Alice in wonderland is taking over my life!
By sandra
As another of my young uns prepares to tie the knot this summer we have been busy bringing wonderland to our garden as Alice is the theme.
These have been such fun to make and I am becoming an expert at drilling holes in t cups!
We are also making a hookah smoking caterpillar…well I say we but it has been my OH bad future daughter in law who have been working on it together. Long way to go yet but I can see where they are going with it…
They have had a little help too!
The whole thing will be coated in cement and then painted…I blame Nosey potter for this!
These are the cups they are hanging on fishing line and move on the wind…
The wedding is not til the end of August so we have lots of time to get things done and plenty of willing helpers to make it all happen.
As for the garden…we have had stinking lilies!
And yes the smell was horrible!
Echiums just keep on growing taller.
The tunnel is filling up too with the first runner beans picked this week. But the tomatoes are still very much green!
So all in all things are very hectic around here….hope you are all enjoying the summer…thanks for reading xx
6 Jul, 2016
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A real wonderland.....fantastic!
What a great story it will be! Well done.
6 Jul, 2016
I seem to say it alot but WOW!!! can't wait to see the finished caterpillar. What a brilliant idea with the teacups. Sure by the time you are all finished it will be a wonderful wonderland.
6 Jul, 2016
absolutely stunning, what a very artistic family you have and lovely ideas there. Hope you have fantastic weather for the wedding and enjoy yourselves in Wonderland. :O)
6 Jul, 2016
Fabulous Sandra ... what a truly unique wedding it will be!
6 Jul, 2016
Its fantastic Sandra. I hope NP sees the caterpillar. Very interested to know how you came by all those golf clubs though! Bet they weren't washed up on the beach...
6 Jul, 2016
Thank u for all these lovely comments....
.Scotcat the holes were so much easier than I expected...six pound for some drill bits 70 holes drilled and I have only broken two.
Oliveoil we are trying to plan for a heat wave, monsoon, and gale force winds just in case!
Stera I have been at the boot sales buying them mostly for less that a man wanted eight pound each! I told him they are only for my caterpillar! His face was a picture..
6 Jul, 2016
Very creative and looks like everybody is having fun!
6 Jul, 2016
You are a very clever person, looks fantastic
6 Jul, 2016
Lol Sandra - Imagine what he thought you were going to do with them...
6 Jul, 2016
Wow! Fantastic work sandra!
6 Jul, 2016
this looks amazing. do post wedding pictures after the event and you have recovered :o))
6 Jul, 2016
I can't tell u how much your comments mean to me....I have to keep it all secret this end so it's nice to get a feel of what people think.
Bathgate if the wedding is half as much fun as the preparations we will have a ball.
Stera his face was a
SBG don't worry I will be posting more pics before and's fabulous to share it with u..:-)
6 Jul, 2016
You have such wonderful ideas Sandra!, its going to be a magical wedding look forward to more pictures , brilliant !!
6 Jul, 2016
You are a real tonic,Sandra,:o) I love reading and seeing what you have been planning next ! lol..What a great idea,and it's going to be one heck of a Wedding :o) xx
6 Jul, 2016
Simbad I will take lots more pics...
Sandra glad u enjoyed the blog..
7 Jul, 2016
Is the bride going as Alice? and the groom? Mad hatter or Cheshire cat maybe? They'll have to be good to fit in with your magic wonderland. A shame those Echiums will probl not be flowering anymore as they would be so appropriate for the shrinking Alice photos lol. Joking aside I love it, somebody is going to be lucky to have you as a future mother in law. Looking forward to the wedding photos in your garden, but as Seaburn says not untill you've recovered from the event. Good luck ?
10 Jul, 2016
Thank you....bride dressed as Alice! She might be Resinone but that would be as for the echiums you are right they will be over by then but I am toying with twisting the story and spray painting them red as I don't do roses...
10 Jul, 2016
I'ld love to see how that works out, red spray painted echiums, brilliant.
11 Jul, 2016
Wow Sandra I love it all and cannot wait to see the caterpillar when he's finished, I well remember your daughters wedding and I know this one will be just as special, I'm miles behind with Goy, came on today with a heavy heart but seeing this blog and all your planning has really cheered me up, love the teacups.
Thanks Sandra I know I'm in for a treat when you have posted....
11 Jul, 2016
Well I have to give it a go Resinone. I am not convinced by this mad plan...and won't be spraying any thing till the seeds have been harvested...
Lincs glad my blog helped a little with the loss of
12 Jul, 2016
Will the spraypaint sort of conserve the shape of the echiums you reckon?
12 Jul, 2016
I only pulled out last years in May so I am think they will still have most of the seed heads still on them at the end of August...I have no idea if it will work but I will give it a go!
12 Jul, 2016
Simply it...... cannot wait to see the pics Sandra.
17 Jul, 2016
It's all just brilliant...and my fave is the Echium pic! Wow!
