February at Corseside
By sandra
With March approaching things are looking springlike here in Pembrokeshire.
The dafs are in full bloom in time for St Davids day and my new ex battery chickens have all got their full feathers and we are getting 4 or 5 eggs a day..:-)
Yesterday Lilly even managed to get a line of washing dry on the line!!!! as not only did the rain stop but the wind dropped too…
Our netted area known as the cage is undergoing a floor improvement. We are always being given bits and bobs from friends and family and have had several piles of patio slabs hanging around for years. There are 4 different types and sizes so it is challenging OH OCD…lol but he has a plan…
I am amazed with what he has done so far….Its amazing what can be done during a week off work!!!! He is hoping to finish it today. We have everyone home for his birthday and to watch the Welsh match tonight and we have bought him a bench to go on his new patio.
We are all loving hanging things in this space I especially love the buttons. My mother was a hoarder of them, I have inherited tins and tins of them.
The shadows cast on the walls amaze are a bonus too
And to top it all my clivia has finaly decided to grace me with a beautiful flower!!!
Hope you all are keeping well and getting ready for springtime..:-)
26 Feb, 2016
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Next post: 3rd of May at Corseside
My goodness someone has been busy. Love the new patio, it looks great! And baby washing on the line, what a lovely sight.
26 Feb, 2016
Thanks Stera the shadows were accidental like most of our planning....glad you enjoyed the hellebores and got some goodies too. I will send u my number.
Waddy I couldn't resist taking a pic of Mylas clothes in the sunshine..:-)
26 Feb, 2016
Cannot wait to get my washing on the line again......great to see all the baby clothes drying, brings back many happy memories....the paving has worked out well, I have a touch of OCD and I do have to get things straight, or they drive me mad!!
The hens are doing well, we used to have thousands of battery hens, I hated it, felt so sorry for them lol my Father thought I was crazy, was not sorry to leave that side of farming behind me....
26 Feb, 2016
It fab that farmers are learning and moving from some of the old ways Dd2. These girls are enjoying digging in the dirt...
I hate having the washing drying everywhere...got some dry today too..?
27 Feb, 2016
That's a great floor ! I love your cage and the buttons lol
Glad you've had some decent weather of late. It's a relief after all those gales.
By the way your flower is a Clivia :D It's beautiful ...
27 Feb, 2016
Wow what a huge floor Sandra and a man cage too....lol! Isn't it great just to be out and about again checking how things are coming along, and all Mylas sleep suits blowing in the wind, what a free, back to nature little girl she will be! Can't wait till I'm pegging out sleep suits over in Sydney.....:))
27 Feb, 2016
How long Janey now?
28 Feb, 2016
Thanks Hywel I have edited it....
She a little daring and I am enjoying them living here with us while they save for their own place Janey...excing times....?
28 Feb, 2016
Recent posts by sandra
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3 Jun, 2017
- Cement planters two years on
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- A bit of dressmaking!!
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- January 9th Corseside
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- December at Corseside Pembrokeshire
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If your OH has OCD you can send him over here when he's finished - what a fantastic job he's made of that floor!
Your inventiveness and recycling skills are just amazing - no wonder people give you stuff, its all astonishing! The shadows from those danglers are great - was it a surprise or hung in that spot on purpose?
How nice to see all that baby washing hung on the line - never a dull moment now...
I did get over to Llandysul, it was wonderful. So sorry you couldn't make it.There were at least 6 very big tunnels full of hellebores being used for breeding in the nursery, which you must have heard all about from your son - was sorry he wasn't there after all. I went to two of the talks, both very interesting, and came home with two hellebores, a hardy fuchsia and a Sarc. hookeriana humilis to replace a dying skimmia.
Will you pm me your phone no. so when we finally get round to coming over we can check you're in?
26 Feb, 2016