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recycling 200 tyres!!!!


By sandra


i have been planning this tyre circle for two years.
i have grown all the succulents and other plants in pots while i cleared the area and aquired the tyres! the circle faces due south and benefits from all day sun. the tyre seem to keep the heat from the day and so help to prtect the plants at night. well thats the theory
i know you can see too much of the tyres at the moment but
hopefully give it a year (or two!) and the plants will have filled out so you won’t see much of the tyres.
along with these tyres we also have 3000 wine bottles (hic!) which are cemented together to create walls and raised beds.

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Hmmm... well, I admire your recycling and your optimism. I shall be very interested in seeing this again when the plants DO hide the tyres! Wherever did you get them all?

31 Aug, 2008


i know its a Hmmm. but a few years ago we built a lovely drystone wall with realy nice stone. now you can't see any of the stone as the plants have taken over! we got the tyres from the scrap yard they were only to happy to oblige!

31 Aug, 2008


great idea Sandra, i have seen folk use tyres from growing potatoes in and you are doing your bit for recycling which is good. look forward to seeing these again in a few mts

1 Sep, 2008


Keep us posted on progress, won't you, Sandra! I am sure that I will be able to remove my 'Hmm' from what you said about your other project!!!! :-)

1 Sep, 2008


thanks for the comments. i have done the potatoe thing (well i am in pembrokeshire!) most of my recycling is met with hmms! but most do work even if they take a bit longer than hoped. i'm ever the optomist!

1 Sep, 2008


Good for you Sandra , you don,t know untill you try do you , who knows we might all be doing it when we see your results lol

1 Sep, 2008


Good on you Sandra, doing your bit of recycle

1 Sep, 2008


A very innovative idea Sandra. The tyres could also look very exciting if they were painted in complimentary colours. Iv'e seen this done before and it makes an interesting feature and unusual focal point.Also mounds of sandy, grittty soil would look good banked up against the tyres rather like sand dunes

1 Sep, 2008


sounds like Grenville is tactfull trying to suggest too much tyre!!! i have to say i have concidered paint. i did a big black pipe thing with plants at a festival last year and it did look nice when the vote of "to paint or not to paint" was taken and i lost!! running out of soil and grit but that sounds good too. you've got me thinking now!

1 Sep, 2008


There was a small garden at Hampton Court three years ago where empty champagne bottles were buried upside down to form a path. The woman building the garden told us she didn't have enough bottles and the next day she and her husband failed to appear but the day after they came in with lots more empty bottles. I didn't like to ask if they had a big hangover as well!

1 Sep, 2008


Hello Sandra,
I have just joined this website and saw your huge tyre circle, how did you get on with it? I thought I was adventurous with 14 tyres in my garden :-) did you try growing anything other than succulents? I am going to try veg...any advice?

15 Apr, 2011

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