3rd of May at Corseside
By sandra
The sun is shining and I am off to work in the nursery today but I thought I would check in you you guys first.
As you can imagine life in a nursery is very busy at this time of year, with seeds popping up all over and plenty of potting on to do. The weather has been deranged for the last few months with wind and rain aplenty, but very little frost here in Pembrokeshire. With lots of layers of clothing on me and OH have been working hard to get things ready for the summer.
The shed patio is finally finished…
We are over the moon with this area…Everything but the bench is recycled..4 different patio slabs given to us over the years…I am amazed Oh managed to get it looking so good. The succulents here have benefited from the protection of the net cover during the winter I will be putting more there next winter to enjoy the protection.
The green roofed shed we have been building over the last few years is also nearing completion. The green roof after a dodgy start is finally greening up. The aeoniums that have been up there for 2 years are flowering!
We are hoping the plants will start to trail over the edges this year. Seeing how happy the aeoniums are I have been putting more succulents up there just to see how they will fair.
The poly tunnel was bursting at the seams with succulents but now they are all outside again and the tunnel is planted up with tomatoes beans and lots of other veggies..it’s so windy here they don’t do well outside so it’s the only way we could grow things like this here.
We have given over a space in the tunnel to grow a tropical bed with Banana and Ensete after spending the winter researching what might enjoy the heat in there later in the summer. This will join the succulent bed I did 2 years ago which went WILD! so wild in fact I have had to dig out the lampranthus as it was smothering many of the more delicate ones. It was hard to dig them out as they look soo healthy so I have planted them in pots..not sure if they will survive but I had to give them a chance.
Right I better get to work.. hope the spring s springing with you guys too…thanks for reading…:-)
Oh nearly forgot an up date on my favourite flower Myla…4 months old and nearly as big as granny’s aeonium already…
Sandra xx
3 May, 2016
More blog posts by sandra
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Next post: sooo many Epiphyllum flowers!
Lovely blog. I really like your green roof, keep posting pics please. Gorgeous succulents. Love your Myla flower, she's growing some good roots there....with her granny! Enjoy the sun and if you're anything like me don't get too annoyed with the bl wind.
3 May, 2016
Thank you Oliveoil I hope u had a bit of sunshine today.
Resi glad u enjoyed my blog the wind is still strong but sun is lovely here today..:-)
3 May, 2016
Your patio looks amazing Sandra and who would have thought the netting would provide enough protection for the succulents, you do have some very canny ideas and all recycled, the greenroof is filling out smashing isn't it..
Lovely photo of Myla and granny....
3 May, 2016
Thanks Lincs...we get given 'stuff' all the time especially when family or friends are moving house. You should see our 'stuff' corner, it's getting out of hand with things that will come in handy one day!!
3 May, 2016
Looking good - its been nice watching it develop.
Good to see you at the sale on Saturday - hope it went well for you.
3 May, 2016
Thank Sue it was nice to see you too..:-)
4 May, 2016
Sandra I have a huge shed full of stuff, weight training equipment belonging to my son as well as his Kayak in the garden, he has been left home over 13yrs, I keep threatening to sell it all,also boxes full of toys belonging to my grandson, he's 15 yrs old now and never going to use them and I dread to think whats stored in the attic, lol.....
4 May, 2016
Hi Sandra love your nursery you must be one busy lady, I especially like the mirror with the reflection of the lamp shade :) you grand daughter Myla is quite big for 4 months old wont be long before she's helping granny out.
4 May, 2016
Everything looks great Sandra and Myla is growing fast.
I always love to see your place.
4 May, 2016
Myla is gorgeous! Sandra, do you ever stop for breath? Everything looks fantastic. I'm sure now the weather has become a little more spring like everything will grow like mad, then you'll be even busier...if that's possible.
4 May, 2016
Thanks for all the lovely comments it is hard work but I do love it..
Scotsman I adore the reflections in mirrors in the garden always changing with the light.
Lins 3 of mine have left without most of their belongings too...:-)
4 May, 2016
The green roof is fantastic. You certainly have an interesting garden Sandra and you put so much work into it. It makes me feel tired, thinking about it all.
5 May, 2016
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thanks for the update and especially thanks for the beautiful baby girl update - Myla is so lovely and growing well as is everything in your garden and tunnels. Still cold here in Lincolnshire but some days are sunny and that does lift the spirits along with the temperature. lol. Thanks for a lovely blog. Don't work too hard lol :O)
3 May, 2016