baby barn owls in the shed....
By sandra
there is an owl box in the shed down our lane. today the bird man john came to see if we had any babies….
this is john the birdman….he looks after twenty owl boxes in the area. ours is one of the best. we have babies nearly every year. he comes around once a year to ring any babies so they can keep an eye on them…
two babies this year. about twenty days old…
after ringing them john put them back up in their box.
we watch the parents hunting the hedgerows around the valley.
12 Jul, 2009
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thanks Seaburngirl...we know we are lucky to see them...
12 Jul, 2009
Fantastic blog Sandra and great photo,s,it must be quite an experience watching their progress, does your birdman keep you updated on their whereabouts.......
12 Jul, 2009
thanks Lincslass
i'm afraid the only ones we hear about are the sick or dead ones...;-((
but it dosent happen very often.
12 Jul, 2009
This is lovely Sandra and clearly a great compliment to you to be able to provide a haven for them ..cant forget that image on Springwatch where big brother leant over and ate little brother so even though we try our best to protect them ..
12 Jul, 2009
its not us its John the birdman. he is an emplyee of the Texaco refinery. they allow him to care for the local birds in work time.(i dont think he gets much work done). he put the boxes up years ago about twenty in all for owls and probably hundres of other boxes. he goes around the schools to teach the kids all about the birds
12 Jul, 2009
~fantastic Sandra!
12 Jul, 2009
thanks Arlene we love watching them as they learn to fly and hunt
12 Jul, 2009
Wonderful Blog & Fab Photos Sandra :) Im so happy 2 see uv 2 more Babies this year :)
12 Jul, 2009
and me Jacue. these are much younger than the same time last year. i didnt even know they were there.....
12 Jul, 2009
Wow! u must of felt over the Moon seeing them then ? Ur so lucky getting to hold them they are the cutest :)
12 Jul, 2009
How lovely you are so lucky, thanks for the brilliant pictures.
12 Jul, 2009
What a privelege to see these babies, thanks for sharing it with us. Yhey may be babies but they have faces like little old men!
13 Jul, 2009
thanks DD and Lily
we are very lucky and yes they do look like little old men...
13 Jul, 2009
aw sandra, you are so lucky and so are the owls that obviously find your barn a safe place. fantastic photos
13 Jul, 2009
thanks Irish
the dogs know they are there but the box is so high that are very they are very safe....
13 Jul, 2009
Little old men having a bad hair day, lol. That's a great bit of PR for Texaco, what an old cynic I am.
13 Jul, 2009
Wow - what a privelidge Sandra! Not very beautiful fellows tho are they? lol I didn't know a barn owl home was called a bow... is that bow to rhyme with cow or bow to rhyme with flow?
13 Jul, 2009
Sid i've corrected my spelling i meant
they do look like little old
as for texaco..i have mixed feelings...i drive therefore i need fuel...and they were here before me, if i had been here when they started i would probably been a NIMBY...not in my back yard........
but they are good niegbours funding John and his bird group to look after out diverse aray of birds. the primary school my kids went to only has about twentyfive kids but thanks to texaco they all have their own computers...
13 Jul, 2009
Oh! Ha! How funny! x-D Good job I didn't go around saying to people, 'Do you know what I found out today.....' LOL
14 Jul, 2009
Wonderful stuff Sandra - thanks for sharing the pictures with us - John is a star!
14 Jul, 2009
all the locals call him the bird man...hes brilliant
14 Jul, 2009
I don't know what it is about baby owls but they have me in hysterics when I see them ! Brilliant pics Sandra
16 Jul, 2009
they definately make me smile....Rob.
16 Jul, 2009
Just found this, after seeing your pic. Am "wide-eyed" with amazement - Gr8 job! :-)
17 Jul, 2009
we were sooo lucky to catch John when he came to tag them...
17 Jul, 2009
what fantastic interesting - thanksforsharing them
24 Jul, 2009
my pleasure Berniebabe. they should start flying soon...;-))
24 Jul, 2009
Wow fantastic pictures you are lucky we only had blackbirds & sparrows nesting in our little garden.
26 Jul, 2009
Seeing these birds reminded me our elderley neighbour (who doesnt appreciate wild birds) a few weeks ago I was up some ladders fixing a loose aerial cable for him when I spotted a nest just behind an old satelite dish - I wanted to say fancy finding ....but managed to stop myself midway & instead pretended to have a coughing fit ..."what was that" he said - Oh just dust I replied :-)
26 Jul, 2009
thanks Davey
what he dont know wont hurt
we have a wrens nest in our shed we now have to leave the door open for them...
26 Jul, 2009
how did u build ur nest boxes?
13 May, 2011
hello Birdboy..i didnt...the guy in the blue overalls in my blog...John...has put tea chests up in a few barns locally...
13 May, 2011
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they are lovely birds arent they. you are very priveleged.
12 Jul, 2009