Are we sure it's October??
By scottish
Clearing up the garden began this week. Going round the garden cutting back, tidying up and mulching this is what I have found – It is October, isn’t it?
Despite the leaves turning for Autumn – Alchemilla Mollis is still producing new flowers!
Another plant flowering for the third time. This plant has been the favourite with the beasties this year.
This Eryngium has taken it’s time….maybe the chill in the air is finally turning it blue!
Foxglove – again!!
25 Gladioli bulbs planted – one lonely little bud has finally popped out. I have never been lucky with Gladioli, I should give up really
This has done well, produced lots of buds but I am disappointed that they flowered so late
Hellebore – nice and early or is it late?
This little primula has been flowering for ages, strange that no others have
You can see Autumn in the leaves of the Acer behind this Hosta – yet to look at this you would think it was still mid summer.
The leaves are showing the start of Autumn but this hosta flowering again.
Hydrangea leaves showing a change in colour yet the blooms are still coming. The picture does not do justice to the shade of blue these blooms are
Oriental Poppies – Third set of flowers this year – it will really be pushing it’s luck if these buds manage to open
Penstemon Southgate – planted this earlier in the summer, it went downhill almost immediately yet this last 2 weeks it has really perked up!
This salvia is still looking great – not so many insects about to get the benefit though.
Stokes Aster…This had finished flowering and I moved it along the bed a wee bit and look what happened…it must like it’s new home :)
Weigela flowering still!
The first time this Astrantia has flowered – I divided a larger plant in spring. I believe these plants take a while too settle yet the other half flowered all summer.
13 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Autumn makeover part 2
Next post: Oscar's Blog
I have a wild primrose that decided to start blooming again from August, and my white Agapanthus has thrown out two new flowerheads. I decided my Hosta area needed some TLC so started digging and moving, and the re-planted Hostas seem to have started new lives in their new positions! I think it's just total confuision all round!
14 Oct, 2011
Wow Angie you still have many things still flowering. Lokking great too!
Yes the plants have a had a weird summer to deal with..One of ym roses which I moved down beside Clay has two buds on it..not sure if they will acually get to open or not tho! Even my Rockrose which hadnt produced any flowers this year, has a few buds on it! Crazy mental isnt it?
14 Oct, 2011
Some of mine are still happly flowering including my hydrangea, which still has flowers to come.
14 Oct, 2011
Isn't it lovely still having so much colour and so many plants flowering at this time of year. Great blog lovely pictures thanks Scottish, hope it continues to produce colour for you all through Autumn.
14 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog fantastic photos lots of stuff still flowering:)
14 Oct, 2011
Smashing blog and pics, its good to see you still have lots to admire, definitely a weird year, sunshine and a lovely blue sky here today....
14 Oct, 2011
As you say Scottish definately a wierd year,My pots of geraniums are still flowering their socks off it seems cruel to take them out, yet I want to use the tubs for the winter
14 Oct, 2011
Still got loads of interest in your garden, Scottish. I have 2 large poppy buds on one of my poppies. I am not sure whether to cut them off as they almost certainly won't flower.
14 Oct, 2011
Lovely to see all these gorgeous flowers and plants still going strong for you! :) Some of my hostas are dead and gone and some still fresh and green. I love stokesia flowers for ages doesn't it...gorgeous flowers too! I still have sweet peas going well in my garden, and as for the hellebores...I cut the spent flowers and seed heads off my h.niger yesterday!
14 Oct, 2011
Thank you guys. I have decided not to cut anything that still has flowers or signs of flowers. My hot border is still bright yellow and orange. My secateurs are twitching but I can't bring myself to snip anything off :)
Lil it is Autumn out the front but summer out in the back garden - weird!!
Nariz - I know what you mean - some things I have moved are coming back to life!
Pixi...crazy mental - it sure is! I haven't checked the weather for next week - but you never know you may get some flowers.
Alex, Oliveoil, Nana d and Lincslass - thank you for your lovely comments can you think about taking them out:)!! Don't you have other tubs you can use?
John, leave the buds - you never know!
Karensusan - thank you too for your comments - I love the Stokes Aster too!
14 Oct, 2011
It's wonderful to see all those plants flowering out of season. I always feel a sadness when something ends and I've got to wait till next year to see it again. I love your variegated Weigelia and white Centaurea - they're brilliant :o)
15 Oct, 2011
Thank you Hywell....your comments are most welcome :))
15 Oct, 2011
magical October all round it seems !! yep, magical !!
23 Oct, 2011
Still looks wonderful Scottish,lots of lovely plants there, I have an iris open today, off to get a picture :-)
31 Oct, 2011
luky u haveing all that going on !!
31 Oct, 2011
I am loving every minute of it, the garden is alive again, the grass is getting greener, I am back in the garden doing things, I feel alive again, we have had some rain recently, the soil is amazingly soft, lovely for weeding. :)))
31 Oct, 2011
Isn't it amazing folks! Lupins have shot up a couple of new blooms over the weekend - where is it going to stop.
It was 12 degrees on the car temp when I finished work at 3am this morning.
Isn't it just great to be weeding in lovely moist soil Michaella.
I'll have to do another blog...on flowering in November now!!!
1 Nov, 2011
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Looking really good Angie!
I finally got around to doing my cleanup yesterday, and garden is definitely looking like fall here!
14 Oct, 2011