the bottom of pond to allow for the first liner to go back in for extra protection.
baz was fixing his car so after dinner we had an hour of daylight left to put sand in then first liner, then new liner, after that we filled the pond and have now left it to settle in. its forcast rain tomorrow so hoping this should stop water getting into the hole again, i couldnt bare for it to all go wrong again, baz will murder me then lay me to rest in the pond if it floods under liner again lol,
ive not placed any rocks or stones around to let it settle first, its a very good liner which stretches so should be ok.thanx for all your advice and help you have all given me during this awfull experience of making a pond,
so here it is a much bigger liner, going to have to get alot more rocks and pebbles to cover this now, more money baz says :o( oh dear, lets hope its all worth it in the end
4 Apr, 2010
More blog posts by sanbaz
Previous post: golden trowel day(thanx TT for reminding me)
Next post: my pond is coming along
thanx Drc i do hope so, im so tired with it all now , just want to get my rocks, pebbles etc down and sort out the rest of my plants, you did say not to put anything round to secure till settled didnt you.
4 Apr, 2010
Oh Sandra, so much effort has gone into this, it's looking good with all the excess liner. Mind you, what do I know about ponds - nothing at all! I 'm sure you've done the right thing now. : o ) )
4 Apr, 2010
thankyou megan im like you know nothing just some i read, wish i had asked on here before i started :o))
4 Apr, 2010
We learn by our mistakes Sandra. I think by the summer you'll have the best pond there is :o)
4 Apr, 2010
Am keeping my fingers very firmly crossed that its ok this time.......xxxx
4 Apr, 2010
aww thankyou hywel ;o)) x
cheers alice ive got fingers and toes crossed here lol ;o) x
4 Apr, 2010
Looks much better now Sandra...you will be able to trim off surplus when the liner has settled. Good luck...you will get there in the end ! : o )
4 Apr, 2010
thanx ray i will be leaving most of the liner just shaping some where the cascade will be, ive dug a couple of steps out and a channel and will overlap that to, then all being well the water will flow down into pond lol :o))
4 Apr, 2010
Did Baz use the sand Sandra?
4 Apr, 2010
yes he did ray, once we leveled bottom he spread it up the sides and on the bottom and it stuck well to the clay, then put underlay, then old liner, then the new liner, the sand helped soak up excess water to.
4 Apr, 2010
Brilliant...you should be okay now then Sandra..well done both of you ! :o)
4 Apr, 2010
cheers ray, next blog should be finished pond yeee harrr lol ;o))
4 Apr, 2010
Will be looking forward to it Sandra...xx
4 Apr, 2010
me to ray ;o) x
4 Apr, 2010
lol San, you've certainly got enough liner this time! Looks good though :~)).
4 Apr, 2010
Great job Sandra. Will you be using stones and pebbles around the pond edge only and putting earth on the rest of the liner? :-)
4 Apr, 2010
lol skillen if this doesnt work im giving up ;o(
yes richard im going to get more rocks and pebbles then put rockery plants in to break it up all being well :o))
4 Apr, 2010
Sandra looks perfect! fingers crossed that all goes well this time!
4 Apr, 2010
You deserve to have the best pond ever, you have worked so hard. I am exhausted thinking about what you have been through but it will be worth it. I have never been interested in having a pond but I am so pleased you gave it another go and look forward to seeing the result. .
4 Apr, 2010
Everything crossed for you SB:0))
4 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much carole i hope your right ;o))
thanx scotsgran i think your right after all this lol,will post pic when planting, rocks and pebbles in place :o)
4 Apr, 2010
cheers Dan :o)
4 Apr, 2010
This look better Sanbaz, don't think you'll have a problem with this. It will be worth all the digging when the fish are in swimming around and the grasses are on the sides.....GREAT. It's very relaxing sitting watching the fish swim round and the wildlife that visits the pond. WELL DONE. x
5 Apr, 2010
Marching onwards Sandra, me thinks you`ve cracked it this time, looks good.
5 Apr, 2010
hi linda thanx and hope your right, its pouring down here today so see how it holds up, dont think im having fish just a wildlife pond with plants, dont think its deep enough for fish plus we have alot of herons here, but im just wanting water around me, so peacefull :o))
cheers stroller fingers and toes crossed here lol
5 Apr, 2010
Goodness, what a difference a day makes! You and Baz have worked so hard again and it's looking brilliant. I'm sure it will be perfect this time. Hope the rain leaves you soon (but I don't want it down here either as we're putting up a new shed today!).
5 Apr, 2010
It needs to be at least 3ft deep in the middle for fish to over winter Sanbaz (mine is 4ft) but newts and frogs will still find your pond, I have both and I never introduced either, they just arrived. Also without fish you dont have to keep a hole in it to let the gases out when it freezes - a real drag.
5 Apr, 2010
I agree very closely with Stroller. took several words out of my mouth !
5 Apr, 2010
thanx Gee rain stopped at last hope you get the shed up ;o))
cheers Drc, dont think im having fish to much trouble lol, im happy with frogs and newts ;o))
thanx Gb, ive checks and double checked this morning and touch wood seems to be holding out ok, popped a couple of rocks at corners to stop wind blowing it up ;o))
5 Apr, 2010
It sounds as if it's going to be fine San. It will be interesting to see how much wildlife your pond will attract, our pond doesn't seem to attract anything! Don't know whether that's anything to do with the cats, but others seem to have loads of wildlife despite having cats. I must admit i do feel a bit envious when I see all the frogs newts etc that folks seem to have around their ponds. I must be doing something wrong! lol.