23 Jul, 2016
Thanks Dd2 and's all been on stop this week as I have pulled muscles thinking I was 35 not 53!!!! But the troops are arriving later today to take things rest and more boring rest for me or I won't be any use to anyone...feeling sorry for myself...?
24 Jul, 2016
Ooops... you really must look after yourself! The day will come and all will be don't stress. :-)
24 Jul, 2016
Thanks Lori...I was trying to do too much...but everybody has been lovely and I know it will all be fine...I have been confined to the house for a week but I took a few tender time steps outside today. Tomorrow I plan to make it to the tunnel and relax in the chair there while oh picks the beans...
25 Jul, 2016
oh no... don't push it! confined for a whole week? how will you stand it?
25 Jul, 2016
Sitting down I expect lori ?. Sorry Sandra, I can almost feel your frustration from here, but it's so difficult to know when to stop untill you feel the pain, and by then it's usually to late. Thank goodness for your troops! Hope you will be mobile again soon.
25 Jul, 2016
Keep us posted Sandra. Hope you are trying the old frozen peas trick - really helps.
25 Jul, 2016
One week done Lori! Few more to go...?
Made me giggle Resinone.
Stera picnic box ice packs are the fashion. Although one decided to leak while I was sitting on it today!
Things are MUCH better today thanks..didn't quite get to the tunnel but did get as far as the patio and sat for a whole hour!
The troops are rallying and there will be a big push this weekend... And new green crocs have been purchased as I doubt high heels are a good idea. So there are some pluses...
25 Jul, 2016
I have some really effective physio exercises which prevent injuries from developing into full blown attacks, maybe an idea if you're not already there..
26 Jul, 2016
Would try anything Resinone....mornings are the worst!thankfully with all this rain the nursery is looking after itself..luckily we mostly wholesale. The few customers that come to the nursery have been so lovely and have thought it fine that I serve them from my
26 Jul, 2016
Doctor will refer you to physio sandra and take it from there. Exercises will be injury specific.
26 Jul, 2016
Sandra you can self refer to physio in our part of the world - forms available in the surgeries.
I prefer frozen peas because you can mould the bag to the shape of your body so you can lean back in your chair without edges digging into you.. Dread to think how often out little bag has been thawed and refrozen...
26 Jul, 2016
I have booked myself in to the doctor on Thursday Resione..they just said rest at the hospital last week just want some guidance...
Stera...I been using the ice blocks wrapped in a jumper. I have loads so the are keeping up with me just about.
Finally made it to the tunnel useing an old trolley like a Zimmer frame... But boy did those tomatoes taste nice..
26 Jul, 2016
How did it go at the docs today, Sandra? Hoping you have been taking it easy as rest is best initially for pulled muscles.
29 Jul, 2016
It's a trapped sciatic nerve..excersise as much as I can manage. It's getting there slowly. Ice packs and painkillers are helping. Thanks for asking gF. Getting bored with it now.....
31 Jul, 2016
I pulled a hamstring once and that was terrible because I couldn't sit! driving was agony. That's when I discovered yoga's restorative potential. believe it or not downward dog felt very good but it was hard to put my heel down on the took some work but eventually it healed. I kept a list of all things I was going to do when it went away! It was pretty long..but it worked. Keeping your head busy is half the fight.
31 Jul, 2016
Oh dear, not my idea of fun at all. .Go for it Sandra. Won't be long before the bulb catalogues start arriving.
Hope you are better in time to spray those echiums!
31 Jul, 2016
I was truly spoilt this weekend with all four kids and partners here to help along with my brother niece and a couple of friends......
the grass got cut all over the garden and up the lane. The catterpillar got given his final coat of cement, an old leather three piece suit was collected and place in the shed in the cocktail area...and lots of general typing up was done.
Stera there is an issue with the painting the echium the heck does one get 14 foot in the air?...there telling me NO!
The doctor told me to excersise as much as possible to try and loosen things up. Lori I will have to give the downward dog a go....I have now upgraded my trolley to an old pushchair and I'm able to slowly get all over the house and garden. With chairs carefully positioned I did the watering yesterday and helped cook dinner. Unfortunately I have had to pull out of a couple of markets but I don't want to push things too fast.
The wedding is on track and with three weeks to go I hope to be dancing by then
1 Aug, 2016
Ow sciatica is not nice sandra, I had it when I was 8 months pregnant, never forgot how bl awful I felt! but you seem to be on the up now, keep that pushchair rolling..leave that echium till you pull out your dancing shoes ? all the best.
1 Aug, 2016
I did wonder at the time how you were planning to reach the top of the echium, but knowing your ingenuity was just waiting to see how you did it...
1 Aug, 2016
LOL... echo of Stera's comment!
1 Aug, 2016
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Lovely blog as ever Sandra love the tea cups I have the tea cups but not yet got holes in them.
6 Jul, 2016