Remember, garden in November
By scottish
I have been putting of getting stuck into clearing up the borders because so many plants were still flowering away. However, most things in the side garden have now gone over……
The only flower left in the side garden…Hosta ‘Halcyon’ just holding on!
So the side garden seemed like a good place to start. All weeded, dead foliage all cut away, mulched and ready for winter.
Where to go next….around the garden I walked with tools in hand, dilema, dilema dilema!
I know that I’m going to have to bite the bullet very soon and just get on with it….here are some of the reasons I don’t want to put the garden to sleep….
Achillea ‘Lachsschönheit’ and Achillea Terracotta still looking reasonably health
The Alstroemeria was a slow starter…..
Astrantia ‘Snow Star’ has been a little star this year!
Now they have started the Cardoon blooms are not disappointing….
Clematis Josephine and The Vagabond – not ready to bow out just yet!
The Crocosmia….
Digitalis mertonensis
Erodium ’Bishop’s Form’ I didn’t expect this to flower until next year……
Eryngium ‘Blue Hobbit’
The Euphorbia doesn’t know it isn’t spring yet!
Geranium ‘Elke’ another one of my slow starters….
Geum ‘Lady Stratheden’ doing as she has done all year…attracting insects into the garden!
Helenium and Persicaria…..
Hellerborus has been flowering for a few weeks now
Daylillies looking good for November!
White Hydrangea still looking nice and crisp…
Blue Hydrangea new blooms appearing daily…
The foliage on the Lupins are a little worse for wear now, but look what I found yesterday
Perennial Forget me Not obviously forgetting is November
Just about….oriental poppies!
Penstemon still looking great….
Phlox ‘Wenn Schonn Denn Schonn’
Still standing tall….Verbena bonariensis
3 Nov, 2011
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Lovely photos S, your reasons for not wanting to put your garden to sleep are pretty evident...:)
3 Nov, 2011
Wow - wonderful!
3 Nov, 2011
Some things just go on and on. It would be a pitty to cut them away. I'm glad you're enjoying them as long as they last
3 Nov, 2011
Incredible to see these still in bloom in November ... I love the white Hydrangea . . . . .
3 Nov, 2011
Having lupins and foxgloves now is remarkable. And so many other beauties, too. Your garden is surely not ready to go to sleep yet. Enjoy it for a while longer?
3 Nov, 2011
Plenty of colour still in your garden Scottish. Same thing happens to many other Scottish garden from what I can see here. It appears to me that many plants flower longer in Scotland that here in the south.
3 Nov, 2011
Gosh you do have a lot still in flower, I wouldn`t put any of them to bed Scottish, you enjoy them as long as possible.. Lovely photo`s...
3 Nov, 2011
I agree dont cut them!!!!! lovely pics heytttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp0o ooops Suki just walked over the lapyop lol
3 Nov, 2011
Wow! So many lovely flowers
3 Nov, 2011
Keep those secateurs away for the time being and enjoy for a few more days at least. Have just made a list for my next excursion to GC. from your pics.
3 Nov, 2011
Wow what an amazing show for November. Don't blame you for not wanting to 'put the garden to be' Enjoy the colour while it lasts, all too soon it'll just be a distant memory.
3 Nov, 2011
I should enjoy them while you can, we could get an almighty frost which would soon put an end to all that beautiful colour, so keep the secateurs away a while longer.
3 Nov, 2011
I think its to do with the proximity of the Gulf Stream to Western Scotland - its warmer up there.
4 Nov, 2011
Warmer in Scotland? LOL!
4 Nov, 2011
Wow Scottish. Dont blame you for not putting them to bed. Your vagabond clematis is fantastic - going onto my wish list and nice to see your foxglove mertonensis, (strawberry foxglove) because I'm growing some from seed. Hope mine looks half as good as yours!
4 Nov, 2011
I don't have as much colour in my garden Scottish. I do have a very green garden for November. It is so mild at the moment!!!!!!! I have added Achillea Lachsschonheit to my wish list for next year.
4 Nov, 2011
Leave them all alone till spring - much more fun for the birds and wildlife anyway, and some of the dead flowerheads will look fabulous rimed with frost... Just a suggestion, not an instruction, lol.
4 Nov, 2011
Really enjoyed your blog. Love your flowers!
4 Nov, 2011
What a wonderful show you still have, this has gone on to favourites so that I can look back come spring ready for plant purchases.
4 Nov, 2011
I can't believe you've so many left, amazing...I've just been clearing around mine that are still growing, trying to enjoy them to the last...
Nice blog...
4 Nov, 2011
Goodness me, so many nice comments.
Thank you all very much. I am looking forward to comparing this time next year.
It seems to be unanimous that I should leave well alone....that's exactly what I will do!
It will be fun to see just how long they do last....
My rather disappointing Gladioli now have around 6 huge flower heads - too much to ask I think :))
Thank you all again x
4 Nov, 2011
lovely photos scottish ;o))
4 Nov, 2011
Thanks Sanbaz :)
4 Nov, 2011
Seing how many blooms have survived in your garden, can I ask where the little Kittens are doing their mischeif at the mo lol...:)))
5 Nov, 2011
Beautiful stuff... and I am so surprised by those November foxgloves! :D
5 Nov, 2011
Lots of lovely photos
5 Nov, 2011
Wow! So much still going on there Scottish. I love the clematis of course....isn't it great when you get late flowers on them. My Josephine has not produced a single bloom this year. I have no clue what is wrong with her...but fear she may have hit builders' sand :( Oh well, there's always next year! Cracking photos!
5 Nov, 2011
Crissue...not too many beasties flying around for them to catch....on to bigger and better things - mice in the field!!
Much more fun to play with :)) Although Chip, still scared of his own shadow very rarely leaves the comfort zone of the garden. Which reminds me I have a cracking picture of him displaying his hunting skills.....not!! Must post it on.
Tralmander, plenty surprises in the garden. My gladioli flowers burst through today!
Thank you Clarice
KS....I have 2 Josephines the other was a disaster!! You live on a new estate don't you.....the issue with the shallow soil is quite common is it not? Did you enjoy your break?
5 Nov, 2011
Yes we do and yes I did! :)))) Thanks!
6 Nov, 2011
think we all having our flowers longer this year mine are still in flower never had them before as long your pictures are lovely i would enjoy them as long as you can as i will be :0)
7 Nov, 2011
Hi Sc this is wonderful to see yes enjoy and leave for a long as you can .
its such a joy and a pleasure to still see blooms.
8 Nov, 2011
Thank you Kimola and Scotkat :)
8 Nov, 2011
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Wow... you have lots of fabulous flowers in your garden. I really enjoyed looking at your photos :o)
3 Nov, 2011