my garden tonight...
By sandra
just took some more photos of my garden. it changes so fast at this time of year.
first onto our patio.
my husband Julian built this mostly from wood reclaimed from the childrens climbing frame.
this is my tyre circle. i planted it up last year and its just starting to fill out.
the last few are of my veg. i havent grown any for years but its so nice…..
19 Jul, 2009
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Thanks Sandra for showing your garden, must admit gardens do seem to change at this time. Love your tyres.
19 Jul, 2009
Your garden looks great Sandra.Love all the re cycling !
19 Jul, 2009
Brill garden Sandra, but I can't see your veggie photos?
Trust me ay.
19 Jul, 2009
Great pics I like the plant that looks like a Yucca or Agave in the yellow box & your tyres, theres a better tread on those than on my car :-)_
19 Jul, 2009
Your not wrong there Davey, can I order a couple for my trailer Sandra?
19 Jul, 2009
GREAT garden Sandra, Thanks for the tour. You have some wonderful views from your property.
20 Jul, 2009
thanks folks...;-))
Ian my veggies seem to have a problem...hope you can see them now...
i have 800 tyres seemed like a good idea at the time...
Davey it is a yucca. i love them...they have great patterns on their leaves...
20 Jul, 2009
What a lovely rural setting you live in Sandra. Love the seating area but 800 tyres?? You must have a HUGE garden!
20 Jul, 2009
Lots of lovely photos, Sandra :o)
20 Jul, 2009
Yummie..........they look scrummie, :~))
20 Jul, 2009
thanks for all the lovely comments..Lily the garden is one and a half acres. i was given 800 tyres about ten years ago. it seemed like a good idea at the time.....we have found lots of uses for them. most of the big hedges are planted in tyres. it stops my husband and son strimming too close to them...
20 Jul, 2009
Hi Sandra, your archway and table are lovely ~ and how can you ever tear yourself away from such a brilliant view from your patio? ;-))
20 Jul, 2009
love the tyre idea very clever
20 Jul, 2009
It looks lovely and lush and green Sandra. I'm guessing you're not getting the strong drying winds. It's been windy here for weeks and I'm beginning to get demoralised by all the damage to my plants!
20 Jul, 2009
Silverbelle, i know what u mean . i hate going out my family say i'm a
Donnah, the plants in the tyres are filling out now. my mothers not too sure about it she thinks thinks i'm mad,,..,;-))
20 Jul, 2009
Paul,if its any consolation i have felt like that in the past.
now my whole garden is set up to do battle with the wind. the summer winds rarely cause any damage. its the winter winds that cause the damsge here. keep up the battle....
20 Jul, 2009
Love the round table Sandra...that's really nice.
Your tomatoes put mine to shame! :0)
20 Jul, 2009
Fluff these are my husband Julians tomatoes...they put mine to shame
20 Jul, 2009
Great garden, it makes mine seem claustraphobic. What do you feed those tomatoes on, I`m growing them for the first time and there`s nothing on the bottom and only a couple of trusses on the very top. I`ve planted them in large pots and then put the pots in the grow bag.
25 Jul, 2009
my husband Julian grows the tomatoes. he use an organic tomato feed every other time he waters. these are planted in a raised bed with garden soil enriched with rotted horse manure. he says water and feed often they should carry on growing for some time yet...good luck Stroller
25 Jul, 2009
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love the sunflower wall and green door~sunshine all year round!
19 Jul, 2009