my garden this week
By sandra
its been a very windy rainy sunny week here in Pembrokeshire….to be honest the weather has been deranged….but today we had a good day. i have a large garden that is attatched to my nursery. we open the garden to raise funds for our local hospital most years. i love this time of year as i can get in there and tidy up chop things back and generaly regain control of things. i also love all the seedheads and fruit forming around the garden. heres some pics…
these are leycesteria or shrimp plant. its such a hard working plant frows faster than the weeds flowers for ages and then produces great seedhead for the birds. i also like to use in flower arranging. i love a plant that looks after itself. next are the hardy fuchsia and hydrangeas i have them in mixed hedges around the garden.
hedges are so important in our garden as we overlook the irish sea and have to deal with strong saltladen winds. we have a mix of formal evergreen box, griselinia, privet,and hebe aswell as hedges from fuchsia, hydreangeas and wiegela.
the pic above is of a ‘fedge’ of buddliah that got out of control. i know it looks like dead sticks now but it will soon regrow.
this year we have gone abit domestic in the garden with a small veg patch and chickens.
this is my mam Val picking the beans. we share the house with her. she keeps us all fed and keeps some sanity here….
we have six chickens and one cockral that we bought back in may. we answered an advert in the local paper and collected them from the local pub. they arrived there in the boot of a wedding car. we are still not sure if the bride and groom knew. lol
this is a before and after of my bay tree. i love a bit if topiary. i think im a bit of a contol freak….he he he
hope you enjoyed the tour
happy gardening
28 Aug, 2009
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Lovely pics Sandra. I know what you mean about deranged weather. We (Julie, myself and our eldest, Graeme ) have been in the North |East this week(Graem had 4 gigs up there) and the weather was wet,windy,cold and sunny at times. We drove through some huge showers coming home today!
Whats the name of the grass/palm type plant with the red centre, Sandra. (under the fern picture) I saw the exact same plant at Cragside gardens in Northumberland(when Julie and I visited yesterday) but I hadn't a clue what it was and, unusually, they didn't have any plants labelled!
28 Aug, 2009
Thankyou Sandra for taking me on a tour of your garden enjoyed it very much.
28 Aug, 2009
thanks Milky my mam hates havin her pic taken but as a GOY addict everything must be
Paul whens Graemes test?did you have a nice time away with the family? the red plant is fascicularia its a bromalide but it is hardy in my garden. survived last has tiny blue flowers in the centre.
glad you enjoyed Clarice.
28 Aug, 2009
lovely tour Sandra ~thank you!
28 Aug, 2009
Enjoyed that - thanks, Sandra!
Yes, I've made a start in clearing, too...I cut down one lot of sweet peas today. sad, but they were dead and a real eyesore. The other lot are also ready to go...
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sandra, I've just realised I took a picture of it.I'll check to make certain it's the same one!
Graeme's test is 12th September! Me and my car hope he passes, before he wears us both out!!!
28 Aug, 2009
Thank you for the tour Sandra, I love lobelia in any form, great blog and lovely Photo's. Your right with the deranged weather bit too, it's the tail-end of hurricane bill.
28 Aug, 2009
goood luck Graeme your dad needs hs car and his
28 Aug, 2009
Love the leycesteria ! I know it as Himalayan Honeysuckle & have a tiny cutting of it in my garden!
28 Aug, 2009
i've heard that name will soon be a big plant...;-))
28 Aug, 2009
Good, I love it, & got the cutting before I knew it fitted in with the theme!
28 Aug, 2009
it even looks good in winter as it resembles bamboo.
28 Aug, 2009
Yes, it does too! I've got seeds of "Heavenly Bamboo" too, but have still to sow them, will need to do that tomorrow, they germinate in autumn!
28 Aug, 2009
i havent met 'heavenly bamboo'....but i have been collecting seeds and sowing them...i found crinodendron seeds (lantern tree) and allium the other day. i like to sow them as soon as they are ready.
28 Aug, 2009
That was my thinking, but I'd got these online, so have to go by the destructions!
Other plants I tend to sow when the plant decides its time!
Lantern tree sounds good, havent seen that!
28 Aug, 2009
its an evergreen tree. the flowers are just like lanterns and last for ages.
28 Aug, 2009
Enjoyed the tour Sandra and lovely photo`s your Mum looks happy enough so I think you`ll be forgiven for taking that photo.........
28 Aug, 2009
I think I'd like the lantern tree! Do you have pics?
29 Aug, 2009
Great tour, thanks Sandra. You have a fabulous place - looks like a little bit of heaven! Love your ferns, your shrimp plant, your bromeliad, those planters and your topiary. Great photos.
29 Aug, 2009
Lovely Sandra. It's nice to see diferent parts of your garden and you have wonderful views aswell.
29 Aug, 2009
you have a lovely garden, and fantastic views :)
29 Aug, 2009
i'll take some pics if the lantern tree later Marie.
thanks Bernieh the tree ferns were bought for my mothers 70 th birthday two years ago. we are delighted with them. they even copped with snow on them in the winter.
morning Hywel, its actualy sunny and calm here this morning. i do believe we are going to have a nice day here in Wales...hope its nice with you toooo.:-))
29 Aug, 2009
oh Lincslass didn't see you there. i havent shown her the pic yet...but i think it is a nice one.;-))
thanks Grindle
29 Aug, 2009
Very nice garden, Sandra. Thank you for the picture of the Leycesteria, there is one in a neighbour's garden that I amtending and I had not got round to checking its name.
29 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog as always Sandra, thanks for the tour!!
29 Aug, 2009
Wow, what a lovely tour Sandra. Those hardy fuchsias, and at last saw your visicularia bicolour, it's such a lovely plant...Well done, it was very enjoyable :-)
29 Aug, 2009
Sandra..enjoyed it all very much..your poor mum...having to deal with the lot of you! least she is still smiling..! LOL...I saw a hearty fuschia that I just fell in love with at my son-in-law's mums home....she only called it a hearty fuschia....not sure of the had tiny white baby fuschia flowers on fairy like..I will be wanting that..have you seen it..?
3 Sep, 2009
hi Cat
i have one thats covered in tiny white/cream flowers. i'll take a pic for you. its huge i love it.
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds gorgeous Sandra!
Cat, maybe we should send Sandra's mum the tshirt I saw the other day! It says "I'm smiling because you have all finally driven me insane!"
NOT that I'm saying your mum's insane, Sandra!
3 Sep, 2009
love it Marie...i had an argument with one of my sisters a few years ago. she sent me a little wall hanging in the post which ended it. it said....i'm smiling coz your my sister....but i'm laughing my self silly coz theres nothing you can do about it......;-))
4 Sep, 2009
I got that from my brother!
4 Sep, 2009
LOL..I will have to save this idea for my brother would love it too..I need to use it on him..before he uses it on me!...LOL!
8 Sep, 2009
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Thankyou Sandra.....I sure did enjoy the tour. You have a lovely garden, and a lovely smiley Mum......I love to get out there too at this time of year to start "claiming back" Thanks for showing us round...........
28 Aug, 2009