5 Apr, 2010
skillen you can always buy some frog sporn to get going from a pond place or even get some out of a field pond if you see any :o) oops no dont get from pond just read they have warned folk not to move it as it can pass on deseases so thats out
5 Apr, 2010
Brilliant idea! As long as they don't all leave when they 'hatch' lol. It may be too late to get frogspawn now?
5 Apr, 2010
think a koi place may have it if anyone,,, not sure, apparently out of over 200 eggs only 5 frogs will end up as adults,,
5 Apr, 2010
Brilliant! That looks good. Good decision re the fish. They make a hell of a lot of muck! I regretted having them. Much happier with frogs..and the birds bathing in it. Newts need at least a 5-6' pond (breadth not depth) to move in, according to my nature loving friend, so you may not be fortunate enough to get them, but frogs just move in by themselves, and it doesn't take very long either, it's amazing how they find water. They must be able to smell it!
The pond is going to be lovely Sandra, with all the pebbles and the rockery planting. I look forward to seeing the finished pond blog! It looks really sound now, I'm sure it will be fine! Well done! Enjoy and relax!
5 Apr, 2010
thanx for info karen, mine about 4-5ft wide i think so might get newts if not frogs is fine, love em lol, more plants today from B&Q lol, but think i will need them now the border wider,, just repotted my geranium cuttings from end of last year into bigger pots, looking good and now in growhouse rather than bedroom hahah,
also potted my begonias, only two though but better than none,just got to nip buds off my bizzie lizzys so they grow a bit more, they are in growhouse to, so not doing to bad here for plants , hope your days good to karen, we have sun now but windy ;o))
5 Apr, 2010
Thanks for info on "garden" site. All is well!!!
5 Apr, 2010
Sorry to hear about the first pond! lets hope you have a bit more luck with this one hey !!!!
5 Apr, 2010
linda glad you got it sorted, hope my intruction was ok to make out :o))
thanx andy i keep checking and its fine at min, just popped a few rocks at corners today as windy here, if weather improves shall be sorting out rocks/pebbles at weekend. maybe even soon if not working, then get back to planting up ;o))
5 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sandra! It's an 'indoors' day here Im afraid! Started rainy and now cloudy and getting windier. I'm taking the opportunity to do a bit of plant research! Managed to get a bit of planting done yesterday though. If it rains in the spring but we get some sunshine later I'll be happy...the roses won't be turned to slop again! lol x
5 Apr, 2010
hope we do have a nice summer karen, its been such a long winter and your right the roses suffer :o(, off to cook now lol, everyone looking like skeletons hahah xx
5 Apr, 2010
Thats looking good Sandra........ should be ok now... youve got a nice big liner....lovely day here today but windy.........it seems a long time ago since i made my pond but it was only a year ago....... it looks like its been there for ages... its amazing how things settle in isnt it.....
5 Apr, 2010
hope your pond is ok today, it looks ok to me and thats how i've watched them do it on tv.
5 Apr, 2010
thanx holly yes seems better, after all the rain lastnight and this morning was a bit nervous and kept checking it, so now if sunny tomorrow as expected i will start placing rocks/pebbles, also need to check my cascade channel is deep enough,but at least this is done and i can take my time :o))
cheers carol its been fine today, got a few more plants today 5 plants for £5 at B&Q also a traly of rockery spreading plant, cant remember name lol, for £1.50, so a good day today :o))
5 Apr, 2010
It's good to read about your second attempt at the pond is getting off to a good start! You shouldn't have any problems now with the liner. looking forward to seeing more photos a little later on.
Good Luck!
5 Apr, 2010
cheers balcony :o))
5 Apr, 2010
Sandra, fingers crossed...You and Baz woked hard and you deserve a beautiful water garden area. xx
6 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much uma, so kind of you to say :o)) x
6 Apr, 2010
I have just heard about your pond(late again), I am making one in my new wildlife garden and i have dug it, got all the stones out and am trying to get it level any tips. i want it to look natural and plan to have grass on one bit and earth with a rodgersia on the other side, any tips sanbaz the wize wizard of ponds he he!
7 Apr, 2010
Hows it going Sanbaz? Have you made anymore progress? All good so far?
Fingers crossed.
7 Apr, 2010
I have frogs and toads in the garden already they have been there since i moved in in the summer one frog stays in the green house and i put him a mini pond (plastic container) so i think frogs and toads just happen!
7 Apr, 2010
When we first discovered frogs/toads in our garden (no pond) our 90 year old neighbour told us they migrate like the swallows. Obviously not as far but they do have summer and winter residences and instinctively know their way to and fro.
7 Apr, 2010
thats interesting scotsgran, i just thought they went undercover in their own area , thanx ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
I think you have cracked it this time San, hope so, it certainly looks as if you have ample liner to play around with, good luck, dont overdo it gal.......Rome etc......!!!
7 Apr, 2010
lol dotty ive done some more today as in new blog, ran out of rocks/pebbles so wait till weekend now, done some more planting to ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
I was not quite correct San. Toads hibernate on dry land under rocks or tree roots. They travel to their choice of pond, up to 1km away from their winter home, crossing roads etc. Frogs hibernate in the mud at the bottom of their pond.
7 Apr, 2010
thanx scotsgran, well you were almost right ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
Just caught up with your blog San, as only just catching up with everyone! Well done for perservering my friend, it's looking good! :~))
13 Apr, 2010
cheers flori, its hard playing catch up isnt it, if i miss a day it takes me hours to get through everyones pics and blogs :o)
13 Apr, 2010
Isn't that the truth San!! Am getting there SLOWLY......lol :~))
13 Apr, 2010
13 Apr, 2010
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Thats a much better photo angle this time Sanbaz can see it much better. This looks ok, I think it will be fine this time as you have plenty of surplus liner there.
4 Apr, 2010