succulents in winter on the west Wales coast.
By sandra
Looking back through my pictures this evening I suddenly realised just how many of my tender succulents survived outside last year. Here on the west coast of Pembrokeshire we don’t usually get much frost and I am learning that careful placement of pots in winter definitely makes a difference.
Last year was quite mild here but we did go down to -5 now and then. I find its more protection from the wet that’s important here. Placing pots up against south facing walls, not only protects the plant from north winds…but it allows the plant to use the wall as a storage heater…if it’s a frosty night then usually it’s been a sunny day so the wall and the plant have soaked up the heat all day and are more likely to survive.
Little things like tipping them over on their sides seems to be good too…
they don’t always make it…and I never put a succulent outside unless I have a little baby inside as an insurance policy. It allows me to have bigger ones to enjoy.
these ones are all up off the floor so again their roots have less contact with the frost.
I have all my nursery stock back inside the poly tunnel already safe and sound and with the new grow shed finally finished, many big ones will be cwtched up by the end of the month but there is never enough room and I do enjoy them in the garden in winter.
hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather..:-)
4 Oct, 2015
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Thanks for all the tips Sandra. I hope I'm half as successful as you. I just hope now we have a mild winter.
4 Oct, 2015
thanks...fingers crossed its another mild one..
4 Oct, 2015
They look lovely Sandra, but we are expecting a really cold winter here in Scotland, it is also very wet, not good for succulents.
4 Oct, 2015
Hopefully it won't be too cold for you Linda
5 Oct, 2015
Some great tips,Sandra..I don't have any succulents,but most helpful to those who do..You have a wonderful selection :o)
5 Oct, 2015
I have some perennial types one has a variegated leaf and yellow blossoms the other has a silver green leaf and pink blossoms...usually in June, July and August. We've has cold spots but no blanket frost yet.. Can't believe it's October and it's still mild. The first four years in this garden we've had killing frost in the first week of Sept! There are a few new delphinium has flowered twice..and it's in the mid of a third flush of bloom...same with the hollyhocks, verbena and digitalis. the sedum is still going strong in Oct. I have two small agave and a clump of offshoots from a larger one that the deer pruned last winter, just getting going again... I hope they are all strong enough to get thro the winter because I absolutely love the blossom spikes they send up. My sweet peas are into another flush of bloom...but they've been very slow and sparse all summer long... Moved a rosebush to a new bed, as it was almost dead where it was, and I thought it was done... I've had two blossoms over the last two weeks... strange things are happening everywhere in the garden. I must look for the names of the sedum that I received from my cousin's garden... I'm appreciating that lovely plant more each year... more succulents!... My big euphorbia cactus has leaves and has grown another 8" since I put it out on the deck in June. Wish we had Winters like yours. great tips on the passive solar heat storage of a south facing wall..
5 Oct, 2015
Thanks for the great tips, I've only a few myself but am glad to know how best to keep them over winter.
5 Oct, 2015
glad your summer was good Lori...where do you keep your agave in winter? Its pouring with rain here today..but i don't mind..i have tp do house work now and
glad you found it useful Green finger.
6 Oct, 2015
Good idea, Sandra, to turn the pot on the side to stop them becoming waterlogged.
6 Oct, 2015
worked well last winter there will be more laid down this year.
6 Oct, 2015
I do like to have a peep around your garden Sandra, all your succulents do very well both inside and out, I only lost one last winter thanks to you and all the tips you have given over the years, its all your fault I have so many, you got me well and truly hooked, I really didn't mind though as it gives me something to care for during the winter and was ecstatic when some of them produced their pretty little flowers...
8 Oct, 2015
so glad you have found some helpful ideas on my ramblings and pics Lincs...thats what I love about having cyber gardening friends I learn soo much and I blame Noseypotter for a lot of it... hope the sunshine is helping your health..x
8 Oct, 2015
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I love them all Sandra great idea with where to positioning them love the Henry tub and fantastic red Idian pot .
4 Oct, 2015